
Trump and Biden - Who will bring down USA faster?

 Trump's last four years in the White House, from 2017 to 2021, was supposed to make America Great Again. It obviously did not happen. Draining the swamp was the first immediate domestic task he undertook when he came to power? Yes he did drain the swamp, but replenishing it with more swampy, slimy and slithering inhabitants, who are now attacking him on behalf of the Democrats. Turncoats like Mike Pence, John Bolton and William Barr are doing him in for good.

Now Trump's new war cry is about making 'America Great Again, Again'. And he is going to have to drain the swamp once again, and replenishing it with the same old same old specie. Zelenskyy does not even believe in his rhetoric about being able to bring peace to Ukraine within 24 hours. One clown not believing another clown is really not a funny act anymore. It is dead serious and no clowning matter.

Biden, meanwhile is looking more and more mentally incapable and out of sorts for his re-election. He appears unable to co-ordinate his mouth with his brain. Moreover, there is already clear and apparent signs of stammering in his speeches, with slurring and mixing up words in his deliveries, sometimes incoherent to others. And this is supposed to be the best that the Democrats are putting up for 2024? And horror of horrors, again partnering Kamala Harris, the laughing hyena.

In any case, either Trump or Biden is really out to make the USA into a third world country, if not already one foot there. It is a question now of who can do it faster. Just looking at the homelessness situation, the drug problem, the daylight robberies by mob breaking into high end shops and the law doing nothing about it. I guess this is what they mean by 'Rule of Law' or 'Rule of Lawlessness'. Who is next to follow?


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