
When China leads and Americans follow

 For the decades following WW2, America was the main super power. And they set the agenda and wrote the narratives without anyone questioning or dare to question. The American's open agenda is all about security, threats, and creating scarecrows as threats to the world, using scapegoats like China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, war on terror, etc etc to divide the world into hostile camps. The unspoken agenda is the American Empire, American hegemony. Another agenda is using war as a big business to support and finance its huge military forces all over the world with military bases and warships to prop up the Empire and oppress and suppress any resistance  along the way or in the way.

In reality, the biggest threat to world peace is the American Empire. All the wars and instability around the world were started by the Americans, fought by the Americans. But with their dominant position in  military might and control of the western media, their fake and fabricated narratives ruled the days. Every country, friend or foe, just had to accept this American lie. When the Americans branded a country as a threat, every country sheepishly has to accept it grudingly. When the Americans sanctioned a country, every country has to follow suit. Regime change, terrorism, anti Muslim propaganda, human rights, democracy were the catchphrases of the American Empire. All the western media just repeat and repeat such phrases as a daily routine.

China on the other hand quietly go about it what it does best, helping countries to build their infrastructures for trade and economic development. In all the far corners of the world, China is there, building and trading and even giving aids when necessary, no wars, no political interference. The Chinese agenda is peaceful economic development with no meddling in the domestic affairs of other countries. Trade is trade minus politics against the Americans meddling and poking its fingers into every country to smear and to presurrise them. China has been doing infrastucture development for as long as the Americans were conducting wars and regime change and imposing sanctions on countries they branded as threats, anti democracy, authoritarian, violating human rights, etc etc. 

What the Chinese were doing did not get much attention or notice without the western media trumpeting them. The western media only trumpet smears against everything China is doing, even against the BRI and all the infrastructures China helped to build for the rest of the world. The western media only trumpet the American hostile propaganda of security threats and wars of aggression disguised as wars of liberation, that China is aggressive, expansive and wanting to conquer and rule the world.

The American lies and hostility to start wars cannot go on forever. The world is getting tired of wars, fabricated threats and false flag events. The world needs a new and peaceful world order, not a world of hostility and unending wars. China's formula for peaceful economic development is getting notice and gaining traction. The rise of China as a super economic power, in rebuilding a poor agricultural country to a modern industrial state, becomes the role model for the rest of the developing world. Every country wants to develop, progress and build a better life for its people. They see hope in China and in working with China. Every leader is heading to Beijing to seek cooperation and assistance in economic and infrastructure development, the basics they need for progress and prosperity in their countries.

China is now the new pipe piper, and the rest of the world are following the lead by China. No one is listening to the hostile and warmongering agenda of the evil Americans. The Americans can continue to beat their war drums and trumpet their propaganda about democracy, human rights, about a hostile and aggressive China discriminating against its minorities. No one is believing in the Americans anymore. No one is following the Americans and their lies. Every country is seeking what is best in their national interest and would not want to be dragged into any war against China or Russia. 

All of a sudden the Americans found themselves alone shouting to a world that is looking elsewhere. Only the Anglo Saxon tribes are with the Americans. The Europeans were coerced to be in the same boat but found the boat sinking and are jumping overboard to save themselves.

The only formula that is welcomed by the rest of world is the Chinese formula of economic growth and peaceful growth. What can the Americans do when no one is listening to them? Join the crowd, follow the Chinese formula.  China has the BRI, Biden announced that the Americans would also have a similar BRI with a US$600 billion fund. Where is the money, what projects are they going to build? Nevermind, just shout first. Unfortunately after a few days it fizzled out. No more is to be heard of this delusion. It is fakery, but worth a try.

China is making many new friends in all corners of the world. What can the Americans do, after forgetting that there are many countries in the world out there, after spending all the their time and resources in fabricating lies and fighting wars? Follow the leader, follow where the Chinese have gone. China has built very good relations with Asean, so invite all the Asean leaders to Washington. China is working closely with the Pacific Islanders, so invite the leaders of the Pacific Islands to Washington. China is every where in Africa and Latin America, so quickly invite all the leaders of Latin America and Africa to Washington. 

But where is the beef? China has spent decades building economic and friendly relations with these countries, pouring billions into these countries in joint developments. What can the 3 day meetings in Washington do? Hyping more security threats against China and wanting them to take sides, to buy more weapons of mass destruction? Want to bluff the Africans that China is their enemy, not the white men that enslaved them and looted their countries?

China just ended a summit with the Arab World, the countries that suffered the most from American aggression, invasion, discrimination and war against Muslim 'terrorists'. The countries that had seen the most refugees and death caused by the American wars of aggression. China has signed more than 30 trade and economic cooperation agreements with the Arab World. So, when are the Americans going to invite the leaders of the Arab World to Washington? A few days of wasteful talks would be just that, wasteful talks, unless there are concrete projects with substance for the good of these countries.

China is now writing a new narrative, and the Americans have no choice but to follow. China has seized the initiative from the Americans without the aid of the western media trumpeting in its favour. China just do it, and the rest of the world are embracing the Chinese initiative gladly as they can see the goodness in them. Economic development and no interference in the domestic affairs of other countries, no coercion to take sides, no politics. 

The old American unproductive and destructive narrative of security threats and wars is history. No one believes in it. No one wants it. No one wants war. No one wants to be victims of wars. No country wants another big power to meddle in their domestic politics and national affairs.

Take note America. China is doing the right things that every country wants. Follow what the Chinese are doing or you will be left isolated and alone in the wilderness. Learn well, be good, be peaceful and stop being a trouble maker and inciting wars and instability everywhere, or be a goner.

China is leading the rest of the world in a peaceful march for growth, economic development and common prosperity for the people of the world. Heard of the Chinese win win formula?

China has a new space station and is going to the moon. The Americans are also trying to go to the moon.

China is leading in AI and 5G and 6G, driverless cars, the Americans are trying to catch up.

China is top in hi speed trains. The Americans still sleeping.

China's EV cars and batteries are tops. America's closest rival, Tesla, is manufacturing in Shanghai, China. BYD has over taken Tesla in sales in Nov 22.

Chinese drones are the best. When is America going to catch up?

Chinese aircraft carrier is more modern and sophisticated than the Americans.

Chinese stealth fighters are better than the F22s and F35s. F15s and F16s are obsolete.

China is going into digital currency, cashless transactions, when is America going to catch up?

China is leading in many fields of frontier science and technology. Where are you America, stealing Chinese technology?


Anonymous said...

And the latest Chinese leadership on Covid 19:

'Although easing zero Covid restrictions in China will be met with reopening hardships as infections soar, earlier this week, one of the top medical advisers in the country said that the omicron variant of the virus is no worse than the flu.

Now some Chinese cities are downgrading Covid even further, saying it's the same as the seasonal cold, and there is no need to panic. '

'The virulence of the new coronavirus [Omicron] has now evolved to the level of the seasonal flu, and some are even less virulent than the flu, so you really don't need to panic," said Tang Xiaoping, director of the No 8 People's Hospital in Guangzhou and head of the national key clinical department of infectious diseases.'

'Beijing's mindset is apparent: reopen the economy, and let the virus spread because there isn't much officials can do at this point unless they want to crash the economy. '

Link to article:

Anonymous said...

What China's BRI project today cud be under the advice of the then old man of Sinkieland wisdom, whose close door meeting with Xi and henchmen led to the revival of the Silk route. The old man wisdom envision that China wud lead the world one day & probably Xi listened to the old man advice and everything becomes history. See the great wisdom of the old man, some people in China tot he was the reincarnation of the then Zhu Ge Liang of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China, some folks in China even made a portrait or statue to commemorate his great achievements.

Anonymous said...

The USA can do what it is doing today because of the US$ hegemony. Even its military power rides on its ability to print fiat money at will. Take that away, and the whole setup will collapse like a house of cards. Funding almost a thousand military bases all over the world, and keeping afloat all the military logistics of aircraft carriers and supporting warships and submarines would be impossible without the free printing of US$. How many countries can still be around accumulating the kind of debt the USA is holding? And the USA is intent on keeping it going without accountability.

In reality those military bases existed primarily just to prevent any country from upsetting the status quo, and is not about protecting other countries from threats per se, which is just a convenient side cover. Hence generating threats becomes part and parcel of the whole narrative to ensure those bases continue to exists as they are. That is why the USA is fighting tooth and nail to prevent the collapse of the US$ hegemony. With Russia and China spearheading the de-dollarisation move, the USA is facing not minions like Iraq or Libya, but is facing a bigger battle on its hands.

There is, in reality, nothing much the USA can do about the oncoming US$ trainwreck, short of starting a nuclear war to end it all. With more and more countries getting wiser and growing tired of letting the USA have a free ride on the hard work of others, through the printing of fiat money, countries are coming together to find an alternative to the US$ for global trade settlement, bypassing the US$. The global community must hope it will suceed, in order to to free themselves from the US$ hegemony curse.

Anonymous said...

If the old man is so wise, he would have advised Singapore not to let the Americans use Changi Naval Base. It is this stupid move that threatened China's supply chain through the Malacca Strait leading to all the plans to by pass Singapore.

The BRI strategy is a very comprehensive plan that involved many hard thinkings and only the Chinese would commit so many thinkers into it. It is a plan that involved trillions of dollars. When it was conceived, China could barely afford such an expensive plan. Definitely tiny Singapore with a GDP of $300b would not be able to come up with a plan involving trillions of dollars and traversing the 4 continents of the world.

A frog in the well would only plan around the size of the well.

Anonymous said...

China had accumulated trillions in US$ through its trade surpluses with the USA over the decades. China planned the recycling of those reserves via the BRI strategy and provided funding for poor countries in infrastructure developments.

The USA did not foresee this move and finding it unsettling that China is able to divest slowly its holdings of US$ reserves and not just continuing to use those accumulated reserves to buy US treasuries, that could prove toxic to hold if conflict with the USA arises. China saw what the USA did to other countries by seizing their reserves when it thinks fit.

The USA, on the other hand could not stomach the Chinese move into the BRI projects all over the world and it thus fabricated the debt traps and imperialistic designs propaganda.

patriot said...

The Late Ruth-less Monster does have
Undying idolaters.
The Silk Route is
Centuries Old and was the Greatest Trade Route to Date. Its' importance has not diminish and in fact could be developed further as it is being implemented by Comrade Xi Jinping.
The Late Ruth-less Monster is idolize in lndia. The lndia lndians have named new-born with the Same Name as him. Temple is built to deify him as well.
In China,
Lee Kuan Yew is now much seen as
Ruth-less dictator and his reputation has also suffers much due to ruth-lessness and his
dictatorship. His namesake has gone into the Sewar and Gutter after he died. He was kind of awared of his posterity which in some ways is also negatively link to him grooming his Son to the Throne of Sin. It does not sit well with most people, Singaporean and Foreigners. Lamentable for a clever man out-played by himself for been too ruth-less and ambitious.

patriot said...

Sewar to be corrected to


LKY's Left Eye said...

When China leads? LOL! Look closely, and Sinovax and copying western technology shows the real story.

Singapore's leaders understand the real story and know better how to play into such thinking. Majulah Singapura.

Anonymous said...

Really? When is TUAS Port going to become a white elephant?

patriot said...

Many infrastructures shall be white elephants.
Changi Airport T5, Garden by the Bay, Casino, Bird Park, Sentosa and all the Non-utilility Structures.
As l have being saying;
trades shall not be going through miďdle-man soon. Therefore the Entrepot Port that Sin has being functioning in the Past shall diminish very fast and dies soon.
With rails linking every country overland and even sea, there is no need for transition to distribute goods.
And if lsthmus of Kra is built, which is most likely to be, Sin will be done for. The Fateful Day is
coming soon.
White elephant is bad
and having the White Elephant
starves to death is even more damaging.
For the Case of Sin,
I would say that it is a self-inflicted damage.
l must say
I do not know why
it is done.
Or maybe,
I just read the Future differently with the Ruling Talents in Sin.

Anonymous said...

Biden told the 49 African countries that America would come up with US$350b fund for Africa's digital transformation. Wow, America still got so much money. Oops, oops, Biden mispronounced millions into billions. It is US$350m for the 49 African countries, nothing much more than he promised Asean's US$150m.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Joe is just blowing hot air!

patriot said...

By the Way,
the High Cost of Everything edible and not,
is keeping and driving away consumption in Sin.
And artefacts are no much lure for tourism. Even if they are, there is nothing in Sin to match Disneyland and other larger ones abroad.
Nowadays, tourists want to experient nature, culture and even authentic native food which are lacking in Sin.
How to expect tourists to visit?
Sin not only has no lure, it is pricing itself out of competition.

patriot said...

Transiting through Sin to other destinations shall also be down drastically as more destination and port are built and many will be sprouting everywhere along the BRI and new airport will be built in many developing countries.
Not too farfetch that Johor and Batam may have lnternational
Airport in the Near Future.

Anonymous said...

No RB, you made mistake. You said China is Pied Piper. Surely you know he Pied Piper is evil and led all the people to die be because he was not paid. Please correct your gross error.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha. You are right and also wrong. There are good and bad pipe pipers. Just like there are good and bad white men or coloured men. It depends on how it is being used, for good or for evil.

This pipe piper is blowing a different tune, all about economic development. Unlike the American pipe piper, blowing about threats, security and wars.

The world can choose between the two pipe pipers. To the American pipe piper, BRI is debt trap. To China, BRI will bring economic growth. Every country can make their own decision. Many are choosing the BRI.

Anonymous said...

The USA can't even do a good job of the 5G setup at home. And it wants to fund a digital transformation of Africa? Who is kidding who? Makes my little toe laugh like the big toe!

Anonymous said...


Hi Patriot

Here the video of the Isthmus of Kra if potong.

Sinkeland is finished.

Already so many canals cut and this is pisssible.