Be like Russia too. Further sanctions do not rattle Putin. Tariffs will not work against Russia that is exporting nothing to the USA, on the surface of course. Under the radar, we know that some very essential elements like enriched Uranium for nuclear power plants are still being imported from Russia. To openly admit that would be making allies ask big questions about all the fallacies of sanctioning Russia wholesale.
People no longer bite the propaganda regarding Putin's ill health. Putin was supposed to have passed away long ago, but he appears as healthy as before and probably is still a martial arts proponent and is not dying. He may outlive Biden and Trump; the latter looks terrible over the last couple of years.
If you are aware of the long-standing hype regarding 'The Collapse of China' as gloated by charlatan Gordon Chang, you will understand the purpose of such negative news, which all are being generated by a propaganda machine funded by the USA. Trump probably already knows the useless nature of such propaganda and that they are money wasting and doing nothing positive and is disbanding them piece by piece.
Trump is even going after the CIA and FBI, which begs the question of how long he is going to survive without being assassinated. These are very dangerous entities, with assassinations inside and outside the USA part of their dirty portfolios. The CIA was called the 'assassination arm' of the USA Government, or should I say the Deep State instead.
War mongers in the USA and Netanyahu are probably waiting for that to happen, given the justification to go after Iran to start another war. Trump is setting the time bomb for this to happen, having said that if he is assassinated, the USA should go after Iran as being responsible.
Trump is part of the swamp. That says it all.
President Elon Musk is auditing every USA entity. He must also audit first lady Trump, how he escaped bankruptcy, evade inheritance taxes that is interpreted in grotesque ways and income taxes.
Trump had been draining the swamp since 2016. The swamp is still as dirty eight years later as more dirty inhabitants finds residence in it.
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