
Europeans using religion to colonialise Qing Dynasty China

 Ref: Anonymous 11:17am
Yes, the wicked European Christian warmongering powers always use their evil religious conversion couple with deculturalisation to make easier inroads to colonize other non-Christian countries. Once you are converted to their Christian faith they demand you to give up your traditional beliefs and native culture. In other words they subject you to their brain washing. You are then under their intellectual control and have no say in matters vis-a-vis your country's interests and their country's interests. In short you are not suppose to think and see with your eyes but only to swallow and believe in their lies.

Thus from 1689 to 1890s China lost millions of square miles of lands to Christian Catholic Russia when treacherous Cathodic Jesuit priests who had the trust of the Ching Dynasty emperors betrayed China by persuading and inducing China to sign the lobsided treaties in favour of Christian Russia. The Chinese emperors did not realize that all the time the Jesuit priests were sabotaging China's interests and subordinating China's interests to the Russians who were also Catholic Christians.

By their treacheries not only against China but also against the natives of North and South America, Africa and Asia the faceless and shameless white European and Anglo-Saxon powers not only make a mockery of their Christian religion but also by their deception and subterfuge practices cause all non-white and non-Christian countries to lose their lands and countries.

Thus the bellicose and demonic Western so-called Christian countries realise it is so much easier to conquer all non-Christian countries in Africa, Asia and the South and Central America countries by using their evil religious conversion couple with deculturalisation.

It's high time that all countries of the South put to an end the evil religious malpractices of the white people of their lethal toxic Christianity.

Chong Kuo Shen : Taipeh , Taiwan 

PS. According to the Bible, Christians cannot go to heaven until they are judged by Jesus on Judgement Day. Before Judgement Day, no Christian can go to heaven. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying.


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