
Robert Kennedy Jr - US biolabs and 'life sciences' research are bioweapon labs

Kennedy comments on US biolabs in Ukraine
The Pentagon used other countries for bioweapons research, RFK Jr. told Tucker Carlson

The US military outsourced some of its biological weapons research to the government installed by the 2014 coup in Kiev, Democrat presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Junior has claimed in an interview.

“We have biolabs in Ukraine because we’re developing bioweapons,” RFK Jr. told independent journalist Tucker Carlson .... he explained, the Patriot Act adopted after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 allowed the Pentagon to resume research.

According to Kennedy, the bioweapons program has operated under the guise of “life sciences” research, such as gain-of-function experiments on viruses and other pathogens, ultimately overseen by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases between 1984 and 2022.

Modern bioweapons are “frightening stuff,” made with genetic engineering tools such as CRISPR, Kennedy said. When some of these “bugs” escaped from laboratories in the US, back in 2014, the Obama administration banned gain-of-function research, Kennedy added, so Fauci outsourced it overseas. “A lot of them went to Ukraine,” Kennedy told Carlson, while some of the research was moved to the Wuhan,...


Ukraine has the most American bioweapon labs in Europe. The person responsible for these labs is George Soros and Hunter Biden. Their photographs were hung in the bunker HQ in Mariupol. With the capture and destruction of Mariupol, the bulk of these bioweapon labs in Europe has been incapacitated. George Soros is now looking East to create more bioweapon labs to target China and Asians. 

Any Asian and South East Asian country still harbouring such dangerous bioweapon labs in the guise of life sciences research must close them immediately. They are not just evil and devious, to be used against enemies of the Americans, any leak or escape of the virus or pathogens would be deadly for the hosting countries. And if located in densely populated cities or city states, the death and destruction is unimaginable.

For goodness sake, any American ally or crony state being duped or coerced into hosting such bioweapon labs must act fast and be responsible to their own citizens. Get rid of the labs at once. The viruses can be spread by accident or by intent to create havoc in a host country. Below is copied from RT explaining what Soros is going to do after losing his HQ in Mariupol. He is looking for an alternative site and there are several American allies and crony states in Asia and South East Asia that would fit into his evil plan.

'George Soros’ Open Society Foundations NGO will shut down much of its EU-based operations and fund liberal causes elsewhere, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing an internal email. While it remains unclear where Soros will direct his efforts, the aging billionaire has agitated for regime change in China in recent years.

“Ultimately, the new approved strategic direction provides for withdrawal and termination of large parts of our current work within the European Union, shifting our focus and allocation of resources to other parts of the world,” the email to employees reportedly stated.'  RT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George Soros hates China for his failure in his attempt in October, 1997 to attack the Hong Kong financial system, shortly after Hong Kong's return to China in July, 1997. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority had to squeeze the interest rate to a record to drive out currency speculators lead by hedge fund manager George Soros, from the financial system. I believe Soros and his followrs lost a pile over that. He still harbours deep resentment against China over his misadventure.

George Soros himself does not have the means himself to deal with Hong Kong, especially with China taking over and supporting Hong Kong from behind. The reality is that it is the followers of his agenda that does most of the damage in bringing down the currencies of any of the countries he sets his evil designs on. Against Hong Kong, his followers probably found out they have a formidable opponent in China supporting Hong Kong. And they were the first to blink in the buildup to bring down the Hong Kong currency.

Thailand was actually the first country under attack by George Soros in July, 1997 and that was to be the start of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, masterminded by Soros and his followers. Thailand fell to his attack and he subsequently moved to attack the Malaysian financial system, riling the then Malaysian PM, Mahathir Mohammed, who holds a deep hatred for Soros.

Did Soros also have a hand in the funding of the Wuhan Lab research in his attempt to settle the old score for his loss in Hong Kong? His involvement in setting up those Biolabs in Ukraine subsequently is not incidental and follows an agenda. Remember that this man is behind the funding of every evil around the world.

A regime change in China into a democracy, an impossible oucome, will be George Soros' dream to have the Chinese financial system open to his attack and manipulation. George Soros also tried to attack the Indian Financial System just recently but failed.

I suspect George Soros is behind whoever is now doing the dirty work in Vietnam to unsettle the country and helping the USA to sway Vietnam's affiliation with China. Biden is going there soon to do the coercive part of 'you are either with us or against us'. Which means economic blackmail.