
China builds companies, India steals companies

 You see, boasting about wriggling their way up into top positions in companies built up by others is no great feat. How many home-grown Indian companies have we seen from India competing successfully globally? Not more than a handful.

At home in India, Government laws can be enacted to take effect retrospectively to punish foreign companies with trumped up charges and fines. They are doing this so glaringly against foreign owned companies and taking them over with atrocious accusations. This is not just against Chinese companies, but against Western companies as well.

On the other hand, you can count on hundreds of Chinese companies competing successfully globally in every sector - in consumer electronics, drones, EVs, computers, AI, shipbuilding, space exploration, global satellite communication, smartphones and even in higher education now.

We have seen Chinese smartphones and EVs everywhere because they are clearly visible in the public eye. We seldom hear much from China boasting about those not in the public eye, about cutting-edge tech that even the West is talking about in high-speed rail innovations, bridge construction, tunnelling machines, agricultural machines and equipment, construction machinery, irrigation canal construction, water diversion schemes and reversing desertification expertise.

Huawei was thought of as an exceptional company, but in China's context Huawei is just as ordinary as any Chinese company. BYD and DJI are also seen as exceptional, but in China there are many others just as innovative. That, my friends are what really scares the USA and the West. And that is what they are trying to curb with their over-capacity hubris.


1 comment:

Virgo49 said...

India one of the World's Greatest Gourmet that consumed all Food that is been already cooked by those daft and stupid corporations and companies built up in good taste by them and swallowed wholesale by the Indians.

Thought Sinkies also one of the World's Best Foods Eater but only knew how to makan kakis and ate cooked food and NOT smart enough to makan those corporate companies eatables.

Oh, sorry, they knew how to invest overseas and thrown good monies in bad into some Black Hole of Calcutta whereas they neglected their own to be Grab Pirate Taxis drivers.

Delivery piece meals workers of food and parcels.

Just Swift Taylor and MICE and Servile Tourists Industries.

Sinkies with diplomas, degrees and lots of papers are been delegated to only now ad hoc
Free lance and part time no time menial workers.

Sad sad indeed.