
China - business is business...American shit heads - business is war


53 secs of hard truths that no amount of American propaganda can hide. The stupid shit heads can continue to use their media and the media of their stupid crony states to tell lies to deceive their own people. Let the ordinary Americans tell the truths to the world to enlighten the daft believers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

China is investing and had been investing in resources, quietly, strategically and building up its dominance in many areas, which is why China is now in such good stead to counter the USA and the West in those areas like rare earth and graphite.

Meanwhile the USA invested in wars, many wars and failed to realise the implications of what the Chinese are doing. Now, finding it extremely difficult to counter China in the area of rare earth reserves and processing, and yet still does not realise its fraility and wanting to counter China with its chips and tech wars.

The USA should realise that, as in the quote 'blowing out someone else's candle will not make yours shine brighter' applies to all. The USA and the West including Japan had, over the decades, denied China access to and participation in many technological research and development. Yet China had gone on and succeeded and even overtaken the USA and the West in many fields.

The space race, super computers, AI, EVs, 5G, all attested to the failure of the West to contain China. And so it will be in evidence with the chip wars, with failure being another catastrophe waiting to happen for those in the Chips Alliance. Now trying to reinvent the wheel by attempting to invest in such processing techology as rare earth refining. Building toilets when there is an urgency to poo is not the way to go.

Can the USA and Western military establishments and industries like EVs and semiconductors wait for two to three years for such essential elements to be produced by their own investments to compensate for the supplies from China? The West will pay a heavy price for attempted 'de-coupling' and now calling it 'de-risking' to sound more acceptable, knowing that wholesale decoupling from China had been foreseen as disastrous.