
American's demonising of China losing effect. No one believes in American lies

 After almost 200 years of humiliation and violent attacks and invasions by the West, China has through hard work and struggle rise up again like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes. The Anglo-Saxons headed by the US and UK look at China's rise with askance. The Anglo-American elites comprising the billionaires and millionaires of Wall Street in the Deep State shadow government of the Rothschild Illuminati cabal and the Pentagon are working hand in hand with wicked American Zionist Jews to plan a war with China to stop China's rise and development. To them China's rise in wealth, power and stature is unaccepptable and therefore they must contain China's development and take it down.

They blare to the world that China wants to invade Taiwan. This is using pervert deceptive psychology to bluff the world for Taiwan is a Chinese sovereign territory as recognized by the United Nations Organization and by over 190 countries except now it is wrongly occupied by the US in connivance with Taiwanese Chinese traitors. Taiwan is sacred Chinese sovereign territory so when China wants to take it back from the evil American occupier it is not invasion. It is eviction of Chinese traitors and evil American occupiers.

The Anglo-Saxon Americans and the British like to deceptively tell South China Sea littoral states that China is reclaiming land from the sea and is militarising the South China Sea. China is not the first country to reclaim land from the sea from its own shoals and islets. Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines and Brunei did first with American instigation and encouragement.

The United States deceptively claim China is militarising the South China Sea. The United States which is almost 8,000 miles away tend to ignore that it has many illegal and illicit military bases in the Philippines, Taiwan, Okinawa and Japan. In fact the US has about 450 military bases in East Asia menacing and threatening China and intimidating the other Southeast Asian States. Not to forget the United States has over 1,000 military bases worldwide menacing and threatening all countries big and small. Why is it nobody is asking the US why it must have so many military bases around the world. Yet some silly Asian countries seem to fall into the US deceptive trap of questioning China's few military bases. Why can't China build military bases in her own sacred sovereign island territories to prevent and ward off American aggression. The fact is US wants to have hegemonic control over East Asia and Southeast Asia through deception and subterfuge. Yet the US is even not a country in this region. Asean countries must not fall for this US deceptive and subterfuge trap. US is trying to instigate and goad some unsuspecting Asean countries to go against China in the hope that if hostilities arise it will give US a chance to intervene and exercise hegemonic control and dominance over the whole region. It is a pipe dream for China and Asia will never allow that to happen.

To have peace, tranquility and harmony in Asia and Southeast Asia it is of paramount importance that the satanic Anglo-Saxon United States and the West must not be allowed to stir and create uncalled for choas and hostilities in the region.

Yang Tai Chung


Anonymous said...

The chips war will be the Waterloo of the USA. If China succeeds in making high end chips and lithography machines en masse, the USA has nothing left to deal with China. The 7nm Kirin 9000 chips made by SMIC sent the USA into hysteria, coming like a bolt of lightning.

Now the USA using the media is trying to start to propagate that SMIC will not be able to produce this chip in bulk for the Chinese market. What SMIC can and cannot do is not for the West to dictate. The 7 nm chip was thought of as an impossiblity currently, without the ASML EUV lithography machines, and cited as a 7 year lag time mission for China, which SMIC rubbised away in just three years. How SMIC did it was even more puzzling to the confused USA. They are going after TSMC, thinking it was with their help that SMIC could do so, which is barking up the wrong tree.

There is now talk that the USA is making an attempt to flood the market to lower the prices of some chips to kill the Chinese rising chip industry players. Already, chipmakers in the USA, South Korea and Japan are struggling with huge losses, so is it logically sound to ask them to lower prices to kill off Chinese players in the chip industry? Cutting their noses to spite their faces is more likely. Who gets killed in the end is still not certain?

China should stock up those chips sold by the USA chipmakers at discounts, and see how long those USA chip makers can last using dumping. Just like keeping the ban on Japanese seafood, let us see how long Japan can keep deep freezing their catch. Like the Fukushima nuclear wastewater, the piling up cannot last forever and some solution has to be found to solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

China already making 5nm and 3nm chips plus chip making machine. It is the end for the American, Japanese and South Korean chip makers. They can never make the chips cheaper than the Chinese.

Virgo49 said...


Hello Bidamn

See this video by China's PLA powess.

Don't pee and shits in your pants

Anonymous said...

The only chips they can make cheaper than China is maybe potato chips.

Anonymous said...

Diego de Garcia.
China occupied?