
India is not in the BRI - Good riddance

India is not in the BRI. It did not want to join. That was a blessing in disguise. Thank God, India is not in BRI, otherwise, BRI will have been stuck in the mud in India. Cannot move. Held hostage.

Let India join the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) headed by the USA, being built by Joe Biden in the air, and meant to counter the BRI. Another castle in the air that India is joining is the IME Corridor, also headed by the USA, and also built by Joe Biden, and also in the air. Just wait and see India taking off with the USA into the air.

Why worry about India not in BRI anyway? India has nothing to contribute, but everything to take away from other BRI countries. Not having India in is such a fortunate turn of events.

What is important is that there are 90 other countries attending, from all over the world. And what is most important is that Putin, the man himself, will be there. In fact he already landed in Beijing. 


PS.  Who are the countries that are not in BRI? The same countries that are not using Huawei's real 5G and missing out on the latest technology upgrade. 

Who are the countries not benefiting from China's high speed train? The same countries living on WW2 train system and technology.

Who are the countries losing out on EVs and AIs? The same countries that are not in BRI. 

Who are the countries that would not be allowed into China's space station? You guess it.


Anonymous said...

BRI will not get poisoned by the 2 headed snake.

Virgo49 said...

China's and Russia main Agenda is that as many nations aa possible to join the BRI.

India, one time wow yaya papay wanted to seive those that wanted to join.

Who the fark are they?

Think just because one of the Pioneer does NOT give you special privellge.

That's the mentality and odour of the Indians.

Always wanted to act acsty acsty when their are empty vessels.

So now have to change the ICON as BRCA or BRCSA.

That's is Brazil Russia Argentina or Brazil Russia China Saudi Arabia.

Think best is this BRCSI aka Brazil Russia China SinkieIndieand.

Sinking Land will still wanted to put Indie behind as they die die worshipped and suck up to them.

Thinking that they are the best talents in the Universe.

Fat hope, they will shoo away the irraiting flies.

You want to join hah?

You said you are good in the Green Energy ah?

What's a joke! Not even manufacture a piece of solar panel and your windmill the toys ones in your pigeon holes said you experts in the Green Energy.

Just go overboard with sebok punishing your citizens the use of plastic bags and also ordered them to return the tray of utensils after makan .

Thats whats you called expert green energy ah?

Anonymous said...

Not to worry for PGII, sinkieland will be joining by using DBS as it financial support. Our highly rated SMRT will be task to build the railway line across the Saudi desert. That is why LauLan wong visited it master americunt & Pinky visited Saudi. Laulan already said we will be working with USass on new area of corporation while Pinky try to sell SMRT koyo to Saudi.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 11.18

BTOs Pigeon Holes better lah!

Anyway the Saudis too rich to stay in Pigeon Holes of Sinkiekand.

SMRT? Even rails tracks tied with plastic lugs by ex CEO Celoptra want yo sell MRT engineering's ah?

Even tracks sleepers changes also contractor's want to sell MRT engineering ah?

Made the Arabs laughed till teeth drops drops.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are just a nation of operators. Look how many things Sinkies invented. Sound cards founders had also emigrated, no eyes see.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkies forever will do Servile services with no external economy for food lah.

Own Sovereign Funds preferred punt punt quick returns instead of establishing industries for own to be gainfully employed by the hundreds of thousands.

Still middle men commissions agents and what's financial employment.

Can absorb hundreds of thousands meh?

Only internal economy of taxing own.

But at least must have gainful employments for them to have at least good incomes to be slaughtered by you.

Even balance meaty professions also goes to the Foreigners.

Expect own to defend the country in times of need?

Fat hope.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is shivering in its pants each time the Isthmus of Kra project is being talked about, and is strongly against the idea together with the USA this time around. If the Isthmus of Kra canal project takes shape, Singapore will lose its strategic importance as a shipping hub, not to talk about the loss to the maritime servicing industry.

The USA will also lose its strategic vile agenda of harbouring intentions to be able to blockade the Straits of Malacca in the event of conflict with China. These three channels for maritime shipping, Straits of Malacca, Suez Canal and Panana Canal were all part of the agenda of the West to control shipping lanes in times of conflict. These are under the control of the USA and the West. That is why the USA is opposing the Isthmus of Kra project, the Arctic Sea Routes being explored by the Russians and Chinese, and also the BRI projects that offer an alternative land route for trade.

China is also exploring an alternative method of transfering oil from the Middle East via Pakistan and/or Afghanistan via the securement of Ports in Southern Pakistan and using pipelines for oil transfer to Western China instead of relying solely on using sea routes that are liable to be closed in times of war. Of course, now Russian oil goes to China by pipeline and is another security gaurantee for China's energy needs. Nothing is impossible when China puts its head and mind into a problem. Infrastructures in Western China to cater for all this building of pipelines via Pakistan and/or Afghanistan is a walk in the park for China.

And I strongly believe China is going to play a constructive role in financing and supporting the US$25 billion Isthmus of Kra project. Let us wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I think everybody is wasting time talking about india, giving it a false sense of importance. India with its huge population, mostly undereducated / trained is too poor a factor even when one focus on consumption. India is still in the 3rd league trying to project self importance, punching way above its weight. Boastful, celebrate small achievements. It's pathetic to seeing their behaviors day and day out.
All syiok sendiri.

Anonymous said...

Chui kong , lumpar song !

Anonymous said...

India fabricated the lie that its space technology is so good that NASA offered to buy from India, thinking NASA is a third world country space agency.

The bait is for some silly Asean state to jump in, thinking it is a good buy using OPM. Nothing to lose, just another gamble. The silly state is oredy running out of idea and will grab at any straw, bet on anything, rumours, fake news, never mind. Got a lot of money to lose.

Anonymous said...

Irrelevant to China and partners.
GDP is that of Guangzhou .
Main export. Corpse for medical studies and research.