
EU cannot afford an economic war with China...but got thrown under the bus by the Americans

 What will happen is already happening, with industries and businesses moving out to cheaper sources of energy like USA, China and India. The stupid Europeans are just taking aim at China alone, keeping the USA and India out of their fabricated narratives.

India is buying more energy from Russia than China, and yet the whole issue of who is supporting the Russian war machine falls solely on China. All the reasoning put up by the morons in Brussels are just as believable as everyone's grandmother stories or fairy tales by Hans Christian Anderson. By the way Hans Christian Anderson was a Danish writer. Inventing fairy tales runs in European blood.

China's subsidies for its industries falls far short and pale in comparison to what the USA had trotted out to its own domestic and other foreign chip makers to lure them to the USA. But the Europeans chose to ignore all that and keeps hyping up the subsidies by the Chinese Government for its Chinese manufacturing.

In any case, since the EU wants an economic war, China has no way to avoid but to retaliate likewise. The EU cannot go on without the Chinese market, while China can do without the EU market. Sure, there will be impact on both sides, but China has the Global South to push forward, and China knows it can compete hands down with the EU on all products, from EVs, solar panels, wind turbines and other consumer requirements. And China has the BRICS countries to bet on, which is not open to the EU countries. Who is going to win needs no thinking. 



Anonymous said...

The EU also could not afford an energy war with Russia. It followed the USA, and it got thrown under the bus as well. First time under the bus did not kill the EU. A second time under the bus might just end it all for the EU.

Henry Kissinger was not wrong when he said that being an enemy of the USA is dangerous and being its friend is fatal. The EU position just give an idea how accurate that saying by Kissinger was. In any case, the Whites playing out the whites is just 'good news to hear'.

The countries thrown under the bus by the USA are not only confined to those in Europe. Japan is going under as well. Japan had just been suspected of propping up the Yen, buying the currency and selling US$. Yellen will be furious. To be honest, Japan had no way out.

Japan is not only suffering in its currency crisis. Japan car industry is in tatters with Toyota's bet on hydrogen fuel cell cars experiment totally finished in the USA. Now a class action lawsuit in the USA over disinformation regarding availability of refueling stations to cater to such vehicles is being fought. Toyota's hydrogen cars are totally inoperable in the USA, with claims that only 49 refueling stations are available throughout the USA. That is a sick joke. Coupled with that scarcity, driving long distances and finding frequent breakdowns of those refueling stations are making refueling totally a disastrous affair for such car owners. Putting the cart before the horse can never work, and Toyota should have more refueling stations readily available.

It is reported that Toyota's hydrogen fuel cell cars were originally priced at US$51,000, then discounted to US$25,000 as problems arose and escalated. A further discount saw its price cut to US$10,000. Now it is selling at US$10,000 with no takers. Who wants a car that cannot be driven without refueling stations in support? Toyota lost a fortune on its hydrogen bet.

And the Philippines is also going under with investments fleeing the country. Suffice to say, South Korea will have its come-uppance for selling weapons to Ukraine. Russia is doing the same with North Korea. South Korea has no 'exceptionalism' to protect its destiny, unlike the USA.

Anonymous said...

EU got thrown under the Russian oil tanker, did not die and benefitting the USA. EU now being thrown under the Chinese EVs. USA clapping and cheering with one less competitor in EVs. But it is all right. What are friends for anyway? They have to look after the USA's interest first. Stupid or not, think about it!