
The US expects China to solve its drug problem

The US is quick to use its own drug crisis as another means to manufacture hate, blame and anger against Beijing, as it does with so many other things, but never at any point self-reflects to question why this pattern is not necessarily repeated all over the world. Of course, blaming Beijing and expecting it to manage America’s drug problems is politically lazy, easy and avoids accountability for the real problems at home. RT

The drug abuses in the US is causing 70,000 deaths a year due to fentanyl. This is now the deadliest drug in America history. And who else to blame, China of course.  It is always blame somebody else, and China is the convenient scape goat. All the problems facing America today is caused by China.  All the problems in the whole world today is caused by China. This is the American narrative. The Americans did not cause any of these problems and their allegations must not be questioned.

Why is China responsible for all the problems in America and the whole world? What has China been doing but trade, buying raw material from the world, turn them out into cheap and useful products for the rest of the world at very affordable prices. China has also been building roads and rails, ports and infrastructure everywhere. China has been so busy trading and building and building, China has no time to create problems for America and the rest of the world unlike the CIA and its funded NGOs.

The fentanyl problem, like the dedollarisation problem, and like many other problems in America are self inflicted. China has nothing to do with them, did not want to have anything to do with them. In many cases, like Covid19 and manufacturing deadly and fake Covid19 vaccines, were all the works of the Americans, including releasing the Covid19 virus.

The Americans should stop spreading vicious lies and own up to the problems they are creating for themselves and the world. The Americans are the main cause of most of the problems the world is facing, most of the problems the Americans are facing. Face up to the truth America. You are the devil, the manufacturers of lies, hate, tension, distrust, terrorism, wars, refugees, death and destruction. 

America is the manufacturer of all things evil, and trouble.  Period. Stop blaming everyone else.  Stop blaming China. The Europeans, mainly Brits, Jews and Americans, brought opium into China and forced it on the Chinese. Fentanyl was not brought into America by China but by drug lords outside of China. The devious Americans as usual, just like the Covid19 virus, fabricated and forcibly accused China as the cause of the problems, without any concrete evidence. China should just ignored these false allegations and let the Americans taste their bitter medicine. Karma has its way to make evil people pay for their crimes, now or later.


Anonymous said...

If China is the source of the Fentanyl problem in the USA, why is it not a problem in China itself? When the USA cannot put its own house in order, the problem is always blamed on someone outside, nothing to do with the incompetence of the USA Government.

That brings me to a Chinese Minister, during the Opium War period, reprimanding an appointed White reprentative of the British Government, who was blatantly and openly involved in the opium trade, why they did not push or allow the British public to have opium in the country, while pushing opium into China by force? That it was the offical and intentional purpose of the British Government to force China, by using 'gunboat diplomacy' to open up to the opium trade is even more vile, evil, malicious and immoral.

When the Hillary Clinton lost the election to Trump in 2016, Russia was blamed for interference in the internal affairs of the USA. A wild goose chase ensued that ended up with no conclusion. If Russian interference had still been ongoing as they still are claiming, how did Biden win in 2020? Oh, the Repulicans side claimed it was Chinese interference. How convenient for both parties with Russia and China providing the scapegoating for every failure. Whether Democrats or Republicans win, China and Russia will be the losers.

The drug problem in the USA is out of control, just like homelessness and gun control, despite all the glorified speeches made by each and every new President to take measures to solve the problem. The real problem is that the perceived power of the President is limited, and is in the hands of those with vested interest by using their lobbying powers derived from their campaign contributions. Senators in Congress are also controlled by big oil, big pharma, bid tech and Wall Street, that makes the final decisions about important issues using their votes. What the USA President gloated about is still not the final say, until Congress gives approval.

That is why all that hubris about US$600 billion infrastructure project to rival the BRI (which the USA will only pledge US$200 billion), and lately with Biden talking about building a railroad across the Pacific to the Indian Ocean are all fantasies that Congress will never take seriously or approve. With only more than a year to go, Biden is not too worried about not fulfilling those promises.

The only progress seen to have been made is using politcal pressure and monetary incentives to bear upon countries, such as Italy and Australia, to break from the BRI, and making India happy about having a railroad linking the USA to the Indian Ocean. US$200 billion is a lot of money to play with, especially for poorer countries to break with the BRI, and we can be sure more may follow. But those countries will live to regret it.

Anonymous said...

Mearican politicians busy waging war round the world.

Who cares if the people are suffering.
Who cares if infrastructure are crumbling.
Who cares if industries have all moved overseas.
Who cares as long as they get campaign donations from vested interest.

Today, Mearica is ruled by the big 3

Military Industrial Complex

The politicians are just another means for big 3 to making big bucks

Anonymous said...

The USA system is just a game of 'musical chairs'. Both parties take turns to sit in the White House, but the components of the Deep State continues with their money making schemes. Because both parties are the means they control the USA.

Anonymous said...

There are vending machines dispensing fertanyl all over Newyork city. Did China own these machines under the protection of NY police. If it is not legal, why Zombie Biden didn't take action, ,May he is also addicted showing serious side effects ;zombie like or pretending.

Anonymous said...

Biden does look like a drug addict. Watch his eyes and facial expression. Moreover, he is quite used to talking in gibberish language and making connections to meaningless things.

Many have accused Hector Biden of doing drugs as well. Runs in the family I suppose.