
American Occupation of Saudi Arabia? Americans boots on the ground...10,000 soldiers!


High tension!! 10,000 US Army troops arrive at Saudi Arabian air base, what is the US preparing?

Oct 22, 2023 ARAB SAUDI Thousands of US Army troops land at Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia. It is rumored that these 10,000 troops will be deployed to conflict areas to maintain security and stability in the Middle East region. 8 min.

The tension in Gaza becomes the perfect excuse for the Americans to rush troops into Saudi Arabia on the pretext of protection Saudi Arabia. This is effectively putting Saudi Arabia under the control of the American soldiers. Did Saudi Arabia agree to the American soldiers in its soil or being coerced into it? Saudi Arabia cannot protect itself without the American soldiers? Protect itself from who?

This is the consequence of letting the Americans have a base in the country. They can fly anything they want, soldiers, weapons, even nuclear weapons and chemical weapons, and the host country has no say, cannot do anything about it.

This is a puzzling development for the Saudi's to compromise its sovereignty. What happens if the Americans started a false flag incident with Iran and use the troops to attack Iran? One possible reason is to intercept Iranian planes and missiles over Saudi Arabia to Israel...and an attack force against Iran.

What do you think? Saudis would have problem getting these troops out of their country. There will always be tension created to justify their presence. If they are attacked, Saudi Arabia would become a war zone. This is a cunning way to get the Saudis into a war with the rest of the Arab Muslim world. Are the Saudis turning against the Arab and Muslim world?


Anonymous said...

This is the price to pay for being an ally of the Americans or signing a military pact with the Americans and allowing the Americans to set up bases in one's country. The net effect, the Americans can occupy the country and send in their soldiers without the consent of the host country.

Clear examples are the Nato states, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.

Even without being an ally, the terrorist USA would send in their occupation troops in the name of fighting terrorists, like in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and some African states. And the best part, the terrorists were funded by the Americans.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkieland doggie vassal allowed logistics base?

Also can have their parasites soldiers here?

Before transit by Air to fight China?

Wow beware of China's Hypersonic Missles

Virgo49 said...


Singapore secretly wants Israel to win.

Why? Because if Israel been overan then they feared likewise Sinking Land.

We adapted the Israeli strategy of War Defence and Tactics.

Haha M.O.T.

Virgo49 said...


Mr Galloway Real Angry on his latest MOATs.

Cursing that Scoundrel UAssA and Sonok aka circumsion.

Enunches and Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Singapore assuming that engagement with USA on military facilities and not providing military assistance would not effect her Independent. Other countries won't be convinced by these views. USA said that either you are with us or with other. USA are like God, it is hard to ask God to leave when invited.

Virgo49 said...

Let the Americunts get involved in the M.E. conflict and already depleted their arsenals and then have Russia and China have an preemptive deadly once and for all strike at the Heart of their Mainland.

Once and for all annihilate the Barbarians from the Earth.

Let's there be Peace.

Anonymous said...

Boots on the ground may end up with boots left on the ground.

Billion dollar weapons on the ground in Afghanistan ended up with billion dollars weapons left on the ground in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was just one country, with farmers using small arms to fight the USA. Yet, what happened?

Against the whole Muslim neighbourhood in the Middle East, what is 10,000 troops?

USA had half a million troops in Vietnam, on top of the South Vietnamese own military, and another more than 300,000 thousand South Korea troops fighting in the war against the North Vietnamese. Yet, they almost left without their pants, escaping via rooftops when the North Vietnamese closed in on them in the closing stages of the war.

Need I say more?