
Americans and western media not telling the whole truth in Gaza and Ukraine

 What I surmise from the MSM is the intent to cover up the decades of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, and just concentrate talking about Hamas carrying out its attack on Israel without reason as the starting point. The things that went on before this is irrelevant. By hammering on this point, the USA and the West hopes the world, particularly the Arabs and Muslim countries will swallow the hubris and condemn Hamas. This is not going to happen.

This is exactly the same playbook they used in Ukraine, with the continuous attack by the Ukraine Military on the Russian speaking residents in Donbass beginning even before 2014, which is irrelevant in assessing who is on the right side of history. The whole narrative on who started the Ukraine War centred on Russia's recognition and liberation of Eastern Ukraine in February 2022. What happened between 2014 and February 2022 has never been taken into account. Every atrocity committed by the Ukrainians is brushed aside as if it did not happen.

With the USA getting its dirty hands in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the prospect for a long lasting peace is evasive at best and impossible at worst. Just as in Ukraine, no one else involvement to broker a peace deal matters, and is not going to end the war in Ukraine, when the intent is to prolong the war using Ukraine as just the proxy of those whose intent is to benefit from the war geopolitically.



Anonymous said...

If Israel invades Gaza, the Middle East will be on fire perennially, and could be the end of mankind.

Russia is not going to scrap its ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which means the arms race is going to be reignited. In the face of this, rare earth and nuclear elements are going to play an essential part in the scheme of things. Russia is just taking a leaf from the USA, unilaterally withdrawing from treaties as it likes. Two can play the same game and the pot should not call the kettle black, as what the USA is now doing.

Do not take your eyes away from Ukraine, as Putin is going for a winter offensive. What does that leave Ukraine? With little weapons support, except being left with an empty 'iron clad' verbal support from the dementia tainted Joe Biden, all will be forgotten and Zelenskyy is going under the bus. 'Did I say that?' will be a simple reply from Joe if he is asked by Zelenskyy about the 'iron clad' support deal. The 'iron clad' clamp is moving to Israel now.

There were many versions about how successful was Israel's 'iron dome' protection, ranging from 5% to 96% effectiveness according to different sources. That davastation in Israel in the lastest Hamas attack does provide clues to support those claims. Hamas now knows how to overcome those defences, having conducted test runs before. Moreover, the cost of providing those anti missile setups is much more costly for Israel than those cheap rockets fired by Hamas. And that means the USA has to pour more support into Israel. Where art thou, Zelenskyy, going forward?

Anonymous said...


Same as the COVID19 vaccine's 96% protection, which all faded into nothingness. Even 5% protection is a long shot.