
Joe Biden - Have they stop feeding drugs to him?

 Many are asking where Joe Biden was over the last five days. Was he seriously sick or decapacitated due to Parkinson's disease or totally lost his mind and therefore cannot appear on TV to announce his epic quitting message, which the day before he was so militant and breathing fire and brimstone, with intent on contesting. Some are even speculating that he was forcefully removed, and that his quit letter was faked and the signature questionable, and also the fact that it was not written on White House official letterhead for such an official announcement, raised lots of questions unanswered. Some even claimed he died, OMG! The plot really thickens!

The suspicion from some sources that he had Parkinson's disease stems from his unsteady gait, his escalating gaffes and lost memory, his dozing off in the middle of a function, his slurred speeches especially. This was never disclosed and kept secret, even though openly exposed, hoping he will last till November, with Kamala Harris, another warmonger, able to continue his war-mongering legacy if he wins. (A relative of mine who had Parkinson's had the same symptoms and behavior. He passed away last year.)

It looks like Kamala Harris is being pushed out to take Biden's place, but some are speculating that Hillary Clinton is making a comeback. There was even talk of Michelle Obama entering the fray. All linked to the elite puppeteers behind the scenes. Little wonder that some said that the only qualification needed for seeking power in the USA is stupidity. Let us wait and see a clearer picture over the next couple of days.

Now, Kamala Harris, having been endorsed by Biden is singing praises of her boss. She is already spouting nonsense, claiming that Biden left an 'unmatched legacy in history'. Oh yes, he did leave an unmatched legacy of gaffes, falls, starting two wars, complicity in genocides, and choosing a half-baked giggler-in-chief, ignorant cackling lawyer of a mother hen as running-mate in 2020 that was proven to be more of a liability than an asset. She also has an 'unmatched legacy in history' of cackling, giggling and inventing word salads to musk her incompetence.

If you read the comments of those people in the USA, they are now telling the truth that choosing a non-white as running mate is more to cater to the non-white voter's support than for meritocracy and ability to understand political norms. They are saying that Trump, in choosing, JD Vance, a White, as running mate is not good for non-white support in November and Kamala Harris now has the advantage. Now if that is what really matters, a colored running mate needed just to bolster support, not to run the country based on ability, it is no wonder that the USA is now no more than a circus run by clowns. The swamp was never drained and is getting dirtier and stinkier.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at Joe Biden's eyes recently and a month ago. Totally different. Is that a body double or a deepfake image with a voice to match? It would have been easy to do that.