
International Court of Justice had ruled that Israel must return land to Palestinians

 Now the International Court of Justice had ruled that Israel must abandon and gave back all the LAND that they has stolen from the Palestinians will they do so?

The UAssA and their Lackeys and Cronies White Barabians will they comply and help the Palestinians to their rightful lands?

NOT in your wildest dreams or nightmares.

They are the World's Scoundrels and Robbers who exclaimed themselves so proudly that "WE STOLE WE CHEAT and please add on all the damn adverse adjectives in your Vocabulary.

If they do not follow the International Laws as always been expoused by them,then why should the Rest of the World follow their damn Rules Biased Orders?

To HELL with them and lifted all their illegal Sanctions against so many innocent Countries. 


1 comment:

Virgo49 said...


Here the speech by Bernie Sanders, a UAss Senator to correct my sincere apology that it should be the International Criminals Court (ICC) and not the International Court of Justice ( ICJ)

Enligtening Speech by Bernie Sanders, still one of the Sane Ones.