
The evil Empire and its lies to stop China's rise

 (127) Blinken Lays out Washington's Anti-China Agenda - YouTube


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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has laid out US policy toward the People’s Republic of China - a manifesto upholding Washington’s vow to prevent China from surpassing the US. However, China is a nation with a population several times the size of the US (and the G7 combined) and is making the transition from developing to a developed nation - surpassing the US is inevitable. Only through subversion and conflict can the US even attempt to prevent this - and that is precisely what the US government including the State Department has been doing and is announcing it will continue doing. 
Above is a 32 min video presented by an ex Marine telling how vicious and obnoxious the evil American regime was and is, spending decades fighting and killing millions of people to protect its dominance in the world, the Imperial American Empire. They want to dictate which country can be rich and which to be poor, and no country is allowed to be richer than them or be stronger than them. They will stop and prevent countries from doing so by all kinds of dirty and offensive means. They want to be the dominant and controlling power at all costs.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, the USA can't even deal with almost daily shootings and gun control and still talking about controlling China from rising. Are they serious?

Another shooting in Wisconsin on Thursday. It is happening everywhere - restaurant, supermarket, hospital and now at a cemetery as well. It sounds as bad an omen as any. At a cemetery for the dead and buried? Why not at the White House? Very soon maybe.

The lies do not work anymore. Just check backwards at the lies they fabricated - Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine. Any other country fabricating those lies would have been dead and buried long ago.

So, you can see that is how those world bodies that are supposed to uphold justice to protect human rights work - UN, ICC and Human Rights Watch. Oh yes they watch, but only at selective countries like Russia, China, North Korea but certainly not the members of the Evil Cartel.

Anonymous said...

What should China do when gangsters stood in front of its path and told China to stop going forward? Because the gangsters did not like it.

Anonymous said...

Just smash the gangsters ugly face.

Anonymous said...

They have to keep generating rhetoric against China to divert attention away from their own domestic problems. Biden just keeps lying about inflation and the sliding economy on his predecessor, when the facts showed otherwise. He keeps blaming Russia as well for the USA inflation and rising food prices. Who stopped cheap Russian oil and gas and food products with sanctions galore and more being generated?

Inflation was already high even before the Ukraine War and despite that, Biden is still trying to spin it off by blaming Russia. The whole problem now is all of his making, with suspicion that Obama is running the show from behind, or serving his third term as they call it - the massive money printing of trillions to fight COVID, the Build Back Better plan and more money for propaganda war against China and Russia.

Big businesses knows all this money eventually goes into the stock market largely and marginally into the pockets of more people, who will have more money on their hands. And why should they not take advantage and make hay while the sun shines by increasing prices, which undoubtedly contributes to higher inflation. As things gets more expensive, workers will naturally demand higher wages and the cycle gets more and more uncontrollable.

But fortunately for them and unfortunately for us, the Ukraine War and China provides all the diversion needed to fool the USA citizens. And even if Biden leaves the White House, the same stuff will continue because whether Republicans or Democrats, they sing from the same hymn sheet and needs Russia and China to divert attention away from home. Have there ever been material external policy changes with so many changes in administration?

Anonymous said...

They don't even have an economic policy.

Only think of war and stealing oil and resources from other countries and printing toilet papers as money.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

The whole world must now start to shy away from the USD. No one should recognise it anymore. It is pure useless money.

By such measure, the world can make the Evil US Empire to pay back what they have been owing.

Anonymous said...

Blinken says U.S. will align efforts with allies and partners, and compete with the Chinese to suppress China.

Very shameful that the little red dot is very closely aligned with the white Anglo Saxons . . .

Anonymous said...

USA constitutions are like ancient China centuries ago. Difference may be Ancient States in China have their own armies, languages, SOP, etc. Chaos and wars broke out periodically between states to settle matters. Emperor Qin Shi Huang created à melting pot and threw all States into the melting pot, added water, sugar, salt, etc and brewed the broth(brothers). The broth had been brewing for centuries and still on now. Mongol's Yuan dynasty, Manchu's Ching dynasty got themselves in the broth got caramelised. Japan luckily escaped being suck in for being defeated. USA pot had been brewing for 250years. She should be careful not to broke her pot and cause disintegration and there would not be any broth. No brother, only individual States.

Anonymous said...

With many big countries trading with each other in their own currencies, the relentless printing of fiat money cannot find anywhere else to export their inflation and is now exerting inflationary pressures on themselves at home. But they will never admit all that on relentless money printing that had been working nicely over the past few decades, as admitting that will put more pressure on the US$ and expose their evil scheme of making the world pay for them to enjoy their free ride while others absorb their inflation. The bypassing of the US$ in trade by big business deals between countries is a big concern for the USA.

The worse is yet to come. There have been comments that China's zero COVID policy and resulting lockdowns will cause supply chain disruptions all over the world for months down the road, and China's resumption of manufacturing activities will only be able to satisfy domestic demand first of all for some months. After all, China has been encouraging the expansion of it's domestic demand and not to put all their eggs in one basket by relying largely on external markets that are subject to subterfuge, like the trade war created by Trump. Thinking ahead will save them trouble later on, like being held hostage by their heavy dependence on the USA, Japan, South Korea and Western countries for their chip supplies. China is wising up now.

Anonymous said...

"Right on cue, most Western media went on a coordinated blitz to discredit UN Human Rights chief Michelle Batchelet's recent visit to Xinjiang and pour scorn on her carefully crafted statement read out at a press conference after the visit.

The campaign included the publication of hundreds of "hacked police files" from Xinjiang purportedly showing the illegal detention of Uyghurs and "evidence" of abuses.

These "files" were released by the so called researcher Adrian Zenz to selected Western media, including the BBC, simultaneously.

They were published -- without verification, without mentioning of the fact that Zenz is a known rightwing religious extremist who has openly said he is on a crusade against the Chinese Communist Party and whose "research" is often based on the dubious accounts culled from a handful of exiled Uyghur dissidents.

There was not even at a summary of what Ms Batchelet said.
If she didn't find evidence of genocide or widespread abuses, including torture, then she has been duped by the Chinese or worse, has allowed herself to be used by Beijing. No smoking gun produced, no credibility.

As far as Western media lies are concerned, this is, of course, par for the course. But sadly, our own MSM lapped it all up too, without any critical evaluation of the claims made.

My friends, don't just take my word for it. Ms Batchelet's statement, which does raise very nuanced questions about Beijing's handling of the Xinjiang situation, is open to all who can goggle.
So is the material about Zenz.

Go check and decide for yourself."

-- Leslie Fong

Anonymous said...

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, has revealed that her daughter Finnegan was the first to inform her about Biden’s affair with Hallie Biden, widow of his late brother Beau.

That's the US First Family . . .

Anonymous said...

More Singaporean intellectuals should take the cue from Leslie Fong to provide the alternative truth and to discredit the white men's lies, to educate Singaporeans and remove them from the clutches of bias and fake western media.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12.27 point taken.

Pity not many bother and RB is doing a great job. And thanks also to the many who provided free time and unpaid services with their comments. Unpaid and unbias is their mission.

Thankfully, globally there are still many sites springing up doing the discrediting of the fake Western media bias and propaganda.

There are many good sites doing this - Redacted, Brian Berletic of The New Atlas, PTE Wolf Warrior Geopolitics, Emil Cosman, Alexander Mercouris, George Galloway, Jimmy Doe, Cyrus Janssen among many others and including the Chinese keyboard warriors themselves. Many have been demonetised by Youtube for spreading the truth and fear being sanctioned as well.

Worth a look at those sites for a better perspective of the real truth.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The internet is a great equaliser. It gives everyone, young and old, rich or poor, to have an equal say, to take a stand, to tell the truth, to dismiss fake news and lies.

The power is at your finger tips. Do something. It does not cost a bomb to do what is right, say what is right, to defend yourself and your civilisation.

There is no need to shout, no need to stand under the hot sun, no need to run in the streets.

You can do it in the comfort of your home or office or wherever you are.

Anonymous said...

What takes place inside those world bodies is exactly the same modus operandi of what comes before a country is being targeted for regime change. The USA will get rid of the legitimately elected Government through destabilisation, and then planting their own stooge inside the country to control it. Zelensky is a perfect specimen.

It works even better inside world bodies like the UN, WHO, ICC, IMF, World Bank, and what we are seeing and undoubtedly going to happen is that Ms Batchelet will eventually be demonised, discredited and removed and replaced by one completely subservient to the USA and the West.

All they need to do is coerce their doggies to support their stand, which the doggies will have to support without any doubt, when they have to choose between either with them or not doing so is therefore against them. The way they go about putting away Russia from the UN Rights Committee, dismissing their legitimate calls for investigations, all boils down to the UN bowing to the USA and the West and used as their rubber stamp when they needed it to do what they want.

Anonymous said...

The US simulated exercises on war against China and they won 1 and lost 18 times. And while they were playing these silly games, China was building another state of art carrier even though China's naval stength was already on par to that of the US.
About time China call US bluff and do what is neccesary on Taiwan to rid it of DPP white and Nihon worshIppers and puppy dogs.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China's 3rd aircraft carrier 003 named Jiangsu, would be launched today or in the next few days. China would have 3 mobile aircraft carriers and 4 unsinkable aircraft carriers in the SCS islands.

With a total of 7 aircraft carriers in the SCS and the cover of DF21 and DF26 anti aircraft carrier missiles, China has effective control of the SCS up to 4,000km from its shores.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Not forgetting the 100 submarines under the sea and the maze of anti submarine and anti aircraft carrier batteries strategically laid out across the surrounding seas of China's shores.

Anonymous said...

China third 003 aircraft carrier‘s promotional video


Anonymous said...

Chinese warships, including aircraft carriers are all pretty new, with the latest technology. The normal lifespan of a warship is about 30 to 35 years. After that most would be scrapped or destined to the museum.

Chinese missiles are also new. Can you imagine American missiles built in the 60s and 70s, never flown, with ancient technology, still kept in American silos?

How many would be able to fly when fired? How many would burst into pieces after a few minutes in the air? A simple analogy would be cars that were kept in the garage for decades. How would it drive when rolled out on the road?

Anonymous said...

Most of American warships and ICBM are at the end of their lifespan.

Anonymous said...

You never know whether those weapons still works. But as long as they believe they can still work, when it does not, is good news for China and Russia.

When COVID19 hit the USA hard, they only found out that masks and medical equipment in their emergency stockpiles were not usable due to obsolescence. It should apply to all other things when not much attention is paid to them, other than spending time creating mischief all over the world.

Anonymous said...

RB u should accept more diversity of views as many 9f my comments get deleted by u cause I hold a diff view sometime

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I am comfortable with different views. But coming here for personal attacks or to parrot anti China and anti Chinese views would not be accepted as they are baseless and mischievous.

I was out this morning competing in the Singapore International Masters Track and Field Event. Just got back and clear up some of the comments.

Queen of Hearts said...

In the next 20 years, China will built at least 20 aircraft carriers - all of which shall be state-of-the-art technological firsts. All these aircraft carriers shall supercede the aircraft carriers from the USA.

This will be only one of the many technical adbances in this modern World.

Overall, China will surpass the USA in many fields of physical, mental and spiritual endeavours. This is only the first of the series of challenges.