
It doesn't bother me whether NTUC/SIA/DBS are sold

 It doesn't bother me whether NTUC/SIA/DBS are sold. We peasants have no say in all this stuff as well as we don't really benefit from it even now. I would be worry if our basic need (eg. water/power/medical/communication/food) are All controlled by foreign company.

Have we citizen benefited from SIA(except give some people ego a lift)? In bad time it uses tax money to save it. In good time it pay it shareholder huge awards. We should learn from DrukAir of Bhutan, as it citizen pay a lower fares compare to foreigner.

DBS is just a commercial bank that give very low interest same as OUB/OCBC. It takeover of POSBank did not benefit we peasants but their top management. DBS even sponsored India badminton players instead of singaporean.

For those who are unhappy, it better to show it at the coming election. It time to Make Singapore Great Again.


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