
Jayant Bhandari - Indians have no concept of honour, contract, friendship....



8 min clip on the differences between India and China by an Indian thinker, Jayant Bhandari. Indians have no concept of honour, no concept of contract, friendship, moral system...


Anonymous said...

Indians also do not like to be criticized. Pro-Indian shrills must already been slamming Jayant Bhandari on the original clip. We must let Indians continue to live with the believe that India is going to be the next superpower, overtaking the USA and also China. That will make them very very happy.

Jayant Bhandari, has without any doubt, been demonized by his own countrymen, claiming he is bought over by the CCP. I would venture to say that anyone talking about the reality in China are all paid by the CCP, including us. No use trying to wake up the Indians in India.

Anonymous said...

The heading more or less describes a snake. A snake is still just a dangerous reptile, even if someone saves it. It will still kill its savior if given a chance, does not recognize repaying kindness with kindness and who will want a snake for a friend.