
Deep States' Playbook - Blame Game. Iran is going to be another Iraq or Afghanistan

 Now they are trying to blame the assassination attempt on Iran and trying hard to make the narrative stick. Russia would have been first on the blame list actually, but that cannot work since Trump is rather friendly with Putin and why would Putin not want Trump to lead for another term, rather than Biden who really started the war in Ukraine.

In fact, many are saying that the blaming of Iran is coming. It is all in the playbook. Iran is seriously considering going nuclear, and the USA cannot do anything, having nothing to leverage now since the end of the nuclear deal. After the issue with Israel, the Iranians are serious about taking the nuclear route, that had been forbidden by their religious constraints. They are going to change all that and not be tied down any further.

China on the other hand would never resort to assassination. China cares little about who sits in the White House, as China knows it is nothing more than the two cheeks of the same arse. Trump or Biden are still following the same anti-China agenda in the Deep State's playbook. 



Anonymous said...

The modus operandi of the USA had always been that if it cannot find a reason to blame another, it will be asked to fabricate one.

Does the invasion of Iraq not a good example? Isn't the invasion of Afghanistan not another?

Now Iran is on its sight.

Anonymous said...

Iran, like Russia is no pushover. Years of USA sanctions, assassination of its leaders and regime changing attempts yield little result.

It seems the USA has little memory of Afghanistan and wants to dabble with another country of tenacious fighters with even better strategies, far more advance technology and weapons and certainly no little farmers bearing small arms.

Iran has a long history and heritage just like China. It has gone through civil wars, earthquakes and other disasters and became stronger for it. The Islamic Revolution of 1979 saw the Islamic Republic going against the last Shah of Iran, supported by the USA. That failure by the USA to prop up the Shah was a lesson the USA should have learnt. And the USA intends to have another bite of the cherry? Fat hope!

Iran will always be the main thorn in the side of the USA and Israel's preoccupation with controlling the Middle East. That is why so much attention had been focused on preventing Iran from going nuclear. With more pressure by the USA and Israel, Iran sees no possible alternative but to go nuclear, which makes it sensible for the USA to destroy it. And what better way than starting a narrative to sway global support to demonize Iran and do another Iraq with UN support.