
American threats against nuclear power defanged

 The USA thinks that breaking up the Soviet Union can be emulated against China, Russia and Iran. All those years of Trump talking about reducing North Korea to ashes never happened. Instead, it turned into a, should I put it, into a gay love affair of grotesque proportion. All those decades of sanctions against North Korea failed to collapse the Kim regime. It was more like a run-of-mill effort like with Russia today.

What was the deterrent? That nuclear button available to Kim Jong Un was the deterrent that kept North Korea still safe and intact. And there are also Russia and China adding to the equation that needs to be considered for the USA, should it try its luck with North Korea and take the risk. Iran is going to follow North Korea by going nuclear and stopping all the provocations by USA and Israel.

Of course, they always talk of how many nuclear missiles the USA have compared to North Korea. One or two nuclear missiles hitting USA cities will be enough to make a statement for North Korea to stand firm. And Russia and China are not going to stand idly by watching North Korea fall to the South and into USA hands, making a USA threat against Russia and China even more detrimental as in Ukraine.

China's support for North Korea during the Korean War was exactly because of the fear of North Korea losing the War and having the USA threat on its border. And that was the reason for China's involvement in Vietnam too. It would have been too convenient to site nuclear weapons unhindered on the Korean Peninsula or North Vietnam should it fall to the South, to threaten China, same as the USA and NATO doing that in Turkey against the former Soviet Union and in Ukraine today against Russia.



  1. https://youtu.be/nd0CItW-kEY?si=yY_U4JtTHa9VfF_o

    Richard Wolfe said that the Americunts and their cronies and lackeys had ran out of their .Miltary Arsenals then now China, Russia Iran and North Korea should simultaneously now bombed them into Kingdom Come.

    Best opportunity now!

  2. Knowing that Iran's religious constraints have, for decades, prevented Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, the USA and Israel have been bullying Iran and telling the world that Iran having the bomb is a threat to the rest of the world. The reality is that Iran's possession of nukes is going to stop further harassments by the USA and Israel. That will put a stop to another theatre for war for the warmongers to exploit.

    This was the same mantra that the USA and the West chanted about North Korea, telling the world that North Korea's nukes are a threat to world peace. Has North Korea used nukes on another country? Tell me, who in this world, other than the USA, has ever used nukes against another country? Who is the biggest threat using its nuclear arsenal to hold the world hostage?

    Suffice to say, North Korea is just using its nuclear capabilities as a deterrent against the perennial threat of the USA, nothing more. That deterrent has more or less silenced the pre-occupation of the USA in trying to de-nuclearize North Korea. It is a done deal, and the USA cannot do anything about it. North Korea will never de-nuclearize, as it had worked for decades and for three generations to reach its present status as a nuclear nation.

    In reality, had China not been in possession of nukes, the USA would have stepped over the heads of China long ago. Never mind about the numbers, because even a few nukes hitting the right strategic targets can do substantial damage as well.

    China must continue to build up its nuclear deterrent, which is the only way to keep the USA at bay. In decades to come, as China rises further, the USA will become more jealous and envious of China and will create more antagonistic excuses to take China down for good.
