
No other country has ever threatened the USA with either or else

 No other country has ever threatened the USA with the warning - either adopt 'co-operation' or face 'confrontation'. China is not continuing with its diplomatic demeanor or listening ear anymore. China cannot continue in this way, dealing with gangsters and Mafia elements.

China is telling the USA to stop repeating the same old nonsense each time some USA leaders visit China uninvited. China is sick and tired of the USA using the same old bullying tactic in its playbook of trying to extract a good bargain by posturing its 'position of strength' tactic, by first demonizing China and then visiting, hoping the Chinese leaders are rattled by its rhetoric and posturing.

The message that is given to Biden via Blinky upon his return to Washinton is loud and clear. Decoupling or derisking is no longer a fear that China is succumbing to. Rather it is an issue that China is well prepared for.

Yellen had earlier threatened China with financial sanctions on Chinese banks. That tactic already failed with Russian banks and is going to fail even more miserably with Chinese banks. It is going to make the Yuan even more widely adopted and used and accelerate the de-dollarization moves.

The Russian roble that came under sanction by the US and the West was not as widely used as the Yuan today, and China had put in place Yuan swaps with countries in the Middle East, South America and even among ASEAN countries. These are essential measures that China have undertaken, knowing that financial sanctions are a matter that China cannot avoid. As sure as the sun rising, it is coming.

China can always foresee issues very well in advance, just as it did so well in cornering raw materials and commodities that it needs decades down the road. China even set up all the processing logistics that others do not foresee as necessary. Hence China's supply chain is so well oiled that the West will not be able to replicate even if they tried to. China's overcapacity will do them in even if they tried to. Hence the fear of overcapacity expressed by Yellen is not without basis, but it remains China's right to continue to do so.

Weaponization is not the monopoly of the USA alone using the US$. Weaponization can be extended to many areas that have not been thought possible. And that is not lost on Russia and China. And for that, having the capacity to do it is important.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No other country does not mean no country dared to. The world is changing. What goes up must come down. The Wheel of Fortune is changing.

By itself, Russia or China individually may not, I say may not only, be able to take down the USA militarily. But that does not mean Russia and China will always be at that inferior state of military capability, unable to progress.

Russia and China are now controlling much of the global resources needed for technology development - the raw materials around the world, the processing logistics, the supply chains that the world cannot do without. Russia is energy rich and a major food producer as well. China is a manufacturing powerhouse. Together they more or less complement each other - China's manufactured products and infrastructure development for Russian energy and food.

Now BRICS is expanding and although not a military alliance, it is an economic powerhouse. BRICS is aiming to be independent of the USA and Western control in setting grain and energy prices, and now setting up their 'Grain and Energy Exchange' which will be a big move. With Russia, Brazil, Iran, UAE and others playing pivotal roles in energy and commodities inside the exchange it can only grow exponentially.

The USA and the West can keep on pretending and deluding themselves that BRICS is not a threat and can just be brushed aside and ignored. This is still the mentality of the Whites. As if the rise of China is not a lesson in itself.

Thirty years ago, they thought that Chinese can only be cooks and laundrymen. Well, it was a blessing in disguise that they did not think it necessary to take down China like they took down Japan and Germany easily like obedient dogs but needed military intervention to take down Iraq and Libya.