
A nation state whose main language of administration is a foreign language, and bananas ashamed to speak their own native language

 Long time ago when LKY advocated that Singaporean Chinese learnt Mandarin so as in time to come we shall have businesses with China and our peoples could engaged in them in conversations.

So employers with businesses with China advertised that applicants must able to speak Mandarin.

Whoa wow HELL broke loose.

Racists, racisms they screamed.

The worse is that the MOM instead of explaining to these sensitive beans Started to ostracise the Chinkees.

Pacified the unreasonable.

What's a joke!

Also in the NTUC complained that the PRCs working here cannot spat Eng Kok.

Must Spat Eng Kok meh?

Singapore had FOUR Offical Languages and one of them is Mandarin, why must SPAT Eng Kok?

Even now the Daft Immigration new rules for foreigners who wanted to reside here must able to SPAT Eng Kok!

Cannot speak Mandarin meh?

What's happening to the Four Offical Languages?

Of which Mandarin is one of them!

Too bananas liao!

Just to add now the PRCs cheh don't want to work here liao!

Our country more luck koo than yours.

In time to come sad to say you peoples may have to come here and work for us.

Then we shall ask you cannot spat Mandarin meh?

You Chinese you know?


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