
Covid19 - Who is the guinea pig?



Anonymous said...

Human son: Dad, when will be infected?

Human father: Soon, our turn will come, be patient they assured us.

Anonymous said...

Don't be scared. Learn from India. The most effective immunity is your own natural defence against the virus. India let it happened and the infection was widespread and many died.

Now what happened to India? From 400,000 daily inspection, now 24,000 daily and falling by 4,000 daily. In another 6 days or thereabout, India would be free of infection by this virus.

Why? Those that were infected would become immuned from the virus. Those that were weak and old, had died. By now, most of the Indians would have been infected and immuned and the virus would not longer affect them. Of course less testing helps. No testing better.

Anonymous said...

In this Pandemic, playing God is so interesting. So easy some more.

You justvsimply decide who to live and who to die.

You just give the order to the hospitals head honchos and they will carry out your orders.

In the earlier period, we gave the orders to save as many lives as possible. Nowadays, we want to send a message. We want those who refused to get vaccinated with our world best vaccines to go and get vaccinated. So we tell the hospitals head honchos to give last priority to the oldies when they are admitted to the hospitals. That's why so many old people are dying every day. See?, We so smart. December bonus sure big big one.

What do you think? Like dat good or not?

Anonymous said...

I am sure many countries are now testing less and some doing better with no testing. I read about one country that had infections plummeting to record low, all because of implementing less testing. This should be the way forward towards living with the virus. But it is a time bomb. LOL

Anonymous said...

India is the biggest example of living with the virus. India just do it, not like Singapore's cha cha, two steps forward, one step backward.

India is moving towards herd immunity by letting the virus infect its people, not so much the ineffective vaccines working. The vaccines are just for show, as if it is effective and needed. More for psychological and propaganda reasons, to calm the people, that something is being done.

The real stuff, the real infection, the real immunity, herd immunity, the most effective and nature's way of dealing with the virus. Caveat, many would die and could run out of control for a while before the virus loses its steam and potency.

Anonymous said...

Yes follow India. This is the second time they conquered the virus. Hope history is not going to be repeated in India again.

But Indians can reproduce like flies, so what is many more millions in death to them. Irrelevant! Local Sinkies cannot even replace themselves and will be extinct soon, if it follows India.

Anonymous said...

Cover up in India in infections and deaths is an open secret during the outbreak earlier this year. Are they doing the same hanky panky business of trying to show they have conquered the virus once again?

Anonymous said...


"We are riding one major, one big wave now, but we should be mentally prepared that there will be subsequent waves to follow. Why is that so? It's because we are one of the most Covid-naive populations in the world. Unlike, for example, many other European countries, we have kept infections in Singapore low for a very long time," he said.


a : deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment

b: not previously subjected to experimentation or a particular experimental situation made the test with naive rats

Webster dictionary on naive.

Are we falling into all of the above profile????????????

Anonymous said...

It was low because of the strict control regime in the past. It will not be low if we follow the West and throw caution to the wind. Just look at the deaths and infections with a little bit of Western bravado.

Anonymous said...

Oscars normination.movies

Hindsight - dorm.

Hindsight 2 "Covid mutate-every Christmas."screening in cinemas near you.

Anonymous said...

It's the fear factor that we need to overcome.

It does not help that each day in the past few days, several seniors have sadly died from covid-19.

But overcome we must and turn fear into a positive energy that drives us to keep everyone safe and to be considerate of seniors who are the most vulnerable, not by running away but by carefully navigating our way forward on the road ahead of us.

We can do it. Encourage one another. Look out for one another. There is zoom to bridge the distance. Keep connecting and keep going.


A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

COVID-19: Never Trust The Snake Oil Sellers Again!

The snake oil sellers, having exposed and failed in their endeavours to further sell their wears, are now switching tactics. They are all out trying to tell you not to be afraid of their willful actions that will harm you further.

The appropriate thing one should do is to stop trusting the words of the snake oil sellers. And also not to trust those who speak on behalf or in support of the snake oil sellers.

Trusting the people, who cannot see and are unsure of themselves, even after consulting the 'experts', and have failed us again and again, is a sure recipe for disasters to happen.

The disaster has just begun.

More and more people are going to be infected. From 10 cases a day to 100 cases, to 1000 cases, to 2000 cases, to 3000 cases daily and to infinitum, God knows how many. More and more hospitals are going to be swarmed with infected people, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. More and more people are going to die. More and more sufferings, sadness and sorrows are going to follow. There is no end in sight to these knowingly and deliberately-inflicted infections, sicknesses, deaths and sufferings, unless the sneaky snake oil sellers are stopped.

Unless the unshakable and seemingly invincible Human Gods decide to do something to save the day and stop further sufferings, hardships and deaths, no amount of sweet talks, psycho, can turn the present disastrous situation around.

In the mean time, the very rich and very happy millionaires, together with their benefactor and benefactress, are hiding themselves securely, safely and very comfortably inside their ivory towers, surrounded by layers of security protections and personal bodyguards, counting and enjoying the $millions they have been accumulating easily over the years, from taxpayers' money.

From a safe distance, they are spouting very dangerous ideas on human-experiments copied from the West, using the whole population as their guinea pigs. Talking about 5,000 to 10,000 daily casualties as nothing to worry and nothing to fear about. Something is not right! This is a sign of madness!

Talk is cheap. Trust is another thing. People with an agenda can say anything they want but it is up to us not to believe them and their words. It is up to us not to trust their hairy fairy tales. It is up to us not to fall into the trap again!

The slogan of a "More Resilient Nation" sounds so very similar to the "Swiss Standard of Living", "More Good Years", and "Soccer 2000" - all of which have become nothing but hot air balloons exploded in mid air but not dangerous. This "more resilient nation" nonsense is going to cost countless damaged health and many lives, people are going to die prematurely, unnecessarily and preventable. The long-term effects of the COVID-19 disease are still very much unknown. Some may think that after getting infected and if there are no symptoms or mild symptoms, it is okay. What about six months later, one or two years later? What will happen inside your body in future?

The people, the entire population, the masses, no matter how stupid they may be are going to think again, and probably saying:

"Once bitten, twice shy.

Twice bitten, never try.

Thrice bitten, tell the liars go and die!"

Never, never, never trust the snake oil sellers again!

Take good care of yourselves, especially your young children below 12 years old and your old folks.

The people, who are supposed to look after all of us, have lost their acts and have become even more desperate, paranoid, and destructive - grasping at every last straw that floats along. They are advocating and fighting a lost cause. They are actually, deliberately, carelessly playing with our lives!

Is that not clear enough from the way the snake oil sellers are talking and doing now, trying to con you again?

LIPS At Your Service.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

A good movie to watch, latest in China, Battle of Changjin Lake. A fierce and brutal battle of sacrifice for the motherland, fought during the Korea War when the Chinese Volunteers Army fought the Americans plus so called United Nation forces.

Several Chinese Armies and Divisions were engaged in this war to defend the motherland.