
Gaza Genocide - Israel and USA won hands down

 While the whole world, especially the Global South and particularly the Arab and Muslim states are lost in their own world of haplessness and thinking they were doing something for the Palestinians, the Americans and the Israelis are quietly celebrating the stupidity of the rest of the world and their success in genociding the Palestinians and driving whatever is left out of their homeland.

Yes, the Americans and the Israelis have won, have attained their main objective of finishing off the Palestinians in Gaza. Gaza was a prison without walls. Now it is a waste land, totally flattened and destroyed by bombings, with compliments from the Americans. No one is allowed to rebuild this destroyed piece of land ever, as long as the Americans and the Israelis are in charged, in control. The land would be left to waste, more uninhabitable than the American reservations, unable to sustain life anymore.

All the talks, quarrels, oppositions, protests, peace deals, were just distractions while the massacre and bombing continue unabated every second of the day. Nothing will change the fate of the Palestinians being wiped out from their homeland. The Israelis are preparing to take over the whole of Palestine as part of the Greater Israel. The ignorant and deluded leaders of the Global South would continue to engage with the Americans and Israelis in fictitious talks and negotiation that would lead to nothing. And they did not know what is happening under their noses!

The only thing real that is happening in Gaza is the daily decimation of the Palestinians. Period. The Israelis has told the world that the Palestinians are a threat to their survival as a nation and thus have no right to exist. This is the rule of law of the Israelis backed up by the Americans.


  1. Now the International Court of Justice had ruled that Israel must abandon and gave back all the LAND that they has stolen from the Palestinians will they do so?

    The UAssA and their Lackeys and Cronies White Barabians will they comply and help the Palestinians to their rightful lands?

    NOT in your wildest dreams or nightmares.

    They are the World's Scoundrels and Robbers who exclaimed themselves so proudly that "WE STOLE WE CHEAT and please add on all the damn adverse adjectives in your Vocabulary.

    If they do not follow the International Laws as always been expoused by them,then why should the Rest of the World follow their damn Rules Biased Orders?

    To HELL with them and lifted all their illegal Sanctions against so many innocent Countries.

    1. https://youtu.be/X2xc5M4r_Mo?si=IbyQzOutYhKp2I4g

      Senator Sanders protest against having Murderer Nethlaboo to be in the Americunts Senate for a speech.

      Apology should be International Criminal Courts aka ICC instead of ICJ.
      ( International Court of Justice)

  2. With that ruling by the ICJ, Netanyahu has to rush to Washington to seek help from Congress and advice while Hezbollah in the North keeps firing missiles into the Golan Heights, Israel. On the Southern side, the Houthis are doing the pounding of the Eilat, and Hamas is still alive and kicking in Gaza on the Western side. Israel has exhausted its 'Iron Dome' defense missiles and needs Washington's help urgently.

    In the other war in Ukraine, Zelensky is facing the same problem of shortage of ammunitions. How to plug two leaking arseholes now for the USA on top of all the domestic problems brewing?

    It is a bad time for Netanyahu to visit the USA, with Biden missing or decapacitated. He now has to deal with the second in line, the shrieking hyena, Kamala Harris, of all people. And at home in Israel, with missiles raining down from all sides, life is turning out to be intolerable for the Israeli people. They supported it and they now have to live with it.

    The myth of the invincibility of the Israeli 'Iron Dome' defense is unravelling. The 'Iron Dome' is becoming more like the 'Iron Doom'. As some people said, do not mess with Iran in the Middle East, while in East Asia the advice is never bet against China.
