
Gordon Chang has a chance to redeem himself by writing about the collapse of USA

 Just repeating what Gordon Chang said twenty years ago with his predictions that China is collapsing is not going to happen. Gordon Chang already lost his credibility long ago. Instead, throughout those twenty years of collapsing, China has risen beyond recognition. And instead, it is the USA and the EU that is collapsing. Gordon Chang should re-orientate his views to indicate the real situation. But he cannot do that for sure.

Never trust the gloating about how Wall Street is breaking records every day. It is just window dressing to help the Democrat's in November to mount any semblance of a chance for the White House. The Fed's cutting of rates runs counter to all the attempts to paint a rosy picture of the USA economy. It is all grandstanding without any sensible basis.

With BRICS coming out with its alternative global currency and settlement system, the US$ hegemony is facing a oncoming storm that it has never faced before.

De-dollarization is undoubtedly giving Trump worrying nights, knowing he has to deal with it if he gets elected. He is now openly hostile, threatening countries joining de-dollarization, which means joining BRICS. He is going to use 100% tariffs against them without thinking what this will do to the USA economy and inflation that USA citizens have to face. If I may say so, this is going to escalate the de-dollarization movement rather than slowing it down.

Countries will join BRICS in droves to stay away from the US$ by trading under a system which the USA is not even able to monitor, not to say that Trump will know who is trading with whom and supporting de-dollarization. It will all be done outside the US$, outside the purview of the SWIFT system. Which country is Trump going to target? The whole Global South, including India, it's troublesome in trying to control ally?

Now, even trying to pinpoint who is still buying Russian oil is impossible, other than China, India and Saudi Arabia. For all we know, even EU countries are now still buying Russian energy under the nose of the USA. And these are the countries sanctioning Russian energy. What a sick joke!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fyi, Gordon is a trojan horse send out by smart China and it really work well. The West believed him and thus ignored China potential since it is collapsing. Therefore China is able to progress quietly without the west creating obstacle along the way. China should award Gordon for a doing a great job.