
Appeasing India is like sleeping with the devil. China, stop being stupid!

 We should be asking what India, as a member of BRICS, can offer to the USA and the G7. That appears to be the reality with India making efforts to prevent the expansion of BRICS and the SCO. Aa a member of the bloc, India should logically be working to make BRICS stronger which is the objective, not weaken it.

The problem partly stems from India being a member of the QUAD and had been regularly invited to attend G7 meetings. Why does the G7 need India to attend as guest? What does that indicate to us? India is seen as playing both sides and waiting to see which direction the wind blows.

The other part of the problem is that of India not being in a position to call the shots inside BRICS because of the presence of China overshadowing it. It is a question of not swallowing its pride and having to nurse its bruised ego that is making India behave like this.

This is the Indian mentality, wanting the cake and eating it without making efforts to contribute. Isn't that how the Indians managed to wriggle their way up the corporate ladder in companies in the West? When BRICS eventually grows and succeeds in its objective, I believe India will want to reap a part of the glory and honors. Think about it!

As a matter of interest, India is also among those participating in space research on the Tiangong Space Station and China has to be very vigilant. The Indians may just take over, and also slowly demand that signage and instructions be in English, LOL. 



  1. China has to learn its lessons over Chinese investments in India. Better be safe than be sorry. India is just like the USA, never to be trusted. It is like trusting a snake that could turn around and bite China.

  2. Well, if China is considered as stupid, what about the EU, literally committing economic suicide just to please the USA.

    No, the EU is not really stupid, just testicles caught among the seaweeds. And it is all because of Ursula von der Leyen, no testicles herself, and therefore not knowing anything about losing marbles, just lead those with testicles into entangling with the seaweeds. What a joke! But she is going to lead the EU for another term, to end the misery of EU leaders. She already accomplished that with Emmanuel Macron. Olaf Scholz will be next to go.

  3. EU is like the USA, only the dumbest will lead.
