
Has China won - A rational and interesting conversation between a Singaporean and a Canadian thinkers

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In today's episode I had the great pleasure of sitting down with Kishore Mahbubani for a discussion about China, America and their global relationships. You can find Kishore's book (Has China Won) here: https://amzn.to/32YMlRQ
US never wanted a better China for the Chinese people in any perspective, it just wants cheaper labor to maintain its wasteful lifestyle and its white supremacy. Just look at what US did to Iraq! US wants a divided China, which would be much easier to hold on leash. UK and US has been intentionally planting seeds for separatism everywhere in the world, Pakistan and India, North and South Korea, Mainland China and Taiwan, etc..
Daniel, you are fast becoming a heavy-hitting independent journalist. I wish you health success and good fortune for charting an objective path in high quality content
Awesome. Such an intelligent man Kishore is.
Daniel getting some serious connections over here.
George Galloway in one of his videos stated that the US in the early 1990s wanted to use Al Qaeda to attack China, especially in Xinjiang. Its a well known fact that Al Qaeda is the creation of Saudi Arabia and the USA. Al Qaeda's ideology is based on radical Salafist Wahhabism, the state religion of Saudi Arabia. But instead, Al Qaeda turned on the US. And 9/11 happened. The US reaped what it sowed. As the Yiddish saying goes 'Man make plans, but God laughs'. The US plays a dangerous and insidious game and makes diabolical plans using Islamic Terrorism to undermine other countries making it a state sponsor of terrorism. So the Almighty turns His wrath on this country which is a warmongering lawless rogue state. Like 9/11, we wonder what the Almighty will have in store for the US abomination? It wouldn't be pretty. The behaviour of the US using terrorism to undermine countries continues. The US transported thousands of Jihadists from Afghanistan to fight the Syrian government. A civil war that has killed more than 500,000 people and destroyed property and infrastructure worth 600 billion. Pity the Syrian people. Ajit Singh on Xinjiang. https://youtu.be/lBz-DW0NJa4 Kim Iversen on Xinjiang. https://youtu.be/Ff4YZBi4UTc George Galloway, 43 mins into video: https://youtu.be/xg4wqJ15e-o Watch George Galloway "Western hypocrisy over Chinese Uighur Muslims" on YouTube https://youtu.be/eyG5v21lKTU The Falun Gong, cult of evil. Foreign Correspondent on YouTube. https://youtu.be/QzlMQyM8p74
The fact that people like Daniel and Kishore do exist in the world, who are non-Chinese but have a rational and fair opinion on China, make me still hope we could avoid a world-wide conflict between China and the West. Respect and appreciate.
One of the best non Chinese China expert around. Good job getting him on.
China is not a threat to the American way of life. ๐Ÿ‘ But Americans are in trouble with their leaders failing to lead. Blaming China for American incompetence to handle the COVid-19 is not only irrational but also creates great problems for Americans controlling the epidemic which will cause great economic losses for years to come.
Kishore Mahbubani told the truth about China ,compare to countless anti - China Youtube channel ,he and George Galloway are most respectful people that humanity can earned
OMG, Daniel, you are the MAN!!! You landed Mahbubani, one of top 100 intellectuals of the century.
Even if China is not a communist country, USA will be outright hostile to China. This is actually obvious because Japan was a liberal democracy in the 1990s, but USA was very hostile toward Japan too, at during that time. It was just pre-internet era at the time, so you dont see much of the news in 1990s on the archives of the internet, but if you go to the library, you can read the old news papers archived therein, and see every issue the American media says about Japan then is 95% similar to the issues about China today.
Omfg, who exactly is Daniel Dumbrill???!!!!!! How did he manage to land an interview with Dr. Mahbubhani????!!!!

Above are a few of the comments on this interesting discussion on China American relationship between Daniel Dumbrill and Kishore Mahbubani that is worth the one hour spent. Highly recommended by Redbean.


Anonymous said...

Henry Kissinger emphasized that Chinese strategy was guided by the Chinese game of wei qi, not Western chess. In Western chess, the strategy is on finding the fastest way to capture the king. In wei qi, the goal is to slowly and patiently build up assets to tip the balance of the game in one's favor. The emphasis in on long-term strategy, not short-term gains.

SSO said...

In just one single factor China has already won: Population.

The sheer numbers of Chinese people spreading all over the world - in almost every field of human endeavor - business sectors, research sectors, technology sectors, engineering sectors, medical fields, academics and higher education, and most importantly, in the security and intelligence areas - are sufficient to overwhelm the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand combined.

How can US's population of 330 million challenge China's population of 1.43 billion?

A very significant majority of the Chinese people, both at home and abroad, are always united behind the Chinese government, whereas the majority of the US citizens are non-homogenous and are unlikely to support the US government full-heartedly. This is the key difference between a true socialist state and a pseudo democracy republic.

Virgo 49 said...

America's economy is ALREADY TANK at the bottom of the Pacific.

The Hurricane is now beaching their Eastern States.

Dotard TRUMP now evading Elections.

Nearly 200K DEATHS in COVID.

Number One Diaster.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Virgo u better be careful of the American drone that can operate from USA fly all the way to sg to target you.

Virgo 49 said...

10.33 SCDF sirens in the Air.

If that Americunts's drone can targets me with all my collateralized neighbours to DEATH then our SAF Air Defence is completely useless.

Cannnot defend even a drone.?

How to defence against the A Bomb with Love from Kim Jong Un.


LOOP said...

The SAF cannot defend Singapore. It is only for deterrent purposes. If Indonesia and Malaysia are not deterred and join forces to attack Singapore, by the time the US come to the rescue, it's already too little too late.

All the Singapore Air Force planes including the AWAC are already down and gone.

China will provide Malaysia with the Air Defence missiles that can take down the F16, F18 and F35.

Singapore's Navy would be destroyed by Malaysian submarines supplied by China.

Changi Naval Base and Tengah Air Base and Paya Lebar Air Base would similarly be destroyed by missiles.

The Singapore Army, comprising of paper generals and ns soldiers, cannot even take off from homeland, let alone thinking of executing forward defence? You think ns soldiers want to fight for paper generals who get rich quick while the ns soldiers got to become food delivery boys and taxi drivers?

Good luck! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Kishore is the opposite of that anti-China ambassador at large. No surprise that when the Singaprean man was caught and alleged in the US to be spying for China, Kausikan was the first to weigh in on the affair without giving a fair independent take, almost taking in the US side even when their State Dept and Homeland security have been conducting a witchhunt on everything and everybody Chinese.

Bless Kishore to keep speaking the truth and to hell with the other for being a US lapdog

Anonymous said...

Have you ever come across Kausikan making anti-India comments ?

Anonymous said...

That dude needed to be sodomized jialat jialat lar

Anonymous said...

Virgo bro u be careful lar as collateral damage is acceptable to them mah