
USA and EU leaders never think beyond their long noses, and always get caught in their own web that they spun.

 There is no way the USA and the West can stop Chinese EVs or other products from dominating the market outside of the USA and EU. What steps they are taking is just punishing their own people in a world that had embraced globalization to benefit from products that can be produced with comparative advantages, and economies of scale, thereby resulting in cheaper and better goods.

Such globalization moves have led to innovations to improve production techniques and cheaper products accruing to different countries. The USA and EU are killing their own industries and putting them forever uncompetitive. Please forget about subsidies, as the USA is the biggest culprit using subsidies to compete unfairly and stealing jobs from other countries like Germany, which is being de-industrialized by Biden using his 'inflation reductions act' and giving massive subsidies to, among others, the semi-conductor sector.

As I always say, the USA and EU are not the only market available to Chinese manufacturers for products such as EVs, solar panels, wind turbines, container terminal cranes, and other consumer products. There is a bigger market growing in the Global South that need all these products, and this is the market that China is more interested in going forward. When decoupling is complete, even in banking and the SWIFT system, we shall see the real damage that the USA has done to its own economy and that of the EU.

The USA and EU leaders never think beyond their long noses, and always get caught in their own web that they spun. 


1 comment:

  1. The White Barbarians and Savages where got looked even just after their long lying noses?

    Their sick mentalities is just having their status quos of their same decandance lifestyles on the salvery of the coloured peoples.

    Thinking that the World revolved around them.
