
Bomb threat on Singapore Scoot airline

 I understand there was a bomb threat against a Scoot airline flying to Australia, and it had to return to base. This is going to happen to disrupt aviation going forward. Bet on it. The mental game is just beginning.

A threat may cause passengers to think twice about flying. A threat that turns into a real blast in midair will ground world travel for a long spell. Do we take threats as mere threats, and dismiss them as just threats because no bombs were found in most cases, or take a more serious view that it could turn out to be real? It just need one threat that turns real to complicate things.

Now, about somebody saying that we need to sympathise with the Palestinians, while there is a need to condemn Hamas. Sympathise over what the Israelis did to them over many years, seizing their land, expanding Israeli occupation and throwing Palestinians off their land? Do Palestinians have the right to fight for what they were forced to give up? In other words, sympathise with the Palestinians over their misfortune of being denied their rights, and yet supporting the Israelis for what they did and are doing to the Palestinians? What logic is that?

The Media is now fabricating atrocities committed by Hamas, based on hearsay with no proof being delivered. All the MSM is hyping up and concentrating on is the number of Israelis killed, ignoring the thousands of Palestinian innocents, women and children, who died with all the bombs raining down on them in those high rise buildings. You can be sure war crimes will be on their lips against Hamas, while Israel will come out clean as a whistle. 



Anonymous said...

Sinkieland political master will threaten daft sinkies, if they vote opposition in the next GE, sinkieland will be taken over by Hamas. Also the reason why they need to raise all sort of prices is to buy better military equipment. Unfortunately daft sinkies didn't realise that the papies already invited all sort of enemy to live among them.

Anonymous said...

There was another bomb threat against a cruise ship recently. Expect more of that.

When such threats turn into false alarms, they may dismiss them initially when it gets tiring. But some day, the real thing is going to happen. Then all hell will break loose. Freedom fighters are not that dumb to continue creating just false alarms.

Virgo49 said...

SinkiesLAND Masters doggies of the UAssA praised the dying Americunts in Washington as loyal friend for the last 90 years.

Have not been screwed terok terok on their arseholes.

Never learnt from LKY of how they wanted to create havocs on old Singapore.