
India declares it is the first to roll out 5G and now going for 6G

 Seems India is now the superpower in everything under the sun according to Modi's hallucination. Bragging is cheap, achieving what is being bragged about is difficult.

5G in 700 districts and the 'fastest country' to rolling it out, and already getting ready for 6G? Wow, that was quick thinking fast forward. Not an Indian trait for sure! How big an area is 700 districts and already gloating about getting ready for 6G?. Oh, he was just bragging about the 6G task force only. Needs more than that to pull one up on the Chinese.

We know Indians love to boast, decades ahead of reality, but are well known for being slow in implementation. It boggles the mind that Modi is already boasting about 6G. Modi can boast about what is not easily apparent like 5G or 6G, but just take High Speed Rail, which can be clearly seen, for example. A decade of boasting with just tens of kilometres completed to show, while China already had tens of thousands of kilometres of High Speed Rails. When fully completed, Modi will have another bragging right to add to his rhetorics.

Digital India for others to follow? My toes laughed uncontrollably. Anyway, this certainly rivals Biden's boast about his digital transformation of Africa with US$350 million. Biden suffers from dementia and he probably does not realise how big a continent is Africa. What can US$7 million do for each African country is probably not even enough to pay for diging holes to install the pylons for installation of signal transmission equipment. Both are just farting through their mouths, just gaslighting without knowing it. 



Anonymous said...

How come India is the first to roll out 5G and no one talks about it for years? The only one talking about it is Modi, many years behind time. Indians like to brag well before the reality. Why so quiet this time?

Even the USA and EU are stumbling along with their 5G rollouts after ditching Huawei. And India was said to be following them in locking out Huawei in their 5G trials.

China's 5G rollout started big nationally in 2019, while India was still carrying out 5G trials in early 2021, with rollout sparingly only in late 2022. Now, who is behind who and yet boasting about being the first?

Anonymous said...

If India has a working 5G, the Americans would be hugging Modi to install the 5G in the whole of USA. The two biggest democracies would be in deep embrace. Need to say anything else?

Anonymous said...

Huawei is now charging Nokia and Ericson, patent fees in the US$ billions for 5G. Nokia and Ericson are the two beneficiaries of the void left by Huawei in the USA, Europe and of course India. Suffice to say, it does not escape suggestions that Nokia and Ericson may be the other important factor instrumental in Huawei losing the USA and European market.

Anonymous said...

India should invite GIC and Temasek to invest in their 5G and 6G. They will surely believe and invest a lot of money in India's 5G and 6G.

Anonymous said...

Understand USA is dumping further 5G investment, and is concentrating on 6G to be ahead of China. Having lost the 5G race, the new war cry is to be ahead of China in 6G, otherwise lose face lah, like the space race against the Soviet Union. Man on the moon first is the finishing line, at all cost. Now it is 6G race and USA must be first, also at all cost. South Korea and Japan are doing the same.