
India has no problems of its own?

 If this continues, India might break apart sooner or later. Hindu cult India has problems with Muslims in India in general, Sikh problems in Punjab and communal violence problems in Manipur.

And they want to blame Manipur's problems on Myanmar and Muslim problems on Pakistan. Modi's Government is paying lip service towards solving the Manipur problem which had been festering for a long time.

For a country that has so much domestic disagreements among its own citizens, how can it blame China solely for the border dispute? It is just like USA blaming China for war-mongering activities when it is itself the culprit. 



Anonymous said...

The Indians will blame everyone.
A unsuccessful young Indian adult will blame and even sue his/her parents! The country needs to be ruled and lorded over. Left to their own, they'll only self destruct. There goes the west's biggest democracy showpiece.

Anonymous said...

Trump claims that India's Muslim problems are its internal problems to solve, and the USA and the West will not interfere.

However, the Uyghur Muslim problems in Xinjiang was spun as not an internal problem for China, though it is part of China, and is a problem for the USA and West to interfere with. Can you believe in their hubris?

Moreover, the USA claims that it loved the Uyghur Muslims so much, but is sanctioning their products like cotton exports, thus causing loss of jobs for Uyghurs and their livelihood. That must be a really strange way of expressing their love of the Uyghur Muslims. It boggles the mind with all the contradictions!

Then, when we look at the situation of the Palestinian Muslims being massacred by the Israelis with the support of the USA and its weapons, we are completely numbed by their double standard expression of their love for Muslims. In other words, in the context of demonizing China, Uyghurs are basically used as cannon fodder for furthering the USA's interest. While in the Middle East, love for Palestinian Muslims no longer matters and they are being used as cannon fodder for the Israeli and USA's interest. Their double standard is being exposed to high heaven.

USA and the West also have no love lost for the Arabs and the only love is for their oil. The good news is that the world is beginning to realize what they have been used for all along. The Africans lost much of their resources - diamonds, gold, copper, lithium, bauxite in the past to the Anglo-Saxon white robbers and have now woken up. The Arabs are beginning to see a clearer picture, while some are still sleeping under a rug.

Anonymous said...

Indian where got problem?? They are the growth engine of the world with it world largest population. Militarily they are the new superpower with weapons from europe/russia/america, no one can beat them. They will over take the economy of usa/china soon (rupees will replace the us dollars also). In sinkieland, they have trillon of sillyporean money as their reserves. Most importantly, india is the land of many Gods, so how to fail.