
American Presidential Election - It could have been an Indian election

 In Donald Trump's camp, there were two Indians competing for the nomination as presidential candidates, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramasamy. Both did not make it but were hoping to be the running mate as VP for Trump. Trump did not choose them, but chose a white American in JD Vance, who incidentally has an Indian wife.

On the Democrats' camp there is Kamala Harris, a half Indian that would automatically be standing as the VP of Biden. Nothing much was spoken about her except that she could be the President should Biden be terminated one way or another any time or in mid term if he is re elected.

Never has an American Presidential Election being held with so many Indians in contention either to be President or Vice President. What a great time for the Indians and for Modi. The Indians are coming. Sunak already had a taste of what it was like as the PM of Britain. It was a trial run for the Brits and it would be much easier the second time round.

The Indians have not only conquered the corporate world of America and Europe, they are now knocking at the doors of American and British political leadership. Looking forward to the days when the Indians rule the world. Caveat, the AngloSaxon world. 

The Indians have struck on a very successful formula in taking over established big corporations like Google, Alphabet, Microsoft etc etc without having to build it the hard way, from scratch. They only need to take over the CEO position and subsequently take over the whole company by bringing in more Indians. This formula can be replicated in taking over a country. UK and USA are ripe for takeovers by the Indians. It would be an instant success, and India would be the most powerful superpower in the world.

Modi tries to rule BRICS and SCO, but not that easy as the Arabs and Muslims are in majority in these two organisations. Also, rupee needs to be welcome as an international currency first. The situation in USA and UK is quite different and favourable to the Indians. No Muslims to be in the way.

That's the way to go, Modi.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Next change SinkiesLAND!

Nearly all the Americunts doggies Airports IT Systems Down!

Depending on Indian Chief IT ah?

China one unreliable ah?

More fun ahead!


Anonymous said...

Sinkiesland already taken over by injun..pineapple president, home/law & foreign ministar (ex-transport fat star), head of tomasick/gic/mas/dbs as well as head of oppy party. Maybe other gov link companies or gov dept are headed by injun as well.

Anonymous said...

Modi's rule over India is not even secure now. And he wants to rule over BRICS?

Modi needs to put on a bigger head-dress like those Native American Indian chiefs. What has India got to offer BRICS countries other than exporting its slave labor? What has India done in terms of helping BRICS countries in infrastructure development? Oops, sorry, India could not even be counted to develop domestic infrastructure itself, not to talk about helping others.

Just like Joe Biden talking about India/Middle East/Europe Corridor, railroads across the Pacific, digital transformation of Africa which the Africans are not buying from him, the Global Infrastructure Investment plan with more infrastructure destruction than development to talk about.

When Joe Biden leaves office, Trumps is going to pull back all that castle building in the air. Trump will say - sorry USA first guys, you all can go and find spiders to play with.

Anonymous said...

Indian taking over as President of USA will be best. Just look at Kamala Harris, only a half Indian and already a big joke as far as helping dementia Joe. The only thing she is good at is cackling like a chicken when she cannot answer sensitive questions. She made a mess of all her oversea visits, in Africa and Southeast Asia. She created a mess at the Southern Border. She has no idea about what her job really is.

When an Indian rules USA, I think Russia and China will love that. Just look at the UK, sunk by Sunak. Keep it going!

Virgo49 said...

When Sinkieland be sunk also Ahem Ahem by them?

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland and sunk - hmmm the rhythm just sounds right!

Anonymous said...

Fancy a stammerer-in-chief and giggler-in-chief coming together again in November to contest the Presidency and Vice Presidency. That will give the world a stomach-ache laughing their heads off. Incompetency is going to need another interpretation according to their 'Rules Based Order'.