
More foreign talents must come

 Singapore have many jobs with title like CEOs or senior management positions that need foreign talents to fill for some good reasons. Firstly, Singaporeans did not have enough of such talents.  Secondly, Singaporeans are mostly not qualified, not because they have no paper qualifications, but their world class universities did not teach them the skills needed for such jobs. Thirdly, Singaporeans have no international experience and exposure. How to sell chicken rice without international experience? Or to run supermarket, postal service or run kopitiams without international experience? Fourthly, Singaporeans do not want such jobs.  Singaporeans prefer to be their own boss and prefer to be drivers, taxi drivers or Grab drivers also can.

Singapore thus not only have to open its doors to foreign talents, Singapore must open its doors to foreign talents. And its elected MPs and ministers know how Singaporeans feel about these, and since they are representing the interests of Singaporeans, they must encourage more foreigners to come and take CEO jobs that Singaporeans did not want. And Singaporeans supported such calls, by not complaining or saying they did not approve of it. Silence is consent.  See, no Singaporeans complaining when foreigners are headhunted from around the world, and the best in the world seems to be from South Asia, to fill up such positions.  South Asia is a gold mine for top management talents like CEOs.

And Singaporeans are happy.  For they know that such talents would create jobs for their country men, oops, for Singaporeans. It is a win win situation for Singapore. Getting highly trained foreigners to turn their companies into making big profits and also to create jobs good jobs for Singaporeans. For Singaporeans that are happy with less stressful jobs, there are plenty of such jobs around other then being their own boss and driving in their mobile offices. Many young Singaporeans are happily employed as jagas, oops, Covid Ambassadors, big nice title, sitting comfortably outside offices and shopping centres, easy jobs and with good long term prospects.

Let the foreign talents in, Singaporeans are not complaining. Everything will be fine.  Singaporeans can share their HDB flats with foreigners and collect rent, just like in the 1950s and 60s. Under one roof, several families, one room for one family, three rooms, three families. And the kitchen and bathroom become sort of common facilities to be shared by all.  Singaporeans sharing their homes to show to the foreigners their unique hospitality. Some better still, vacate their homes to foreigners and they moved to stay in Bintan, Batam and JB. Such generosities are unmatched in the world.  Highly commendable.

Nice, nice, very nice.  And Singaporeans' life is so good that they would not change the govt but would continue to vote in the same govt with bigger and bigger majority, bigger mandate. See, no one is complaining. When life is so good, what is there to complain?

This is my land, this is my country, this is my home. More and more foreigners would be singing this song.

PS. None of our graduates from our world class universities, many tens of thousands of them not good enough for the NTUC CEO job? What the hell is happening? Who made the selection and appointment?


Clear eyed said...

The PAP spent so much time and effort building up Fairprice into a household name in Singapore with tentacles in every inch of the island and profits of hundreds of millions a year. Any reasonably intelligent person can run such an organization successfully. But they have to hand this platter of gold to their favorite foreigner, making him a multi millionaire overnight. Same as what they did with DBS. I will not buy from FAIRPRICE as far as possible.

Anonymous said...

Rb now ntuc supermarket will be run buy indian ceo graduated from India do heng we got this talent snatching him from USA company.mist thank God we are lucky

Anonymous said...

Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge

Anonymous said...

Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.

Anonymous said...

After years of campaigns promoting racial harmony, the reality is that all that effort has been wasted, derailed by the mass import of foreign fake talents that is causing a wider divide among the races.

Now, even Pinky's comments using the word 'criminal' regarding the WP case is ruffling the feathers of India and Modi. The pigeon is coming home to roost as India is sensing our weakness and thinks it can exploit. Trust a snake and gets bitten.

Racial harmony day? What bullshit!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I'll say this again and again until I'm choking on my last breath.

The country and its future are MORE IMPORTANT than the humans who exist in the present. That is because humans are being replaced every day...they are an expendable resource.

Maybe you think highly of yourself and your family. In the grand scheme of things, you and your kin are just "units" to be exploited for the nation's existence and its future. You are kidding yourself to think that the country or a company exists for you or that the govt cares about you. No one cares about you.

If you don't care about your own self-interest and are willing to act accordingly by using your own critical-thinking mind to decide and do for yourself, who are you expecting to come along and "be your Saviour?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

People look for the flaws in LHL allowing their focus to be distracted and their conclusions distorted. LHL deserves far more credit as a statesman with a different style to his father. People get so focused on the father and draw comparisons, which again lead them to distorted and inaccurate conclusions.

It takes some kind of nerve or "grit" to stand up in parliament and lay claims about the corruption in the govt of a close trading partner, and then to tie it to city-state democracy, the future and the hiring of foreign talents.

This sends the local internet into high states of "agitation" as the hoi polloi and the chattering classes lose their collective minds...over what? Big Fat NOTHING. Within a few weeks, it'll all blow over and be history. Backchannel diplomacy will "repair" Singapore-India ties, more "deal" will be struck.

One definition of Loser is a person who consistently negotiates or acts from positions of weakness unable to apply leverage or display some sort of "value" which is desired by the other side of the trade.

How in the hell do these types of people expect to win? And they do the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Singapore's "growth model" will evolve over time. Keep in mind that many Singaporeans are still "job snobs". They "look down" on jobs that are perceived as "low social value". So enterprises have to hire overseas. If they can get an overseas person to do menial work, they can also source overseas for the more upscale and professional work...what's stopping them? Oh, BTW, they negotiate and act from positions of strength and value, which is how then win consistently.

How to stop losing

Anonymous said...

This could be the reason. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/02/perspectives/indian-ceo-perspectives/index.html

Anonymous said...

"Me Too". From now on I and my family will not even visit FairPrice nor buy anything from it online. Period.

Queen of Hearts said...

This perennial problem cannot be solved in this life time.

The only way to circumvent it is to go for greener pastures.

Anonymous said...

I have the perception that the crowds that used to throng Fairprice is not there any more. Perhaps business at Fairprice is not as good as before the pandemic. Buying online is catching on, initiated by the period of lockdown, and this is one reason. The second reason seems to be that not all things are not as cheap as before at Fairprice or at least there are cheaper places offering competition. For those who pay attention, price differences can be substantial.

Unless products are on offer or promotion, I avoid Fairprice altogether. Even factoring in member discounts, it makes little difference nowadays anyway.

B.Seng said...

I read somewhere that China produces goods for the world, and India produces managers for the world. Kau pei kau bu also no point. Best is to go to China and become factory worker. LOL!.

Anonymous said...

Good that we now have real india indian running ntuc. Ntuc will soon be vomiting fat profits like Microsoft & Google.

With his connections to over 1 billion NRI diaspora & home country, ntuc can only go to the moon.

Loser sinkies who need to depend on children allowance for retirement can go work for ntuc as cashiers or shelvers.

Btw, ntuc still doing well.

The supermarket is earning over $100 million profits every year.

The Kopitiam foodcourts that they bought over is giving them over $23M in yearly dividends.

Ntuc supermarket has another $1+ Billion sitting in investment portfolio (Angsana Macro Fund).

Anonymous said...

Sin talent could very well be indeed befits to be factory worker in China.
The Frog that grows up in a well cannot be very smart. A small fish that can survives in an ocean must have the Survival skill. And this is typical of lndia lndians. Civilization that lasts for thousands of years, is not fluke and its' people must be survivor of the Fittest.
To cut it short, Sin has to have a big host for it's parasitic survival in the Near Future. It needs the Cheap Labour from lndia as well as the lndian to get into the Largest Consumer Markets lndia and lndonesia, in the World to stay viable and for survival. Period

Anonymous said...

Ah Beng cum Ah Seng telling others what to do? LOL!

Typical factory worker mentality, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Could it be that it is much cheaper to hire him than to keep the lncumbent CEO ?

Anonymous said...


Living up to her unquenchable desire to be the first in anything and everything, Singapore is desperately trying to be the first in COVID-19 infections per million people.

Yesterday, she scored exceedingly wrll in this Covid-19 pandemic endeavour, by garnering 18 ,94 new COVID-19 cases by noon (Feb 18), comprising 17,886 local cases and 208 happily imported cases.

In addition, seven more unfortunate, unlucky and unexpected people have succumbed to the virus. This takes the death toll to 937, and counting.

There are 1,458 patients in the hospitals. A total of 182 require oxygen supplementation, up from Thursday's figure of 164.

Anonymous said...

If Singapore refuses to give its own citizens chances at CEO positions, there will be lesser and lesser experience Singaporeans with experience in these positions to grow into bigger jobs.

Stupidity has no cure disease is inbreeding in the natural aristocrats' mushy numbskulls.

Complain King II said...

I am just wondering. Why is there no Singaporean with world class education who has been appointed CEO of Fortune 500 company? Not enough talent, is it? Our Sinkie talent only for complaining.

Anonymous said...

Singapore's real talents have all become politicians, ministers, MPs and mayors. If the PAP did not headhunted them and turned them into politicians, they would be grabbed by the MNCs to be CEOs. Feel very sorry for them. Now earning a miserable $1m and working so hard for the people in this thankless job.

They could be earning tens or hundreds of millions if they did not become ministers or MPs. Maybe CEOs of Microsoft, Google, etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Redbean, why you complain so much? You everyday harp the same song, who is listening to you? You Government knows what is good for you, because you voted them in to control, oops, sorry to take care of you. Don't simply complain and kpkb everyday. Kwai kwai obey and welcome all the super talents into Singapore to create jobs for the true blue citizens. Otherwise who will give the grab taxi run by Singaporeans jobs? How would the hawker center Ah Pek gets customers? Tiok Bo? The foreign CEOs are here to grow Singapore, so don't anyhow complain,OK????

Anonymous said...

Singapore system trains sinkies to be low-key, mind your business, just focus on yourself & family.

The real sinkie talents are quietly enjoying their lives as:
Private specialists & surgeons.

Partners in big 4 law firms or big 4 accountancy firms.

Chairman, CEO, CFO, MD, or at least senior director of big 3 local banks.

Those with talent of 3-legging will climb to senior mgmt in GLC.

There are 2,800 Good Class Bungalows in Singapore. All are owned by pink IC holders. Yet you don't hear about almost all of them. These sinkie talents only keep to their inner circle & fuck care about the rest of S'pore, which are filled with kpkb loser sinkies.

Anonymous said...

The dead are children or adult?

Anonymous said...

Base on basic principles of nature,

Everything will continue to survive forever.

Covid no different.

Anonymous said...

With the new policies on foreign talents, all foreign talents would be given a pay rise to remain in Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Sin belongs to the Ruling Claas, Elte and Rich Merchant. They probably constitute no more than a third of the Population. Most are likely own multiple properties in Sin and Overseas. The 80% Average Sinkies live in 'subsidized' high-rise housing. The Newly-builts are shrinking in sizes nuch like bird cages.Many are homeless niw and the Number is rising.
While the poorer Sinkies have no-where to go, more aliens are imported into the Over-crowded Barren-rock to invigorate consumption, now the Main Engine for Growth in Sin.
What's next for Sinkies ?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 854

Who says people living in HDB are "poor"? There might be some but by my observations of the types of cars parked in the multistoreys lead me to conclude that there is a staggering level of "middle-class wealth" in Singapore.

If you don't believe that there are more than a few millionaire "outliers" in HDBs, you seriously need to update your model of reality in Singapore.

>> Many are homeless niw and the Number is rising. <<

Even if you are right, the best way to protect yourself is to do whatever is necessary in your self-interest to not join that "statistic".

If you think of yourself as a "victim", you will get your wish-come-true. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

70 years ago, nearly every "average" person in Singapore was "poor" by today's standards.

Look what happened! Fortress Singapore happened!

Anonymous said...

Was very poor in term of money.
was very rich in human relationship with plenty of camaraderie, care and concern for each other.
Plenty of organic foods that even husbandry and poultry got to enjoy. The sea provided plenty of jobs and every village was a functioning sustainable eco system itself.

Happiness is a different realm from the Meterial Dimension. One is spiritual, the Other is artifial.

if money gets one happiness, work for it. BUT,
do not hoard it, for it is a sin to do so.
