
USA is the 'Mother of All Terrorist State'

 When the Terrorist in Chief is producing all the weapons to kill innocents, it still had the audacity and morality to claim that what it does is not terrorism.

It sells weapons for Africans to kill each other. It sells weapons to Israel to commit genocide, assassinate other leaders it cannot agree with. It sells weapons to allies and provoked them to become its proxy for war. In the past it sells weapons to the Saudis to kill innocent Yemenis, until China brokered the peace deal between Iran and the Saudis, which puts a stop to such sales which the Saudis no longer needed with Iran withholding weapons to the Houthis in Yemen. However, having said that, Iran is still supporting the Houthis against the Axis of Evil, the USA, UK and Israel.

The USA is undoubtedly the 'Mother of All Terrorist State'.



Anonymous said...

Every country or groups that go against the Anglo-SaxonWhites were either branded as savages, communist or terrorist throughout the centuries. Only the 'Mother of all Terrorist' is never ever called a terrorist state.

Of course, we know why. Calling them as terrorist is going to risk being bombed to smithereens, just like ICC fearing to issue arrest warrants against George W. Bush and his gang to be arrested for war crimes. In the end, by issuing such threats they were never accused of war crimes in Iraq. A war crime is a war crime, and threats should never be the reason to protect those involved in war crimes. It makes the ICC a joke.

Virgo49 said...


UASSA ports striked!

See how their unions worked @

Sinkies Land especially the Americunts Companies don't gave a hoots or damns yo Sinkieland Labour laws and Sinkies workers.

Just 24 hours and fark off!

Americunts exceptism?

Anyway the Labour Chief no teeth lah all wayang only.

Maybe hold no .Minister post so small fry lah

Sad sad indeed.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

More tsunamis to come soon.

No eyes see