
A country labelled as a threat has no right to exist - Israeli/American Doctrine

 A country that is a threat has no right to exist and must be destroyed, including all its people. This is what the Israelis said of the Palestinians. This is the doctrine of the savages. And though the Americans did not openly say this, it is practising this doctrine everywhere and everyday since its seizure of the land of North America from the native Americans. The native Americans are a threat to the European invaders and must be destroyed, genocided for good.

This is also the reason and excuse the Americans are using to label countries as threats to America, meaning that these countries must be destroyed. Iraq with WMD, fabricated by the Americans, so was destroyed. Afghanistan, Syria and other Arab and Muslim countries are terrorist threats to America and must be destroyed. Gaddafi wanting to sell oil in their own countries, Saddam Hussein wanted to do the same, so a threat to America and both were murdered in cold blood.

Russia is a threat to Europe. Russia wanted to conquer Europe. The Americans said so, and thus is a threat to Europe and America and must be destroyed. No country that is called a threat to the Americans is allowed to exist.

China is a threat to America because it is getting too rich, too advanced technologically, so China must be destroyed. China cannot be allowed to be richer and more powerful than the USA.

This is the dangerous doctrine of the white savages. They simply label a country as a threat to them and use this as a justification to destroy a country and its people. The Palestinians are the second people to be destroyed in history, the first in this new century. The first people that were labeled a threat, labeled as savages, were none other than the native Americans, the Red Indians.

Others on the list are the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, and many others in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

Be warned, when the white savages, ie Americans, Israelis, Europeans, called a state a threat, it is as good as saying the state is marked for destruction and its people for genocide.


Anonymous said...

Just one question - What threat does the Native Indians of North America posed to the Anglo-Saxon Whites to warrant genocides against them to near extinction?

Any country too weak, progressing too well, competing too aggressively, innovating too fast and not following the script of the USA and the West is a threat to them.

Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Those non-white Global South countries better be aware that the next war will be Whites against non-whites, whether they like it or not. The Whites are desperate and ganging up together to help the USA preserve its hegemony, which benefits them by being able to dumb down the non-white countries. It is the Whites pre-occupation since the dawn of time, with all the seizure of lands and genocides committed to achieve this objective.

There is no way that they will not go down fighting for survival by being on top of the food chain, and non-white countries have to close ranks to defeat this evil monster. India, especially, must wake up and not think they can get along with the Whites. India's destiny still lies with the non-whites of the Global South. India is gravely mistaken if it thinks otherwise.

Japan was a non-white country, trying to rise against the USA and was taken down sheepishly and put into USA 'iron clad' chains, unable to move freely. Even Germany, a White dominated country, was not spared when it threatened the USA economically. Germany lost its sovereignty long ago and is a mere puppet, heading and controlling the EU on behalf of the USA.

The USA and it White clique are just making use of India to counter China in its sight, nothing more and nothing less. They will not give India room to dominate, whether as a military superpower or an economic superpower to rival the USA. It is a mirage for India to expect that and be allowed to overtake the USA.

Anonymous said...

India volunteered to be the coffee boy of G7. The G7 would not mind as long as the coffee boy waits outside the door.

No seat at the table for non whites, definitely not black Indians.

Virgo49 said...


EU Nuts and the West begged China to settle peace in Urukiane.

Anonymous said...

The white savages are trying to dupe China into their stupid war and then blame China for it. No one can stop the war. Only the Americans, the mastermind of the war, can stop it if they want to.

World leaders must not be made a fool of by clown Zelensky, visiting them to ask for alms and donations and get a free dinner, and a respite from the war....while his stupid Ukrainians die at the battle front.

Virgo49 said...

The White Savages shits and asked China to wipe their arses and clean their shits.

Anonymous said...

Philippines to forge new defence ties with Singapore amid China tensions

Since territorial hostilities between China and the Philippines surged, Manila has taken steps to forge new security alliances

The Philippines is signing a defence pact with Singapore on Wednesday that will allow their militaries to broaden their engagement, including holding joint exercises to prepare for humanitarian emergencies and other contingencies, Philippine officials said.

Defence Secretary Gilberto Teodoro will sign the Defense Cooperation Agreement with his counterpart in Singapore, two Philippine officials said on condition of anonymity ahead of the signing. Details of the agreement were not immediately available.

Since territorial hostilities between China and the Philippines surged last year at two hotly disputed shoals in the South China Sea, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr’s administration has taken steps to forge new security alliances with a number of Asian and Western countries and allowed a US military presence at more Philippine bases under a 2014 defence pact.

In his state of the nation address before the Philippine Congress on Monday, Marcos stressed that the Philippines would not back down in the territorial disputes but stressed his administration would only use peaceful means to resolve any dispute and would build security alliances with friendly countries.

“In the face of challenges to our territorial sovereignty, we will assert our rights and interests in the same fair and pacific way that we have always done,” Marcos said, adding that efforts were continuing “to strengthen our defence posture, both through developing self-reliance and through partnerships with like-minded states.”

Anonymous said...

Sale of NTUC Income to Allianz

Who is making the decision ?

Anonymous said...

One Mickey Mouse wanting to fight with China and conning another Mickey Mouse to join them to fight with China.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Blinken, the de facto President of the USA, has another definition on who could claim ownership of a piece of land. The Israelis have occupied the Golan Heights for years, after defeating the Syrians, and taken control of this piece of land.

Legally the Golan Heights belong to Syria. This is undisputed in International Law. But according to Blinken, the legal aspect should be set aside, and Golan Heights should belong to Israel as it poses a threat to Israel's security. Ahem, this is American Exceptionalism, and American Rules Based Order. The Americans would write the rules, interpret the rules according to their whims and fancies. International Laws do not apply to the Americans or Israel, because the Americans said so.

Using the Americans exceptionalism logic, the Himalayas should belong to India because it is a threat to India's security. Cuba should belong to the USA because it is a threat to the Americans. Can Israel belong to the Arab countries because it is a threat to the Arab security?

Any idiot still championing this American Rules Based Order and wanting this to apply to the world order and conduct of international relations?