
Trump's assassination - Blame game to start war with Iran, China and who else

 WASHINGTON: The United States received intelligence in recent weeks about an Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump, CNN said on Tuesday (Jul 16), and a US official said the Secret Service shared details of an increased threat with the Trump campaign.

The White House declined to comment but said there were no indications that the suspected shooter in Saturday's attempted assassination of Trump had any foreign or domestic accomplices.

Iran said the accusations against it were "unsubstantiated and malicious"....

 “As we have said many times, we have been tracking Iranian threats against former Trump administration officials for years, dating back to the last administration," said Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council.

"These threats arise from Iran’s desire to seek revenge for the killing of Qassem Soleimani. We consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority," she said.  CNA


This silly America evil blame game has started. First they blame China, and now Iran. The blame game is not so simple or innocent. Remember the blame game on Iraq's WMD, then on Afghanistan on 911?

By blaming a country, it is good enough reason to start planning and then conduct an attack on that country when it suits the American terrorists in Washington. They do not need to have a real or genuine reason. Just an allegation would do. No need facts or proof. Russia is accused of wanting to conquer the rest of Europe and needs to be invaded and taken over. China is accused of being an aggressive power, a threat to the Americans and the rest of the world, wanting to invade America. Therefore, China must be attacked and taken down.

All the silly pro American terrorists all over the world would not want to know the truth or how fake these allegations are. Whatever the evil Americans said, just accept it and do the necessary. Russia is now the primary target, with China next and Iran on the waiting list. Who is starting WW3? The American terrorists are plotting wars and starting wars everywhere and everyday.


Anonymous said...

Blaming Iran was the narrative that many knew was coming. And the USA is spinning the narrative to move in that direction. Rest assured the USA can always fabricate fake evidence to carry out their agenda. US$300 million can do wonders.

Didn't they blame Saddam Hussein with possession of Weapons of mass destruction that never existed? How many fell for it and now have blood on their hands? Even the UN has blood on its hands.

Blaming Putin for invading Ukraine for no reason by keeping all that happened before 24th of February 2022 as non-existent issues, hoping that the unsuspecting will swallow the bait which did not work.

Blaming Hamas for the 7th of October 2023 attack on Israel ignored all that happened before that - the seizure of Palestinian lands by force to build Israeli settlements.

And in all these cases, the wrong side of history were all piled on Saddam Hussein, Putin and Hamas. Bush, Tony Blair, Zelensky and Netanyahu were all innocent beings doing angelic work on behalf of God.

Now even NATO is playing the victim card, all because of the accusation that China is helping the Russians. Therefore, China must be punished with economic war coming up. And seizure of Chinese assets is now on their minds. Hope the morons in NATO think carefully about what they are going to do. They may regret it too late as with the energy sanctions against Russia. Never try playing checkers with the Chinese playing chess.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The American terrorists blamed the goat herders of Afghanistan for 911 and invaded the country.