
Wherefore come the evil United States and thereafter plunging the world with its endless brutal wars and turmoils - PART ONE

It is said God in Heaven has eyes and will always do the right thing. But people are not so sure of that now. How come in 1776 God turned a blind eye and allowed Satan to plant the demonic United States on earth in America to cause endless trouble, choas, turmoils, wars, deaths and destruction all over the world ever since its 248 years of existence. For thousands of years there were old civilizations like the Egyptian Civilization, The Persian Civilization, The Mesopotamia Civilization, The Greek Civilization, The Indian or Hindu Civilization, The Chinese Civilization, The Maya Civilization, The Incas Civilization, The Atzec Civilization and The Olmec Civilization. In the midst of these ancient civilizations the Europeans, except for Greece, were still roaming wild as savages always quarreling and fighting.

Then came the Middle Ages in the 13th and 14th Century when white men all over Europe were awakened and astounded by Marco Polo's stories of the great civilization of China where the Chinese lived in big cities in grandeur and splendor and of the many Chinese scientific and technological inventions and machines for both civil and military use. This was further reinforced by the Mongol invasion of Europe where the Europeans saw in first hand how the Mongols used the military machines and gadgets which were made by the Chinese in their attack on fortresses to defeat the enemies. This was to fire the imaginations of European societies and kick start the Renaissance of Europe. They began in earnest to learn Chinese science and inventions indirectly from the Mongols and the Arabs who had brought much Chinese technical gadgets and machines for trading.

Having gained the expertise of making gunpowder and firearms like guns and cannons, the Europeans began their wild dreams of colonialism and imperialism. What gave impetus to their aggressive urge for invasion and conquest of other people's lands was their new found religious and militant doctrine of 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery'. This doctrine emphasized that their Christian God Jesus empowered them to invade and conquer all non-Christian lands and to acquire all the resources therein and to kill all the natives who refused to be converted to Christianity.  

The beginning of this European Christian invasion of the world started with Spain and Portugal. It all began with Christopher Columbus in the year 1492 when he with the stolen map of the great Chinese navigator Admiral Zheng He whose ship anchored in a port somewhere in the Red Sea in the Middle East and with the stolen map he was hoping to sail to China and the East Indies which were well known for lucrative trade on silk, tea and porcelains and spice trade in pepper, cloves, nutmegs and saffrons. He had actually unknowingly sailed into the new hemisphere of the Americas.  To cut the story short he was soon followed by other European countries like Portugal, France, England, Holland, Belgium, Germany and some Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark. 

All these different European expeditions across the seas to the Americas were supported and funded by the states. These naval expeditions took on a frenzy with every European involved like Spain, Portugal, England, France and Holland trying to out compete each other to found new lands to exploit and to rob and colonise.  In truth the expeditions were geared to the brutal invasions and killings and genocide of all the natives all in the name of their Christian faith and all for the colonisation, exploiting, looting and robbing of the entire resources of these conquered territories. 

To bring the story forward to where our present world is concerned is Lucifer's thrusting into this world in 1776 its agent of death, turmoils and wars, the monstrous diabolical United States, the offspring of satanic Anglo-Saxon British Empire. Since its inception into this world in 1776 the evil United States in its 248 years of its existence has never stopped its brutal wars of aggression and invasion of other countries whereby it went on freely stealing their resources and killing and genociding of their native populations. The United States wants to destroy every other country in this world so that it can achieve its objective of being the only world hegemon. 

The problem and the question is why is the United States continuously to be warlike and aggressive non-stop throughout its 248 years of its existence which cause great pain and suffering and wanton destruction of lives and properties. 

Now, has the free world and the countries of the South ever look into who and what kind of people are running the government of the United States and what are its principles and governance? In general the leaders and people of other countries just feel powerless and watch in disbelieve all the evil deeds done by the United States because US has great power and might is always right for the US to do all the bad things because no one and no country is able to stop or check on the US. This is a fallacy because someday and somehow US must be and will be checked or stopped from continuing its evil deeds of wars of aggression and perhaps by none other than by Russia and China with the strong backing of BRICS and other countries of the South. 

Ever since the founding of USA, the politicians who have been running its government have always been a bunch of thieves and robbers, rogues, crooks and scoundrels, charlatans, riff-raffs of society who are street ruffians and hoodlums, the people of which are always very unprincipled and selfish and self-aggrandized and act only for their own self-interests. Undoubtedly in US there are always some good educated intellectuals wanting to enter politics to help run the country well. But the crooks, rogues and scoundrels always outmaneuvered them and perhaps the US political system is such that good politicians will never have a chance to form the government. 

 Southernglory1 Wednesday, 23rd July, 2024


  1. Trump calls immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbeans animals and said he will send them back to their homelands as soon as he is elected president. Isn't he smacking and smearing shit on his own face forgetting he and his likes are also first wild and savage immigrants from Europe who came to the New World and genocided almost all the Native Americans before claiming all their lands. Rightly he and all the European or Caucasian white illegal immigrants should be the first to be booted out and send back to England and Europe where they came from. Trump and almost all of his white creatures are shameless wanton pretenders and brutal killeers. God should destroy them and send them into oblivion so that the world may have peace and security.

    Rito Pele


  2. Welcome to the blog, Rito Pele, Venezuela.

    The white savages are ultra racists. And Trump is the leader of the racist whites.

  3. Half of the United States was robbed and taken from Mexico by force of arms from 1840s to 1870s and the rest stolen from the many native tribes. The shameless white invaders do not know what they are talking. The U.S. should return all the Mexican lands to Mexico like Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming, a combine territory of not less than one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand sauare miles.

    Menez Orlando



  4. The United States should also give back Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Guam to the natives as they had taken all these island territories by force through subterfuge from 1898 to 1905.

  5. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/east-asia/ukraine-top-diplomat-dmytro-kuleba-beijing-talks-end-war-russia-4498561

    Now they had no choice but to beg China to have s talk with Putin for Peace Talks.

    China 's Mediations and Wise Counsel sure can have a Peace Agreement.

    Putin also wanted to stop the War and with Xi wise impartial counsel sure ok.


  6. Wow Mr RB,

    Redbean now really well known and cook!

    Had a world wide audience and partipartants

    Congratulations !

  7. Welcome Mr.Menez Orlando from Mexico.

    O/B of Mr RB.

  8. The "Great Satan" is a derogatory epithet used in many Muslim-majority countries to refer to the United States, no wonder!

  9. Welcome to the blog, Menez Orlando, Mexico.

    Yes, Mexico lost the biggest piece of land to the illegal immigrants from Europe by war.

    Thanks Virgo.

  10. Hong Kong
    United States
    United Kingdom
    Absolute number of visitors to mysingaporenews for the week.

  11. Good your words are being spread further, Unker RB

    Biggest surprise is despite being SG based, your biggest audience is from HK

  12. Right you are Anon 11.10

    Sinkies in Sinkeland are alreday mostly Brains Dead with the daily propaganda as spouted by the Papies and their Western Medias and alreday boh chap.

    They are only interested where-s the best laksa and nasi lemak and cha kuey teow and makan kakis.

    They are like rats been lead into the sewers or lambs to the abattoirs to be slaugtered.

    Whereas others in their sink or swim countries are aware of their future liviehoods of survivals and how to survive in their future livings.

    Sinkies in Sinkeland is doomed.

    When a big Catastrophe hits her she is gone.

    Still listening to the rhetorics and BS of their Leaders.
