
American Democracy and Freedom in their finest forms, in practice, in reality....not lies

 USA democracy is working like a charm. People are free to set up tents and eat, sleep and shit on street corners. People are free to invade shopping malls and get away with items below a certain value and not be prosecuted. Drug pushers are doing their business right in front of police posts. Drug addicts are walking drunkenly along streets, and no one cares a hoot.

Is this the version of democracy that the rest of the world is looking forward to? The USA democratic system is falling apart, and denial is not going to change the status quo.

The world is realizing that communism is no longer the downtrodden system that had been demonized for centuries. China changed all that perception that democracy is a better system than communism. The USA and the West can no longer tout the superiority of its democratic ideals.

Not only is democracy a failure in the West. It is a system that is preventing India, the world's biggest touted democracy, from moving forward. A hindrance to doing things that benefits the country. India is content to hang on to their beholden colonial mindset of keeping the cumbersome British administrative system, their out-of-date railway system, their own caste system and Ganges River cleansing beliefs of still worshipping the Whites as angels.

There was a quote from a very well-educated Indian (I forgot his name) who still bathes in the polluted Ganges River every day - 'My head tells me this is not a good thing to follow, but my heart tells me I have to stick to my faith'. This is the Indian mindset, and they still hang on to traditions that befuddle those outside of India.



Anonymous said...

USA job figures are going through the roof, despite all the job cuts now going on. What is the magic formula that is making this happen? 254,000 jobs were created in September, if you believe that. There have been so many revisions downwards being made months later just this year, that it boggles the mind as to how those reports could be that wrong, sometimes by as much as 70,000 jobs extra. In other words, all those job statistics trotted out were merely plucked from the air with none the wiser. And the most ridiculous thing of all was and is that such miscalculation or misinformation is taken now as the norm by the public.

November is just a month away, and everything is so rosy. The stock market is breaking records every day. Job creation is in the clouds. When Trump, takes over, if he wins, he will bear the brunt of having to do even better than Biden and Harris in job creation. Trump will need a new magic formula to outdo Biden. We saw this happening before, with one claiming he did better in job creation than the other.

Oops, just saw a report that the CIA is recruiting spies to work against China. There must be so many recruitments that it changes the whole definition of job creation and contributed substantially to the 254,000-job created in September, LOL.

Anonymous said...

One USA commented that out of the 254,000 jobs created, he held 4 of those jobs. Meaning that one job cannot allow him to survive, and he needs to hold four jobs to pay the rent, buy the food, support his children's education and having insurance to pay for his healthcare.

That is job creation in the USA, warts and all.