
China's industrial overcapacity is a blessing welcome by the world, ....definitely not a threat

 Janet Yellen is trying to drag the rest of the world into her agenda on behalf of the USA by repeating the narrative that China's industrial overcapacity is a threat to the rest of the world. How is that a threat to the rest of the world when the world can have access to cheaper goods that the USA and the West can never provide? If the USA does not want cheaper goods, that is their freedom to choose. Why drag the rest of the world into their rhetoric and fear mongering?

That China's overcapacity is now proving to be a threat to the USA and its allies is the reality, and certainly nothing of a threat to the rest of the world. She has to drag the rest of the world into her narrative to add support to her nefarious, illogical and fallacious accusation against China.

The USA cannot fight a war or battle alone with Russia, China or even Iraq without dragging its allies into the fray. They claimed that those who followed them during the Iraq War were a 'Coalition of the Willing', undeniably to justify their evil designs to steal the oil in Iraq after starting a war fraught with lies and fake evidence. Now it is using the same modus operandi of using the Europeans against Russia in Ukraine. And it is intending to do the same by using its East Asian allies like Japan, South Korea and Philippines to do their dirty work against China.

What is the industrial overcapacity threat posed by China actually? With Industrial overcapacity, China is in a position to dominate and flood the market with cheaper identical products that can kill off any competition that the USA and the West are trying to build up. The USA and the West can boast of re-industrialization and building up, for example, of its rare earth refining abilities, which China does not fear as China's overcapacity can always kill them off at leisure. Who wants to invest in such ventures when China is posing such a threat to their existence? That is the USA's biggest fear, not the cheaper goods that China is churning out.

Therefore, China must never fall for Yellen's fallacious and misguided narrative and continue on its industrial push together with its military buildup. It will never be proven wrong. 



Anonymous said...

The USA / West are incapable of competong with China in the economic and industrial field.
They must now swallow their own famous Darwinism Doctrine - on the Survival of the Fittest. They should quietly fade away and die and not making unnecessary noise blaming China and others for the misfortuunes of their own making.

Lee Shi Ming

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Lee Shi Ming.