
Covid19 - VTL, How likely are the chances of false or error reports in the virus test?

LONDON: A COVID-19 testing laboratory in central England has been suspended over concern that it has been incorrectly giving negative PCR test results to people who are infected, the UK Health Security Agency (UKSHA) said on Friday (Oct 15).

NHS Test and Trace launched an investigation into a lab in Wolverhampton after reports of people getting negative PCR test results after testing positive on rapid lateral flow devices (LFDs).

UKSHA said that an estimated 43,000 people may have been given incorrect negative PCR test results, mainly in South West England, possibly underestimating the number of people with coronavirus between Sep 8 and Oct 12.  

The above is reported in CNA. Can you imagine, one of the most advanced country in Europe, the United Kingdom, damn high quality medical standard, could give error test results, estimated 43,000 people that were positive but tested as negative? What are the implications of these test results? VTL, what is VTL, Vaccinated Travel Lane for entry into Singapore. How many of the 43,000 have entered Singapore and how many people were directly been exposed to them and infected by them?

If this could happen to the United Kingdom, listen carefully, the United Kingdom, not any third world countries when errors, cheating, fakings are the norm. If this is supposed to be a genuine mistake in the UK, how many times more would there be from third world countries or even the USA? 

How many things can go wrong with the VTL, genuine mistakes, fake mistakes, mistakes due to bribery, cheating etc etc? How safe is it to open VTL or how risky it is to have such arrangements?

Our imbeciles still think the rest of the world are like Singapore, a piece of medical paper is likely to be genuine when printed on very good quality papers. They still have not learnt from all the fake academic degrees that have flooded into this island and causing so many of our PMETs to lose their jobs. Now, how many of those coming through the VTL scheme were using fake medical certificates or genuine certificates that were from genuine mistakes or intentional mistakes? 

Would Singapore be willing and foolish suckers? This is no joking matters as the lives of many Singaporeans are at stakes.

PS.  Who are the biggest peddlers of the idea of living with the virus? Ans: Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.

What are these two famous for? Ans: Empty heads.


Anonymous said...

Who are the biggest murderers of their own people by using COVID-19 as their Weapon Of Mass Destruction?

Ans: Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and SOMEBOLEE IN SINGAPORE!

Anonymous said...

Also include the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro. He is also a mass murderer of his own country's citizens.

Anonymous said...

The VTL SCAM is a sign of desperation, impatience, irresponsibility, reckless, ruthlessness and sheer stubbornness.

If this SCAM does not pull through, heads must roll, if not by the proper authority, then by the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

The present 4G leaders are a very dangerous breed. They care not the people but themselves.

Anonymous said...

A. . .B I G. . .F A I L U R E !

Singapore’s Record Cases Spark Warning of Strain on Hospitals - Bloomberg

Singapore warned that Covid-19 cases are dangerously straining the city-state’s health care system, even as strict rules designed to curb the current outbreak are set to be reviewed within days.

New daily cases hit 3,994 on Tuesday, another record, with more patients needing intensive care, the Ministry of Health said in a statement. The increase was likely due to a post-weekend surge, the ministry said, though it will continue monitoring cases to determine if it was a trend.

“The number of persons requiring ICU care continues to rise, and this has put our hospitals under significant pressure and strain,” according to the ministry.

Anonymous said...

The sooner the Hell Minister ends his disastrous COVID-endemic policy, the more avoidable deaths of elderly Singaporeans will be prevented.

As in financial trading, the sooner they recognize a losing trade and prudently cut losses, the smaller will be the losses.

Anonymous said...

Going back to zero-COVID will never happen because to do so would be a huge loss of face.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

It is not the rising number of persons who require ICU that is straining the healthcare system. It is Ong Ye Kung who has deliberately put the Singapore healthcare system in such a breakneck and breaking-down situation.

We the public has already warned him and the MTF well before he implemented his self-destruct, reckless and stupid Living With COVID-19 scheme that has caused so much hardship, sufferings, deaths, agonies, sorrows, sadness and pains and panic across the whole country.

Anonymous said...

Not " his self-destruct " but "destruct of others" . .

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Self-destruct here refers to Singapore, not to Ong Ye Kung singularly.

Anonymous said...

What are Dotard and Bojo famous for? Famous clowns in two famous circus of course.

Anonymous said...

Can someone advise me. Please.
I booked Sinopharm Vaccination but has to wait for one month.
I booked Pfizer Vaccination and can get the jab tomorrow.

Which one should I choose?

The safer Sinopharm or the easily and speedily available Pfizer?

tanhh said...

Sinopharm or Sinovac are administered by Doctors in private clinics where they will aspirate before injecting the vaccine to ensure the jab is intramuscular not inadvertent intravenous. Vaccines are not to be intravenous yet many of those recruited to do the pfizer and moderna vaccine just jab without aspiration. There is peer-reviewed work showing in mice that possibly intravenous injection of mRNA vaccine leads to myocardial inflammation, that intravenous injection of adenoviral vector based vaccine (AZ1222, ChAdOx1) leads to thrombocytopenia and platelet-directed immune responses.
My son went for Sinovac vaccine, he asked the doctor does he aspirate, his reply was of course and he just does that. So in my opinion all vaccines work but the blind injection of the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine without aspiration (drawing back of plunger after pushing in the needle to ensure that the needle is not in any vein (no blood seen) then wait for few seconds to push in the plunger).

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I will wait and go for the Sinopharm, seems to be better than Sinovac. Of course less risky than the Pfizer or Moderna.

This Vaccination thing, injecting an unknown substance into our body, must be considered carefully with available facts on pros and cons. Not a play play thing.

Pfizer and Moderna do not tell us the bad part, only tell us the good. That scares me off. Sinovac and Sinopharm tell us both sides of the facts. So we can make a better educated decision, not a blind mouse following the blind fat cat into the gutters to be ambushed and slaughtered.

What happens two or three years later for those who have been injected with mRNA vaccines? Will their health be seriously affected in one way or another?

Traditional vaccines do not have such uncertainties to worry about.

Thanks for your advice once again.

Anonymous said...

do you think OYK has full discretion? Without endorsement from the Top Honcho, you think he can proceed?

Anonymous said...

Do Not Participate In A Society that Rejects You

Today, the Singapore government has banished hundreds of thousands of citizens from public life for the high crime of making a free choice.

Today, I refuse to participate in this segregated society..............

Anonymous said...

We have 84% of the population vaxxed, 8% under-12 not eligible to get vaxxed, and 8% more that are either unwilling or unable (due to medical conditions) to get vaxxed.

Based on the above figures, and removing the 8% under-12s (since there aren't any in serious condition from this age group anyway) the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed in the whole population is 84:8.

If vaccines were totally ineffective, you would see the same ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed in serious condition, 84:8. Instead the ratio is about 45:55.

The math based on empirical, hard evidence works out to unvaxxed people being 12.8 times more likely to get serious symptoms compared to vaxxed people in general

The Neutral Eyes said...

Wrong use of empirical data as hard evidence because the crooked mind twisted the method of comparison.

Comparing apples with bananas is not hard evidence. In fact, it is cunning and slimy way of lying by educated over the uneducated, or highly educated over the lowly educated.

The figures for the vaccinated include those from 12 to infinity. Majority of whom do not have underlying medical conditions. In addition, those from 12 to 18, similar to those under 12, are highly unlikely to get serious symptoms.

The figures for the unvaccinated who are likely to get serious symptoms are mostly oldies with underlying medical conditions.

Therefore, your argument is not even logical to start with.

Anonymous said...

Statistics don't lie but people who use statistics do. They arrange the data and interpret them in the way they want others to believe but it is never the truth. That is called crooked science.

Anonymous said...

Gambling with the Well-being and Safety of the People, is in-excusable and unpardonable.
The Leeders are bringing hell to Sin or more appropriately, Sinkies.

it is pay-back time for the Daft who voted for the Charlatans to rule and lord over the People.

Anonymous said...


JANET ANG: You guys only know how to whack the government task force when they flip-flop or make mistakes.

Did you think that anyone else in their position could have done a lot worse and we could be facing 10,000 instead of 3000 daily cases today?

Look at other countries.

In Indonesia and Philippines, they are struggling to find enough vaccines for their people.

Here, the government gives free vaccines also people refuse to take.

In Malaysia, they are still stuck under strict MCO (Movement Control Order).

Here, at least we can still go out and for leisure activities.

In the UK and US, their hospitals cannot cope with the Covid cases.

Here, we only face some inconveniences but hospitals are still not overwhelmed.

Only in the worst periods then there is a circuit breaker to calm things down, and businesses receive financial help from the government.

Instead of always whacking, shouldn’t you be counting your blessings?

You should be thanking Ong Ye Kung, Lawrence Wong and the rest of the task force for steering Singapore through the pandemic.

It’s so easy to just talk when you are not the one in the hot seat.

Every night I say a prayer for them before I sleep and I make sure my children also say prayers for them.

To pray that there will be less wrinkles on Lawrence Wong’s forehead so that people cannot laugh that he looks like Liang Po Po, and hair will grow back on Ong Ye Kung’s bald patches.

When my children grow up I will remind them that it is this government that has prevented Singapore from collapsing.

I hope all of you will do the same.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

When one is being paid in the millions, the people can expect and demand the best, not wishy washy solution.

A guy had two broken legs in a car accident. He went to church crying for his misfortune. The priest told him, it could be worse if not....

Same kind of logic.

Why not it could be better?

Anonymous said...

The 18 deaths reported yesterday were hard to take. No words can express our deepest condolences to the families of these loved ones.

They include one case who had no underlying medical conditions but was unvaccinated.

84% of our population is fully vaccinated. 85% have received at least one dose. This means there is 1% who are partially vaccinated and waiting for their second dose.

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Folks, you can see from these statistics that the number of deaths is disproportionately represented by those who are unvaccinated/partially vaccinated (almost 70% of deaths from 6% of the unvaccinated/partially vaccinated population).

๐•๐š๐œ๐œ๐ข๐ง๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐ก๐š๐ฌ ๐ก๐ž๐ฅ๐ฉ๐ž๐ ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ ๐š๐ฏ๐จ๐ข๐ ๐š ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ฌ ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ž ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ž๐ง๐๐ž๐ฆ๐ข๐œ ๐‚๐Ž๐•๐ˆ๐ƒ-๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—.

Just imagine what the number of deaths will be like of our vaccination rate is low, and we really have no choice but to move towards endemic COVID-19.

A few unvaccinated people with no underlying medical conditions have died over the past 28 days.

If you understand the risk to unvaccinated people, you will not be crying 'discrimination' over the 'no entry to malls and no dining in' rule.

You will advise them to get vaccinated, and stay at home as much as possible for the time being until they are FULLY VACCINATED which is 2 weeks after the second dose.

In one of our previous posts, I mentioned a senior from the pioneer generation who had many excuses not to be vaccinated - he said he suffered from shortness of breath and had heart disease which rendered him ineligible for vaccination (which was wrong). At that time, I had urged him to get vaccinated.

I am happy to share with you that I met him again a few days ago.

This time, he looked visibly cheerful, like a burden had been lifted from him as he greeted me.

I asked him, "Uncle, pak chiam buay?" He didn't try to avoid my question this time, and I understand from his reply that his second dose would be in November.

"Pak chiam buay" is an important message. Don't mock the message. Help spread it.

Anonymous said...

It is more like death figure could be under-reported, given that this government is master of fake news and deception.

First of all death must be verified by age publicly, vaccinated or no vaccinated, rather than just give a range of say between 55-90, Why ?

Because it is easy fake figure deceive the public, and the government know it .

If the ages are revealed publicly, the public whose relative died of covid at that day can verified if the death is on the reported list (that they died of covid/vaccine and not simply underlying condition). If censor the age info, the member of the deceased relative thought that the death list reported by media is already included their relative in the list, and cannot verify. Worse still the number could be intentionally spread across days for moderation.

We know how this government work, don't we ?

Anonymous said...

"Thus, they are NOT sure of this so called herd immunity and just believed the western devils ways of thoughts and their impatience return to their normal decadence lifestyles."

The western is just partially responsible, because the earnest is still on the government to believe what they want to believe. This government will just believe whatever as long as they fit their agenda and serve their purpose, and always taking shortcut.

Anonymous said...

"JANET ANG: You guys only know how to whack the government task force when they flip-flop or make mistakes.

Did you think that anyone else in their position could have done a lot worse and we could be facing 10,000 instead of 3000 daily cases today?

Look at other countries.

In Indonesia and Philippines, they are struggling to find enough vaccines for their people.

Here, the government gives free vaccines also people refuse to take."

So silly .
Why do we need to care of other countries that get worse , does other country feed you, did you pay tax to other country, can you vote for other country, is the country the same size as tiny red dot ? Other country their problem, shouldn't we worry about our country and own our problem ?

It is like saying other countries's crime have 100 people died per day, Singapore's crime get 20 people died per day, and that the police shouldn't worry about that as a result of other countries getting higher figure. Stupid or what ?

Anonymous said...

Put the People’s Health First

China can’t look to Singapore for a way to live with Covid-19, health economist says

- There has been little public sign of support in China for a Singapore-style approach.
- the city state failed to contain cases when it eased restrictions
- the key to opening up is whether all countries have got transmission under control

Singapore’s “experiment” to live with the coronavirus – and its subsequent spike in infections – might not be a useful model for China as it considers whether to reopen its borders, a Chinese health researcher has said.

“This safety net protecting the health of 1.4 billion people did not come easily. We can’t let it go just like that,” Li Ling, from Peking University’s National School of Development, was quoted as saying by mainland news website Guancha.cn on Wednesday.

Restrictions in Singapore were reimposed in late September after cases surged and hospitals came under pressure. The restrictions, originally set to expire on Monday, will continue until November 21, Singaporean officials said on Wednesday after a record 3,994 cases were reported on Tuesday.

Li said Singapore’s strategy had failed to contain the number of cases and if similar conditions occurred in China, a country of 1.4 billion, “it would not be just a matter of 3,000 daily new cases”.

The key to China reopening was whether infections and new variants were under control in other countries.

“As long as one country cannot control the virus, no country can eliminate the threat of infection,” she said.

Anonymous said...

I think vaccinations should be mandatory - though only a few countries would, realistically, be able to carry it out. Singapore is one of them.

Logically speaking, once you introduce any restrictions on unvaccinated individuals (e.g. being denied access to certain places or travel) then it really makes more sense to just make vaccines mandatory.

Since all governments introducing restrictions are already catching flak from sceptics and critics, they might as well just force all the complainers to get the jab.

Political costs are the same - people who hate the government for even trying to cajole them into getting vaccinated are not going to change their minds anyway.

At the same time, the government - particularly in SG - is being blamed by a large portion of the public for not keeping the lid down on the virus, "allowing" over 200 people die in the past 3 months.

70% of fatalities in the last 28 days were of unvaccinated individuals. Considering there's only 5-6% of them left in the vaccine-eligible adult population it translates into over-representation among the dead of over 10 times.

And if everybody was vaccinated, then the number of vaccinated patients passing away would likely also be smaller, as the risk of the disease continuing to spread would be lower.

Let's remember that there are still tens of thousands of seniors who have not taken the jab - so the death toll may not end at just a few hundred dead, even if Singapore is among the countries with the lowest Covid fatality rates in the world.

In proportion to population only 45 people per 1 million inhabitants died of the virus in the city-state. Compare that to around 1,200 in Switzerland or Germany, 1,400 in Sweden or 2,000+ in the US or UK.

Even at a relatively modest 1,000 deaths per million inhabitants, it would mean that another 5,000 people could still die in Singapore. Given how many of the most vulnerable continue refusing (for whatever reason) to get the jab, this figure is not a fantasy - it can very much happen.

Of course, if it did, then who would get the blame first? The government.

So, as political risks go, I don't think it's unreasonable to accept the cost of forcing the final few percent to take the vaccination over the potential risk of hundreds of deaths more.

Western countries can't really do that due to the sheer number of dim-witted hysterics, who are in the millions. But SG could set yet another good example for the rest of the world.

While it happens, I think everybody should also be reminded of a significant insurance coverage for any adverse effects that might - however rarely - occur. If anything should happen, they won't have to shoulder the cost.

And the current burden of the disease to the society, to the healthcare system and to potential patients themselves, is considerably higher than the miniscule risks of serious adverse reactions.

The only excuse for hesitation in implementing
mandatory vaccinations I can think of is possibly the execution. It's easy to make something a law but how do you actually force people - particularly those highly hesitant - to comply? What do you do when they refuse to open the door?

Still, I think that the sheer mandate itself should be enough to force enough of those still desperately holding out to finally bend to common sense - and common good.

Allowing a considerably large reservoir of people to remain unvaccinated and, thus, able to continue spreading the disease, leading to recurring flare-ups, is certainly more costly - politically, medically, economically - in the end.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

To mandate vaccination, the govt must ensure that they know what the vaccine can or cannot do and what are the possible harm and side effects that can come from the vaccine.

The worse things that could happen when the govt mandates vaccination is to end up with death, serious illnesses, serious side effects, because of mandatory vaccination, like mandating poison to be injected into the people.

This vaccine is experimental and approved for emergency use only. Who dares to mandate such a vaccine?

Anonymous said...

Full FDA Approval of a COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Should Know

The three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. are safe and effective in helping prevent serious disease or death due to the coronavirus. These vaccines were granted an emergency use authorization, or EUA, by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine received full approval by the FDA on Aug. 23, 2021.

What does full FDA approval of a COVID-19 vaccine mean?

Review for full FDA approval is a normal step in the process of making a vaccine available for the public. One of the COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer) has full approval, and the FDA may grant full approval for others in the future.

Full FDA approval takes place when enough data demonstrate that the vaccines are safe and effective for most people who receive them, and when the FDA has had an opportunity to review and approve the whole vaccine manufacturing process and facilities. After many months of studies and more than 165 million people having received a COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA has a lot of information on how safe and effective the COVID-19 vaccines are in protecting people, how well they work to prevent severe coronavirus disease, and how the vaccines are safely and consistently manufactured.
COVID Vaccines: Emergency Use Authorization vs. Approval

Not every vaccine is granted an emergency use authorization before full approval. The FDA authorized three COVID-19 vaccines to answer an urgent need to protect people from the coronavirus pandemic, which was (and continues to be) a public health emergency.

When it was clear in 2020 that COVID-19 was a rapidly spreading, dangerous disease, the FDA worked with vaccine manufacturers, independent laboratories, academic research centers and nonprofit organizations to quickly gather and interpret large amounts of data on the vaccines.

The data showed that the vaccines were very effective in preventing severe COVID-19 and the risks of serious side effects was extremely low. Based on these findings, the FDA granted the EUA so people could be vaccinated earlier in the approval process and be protected from serious effects of COVID-19.

Full approval is granted when, over time, the FDA has amassed even more scientific evidence to support use of the COVID-19 vaccines, showing that the benefits of the vaccine are greater than its risks, and that the vaccines can be manufactured reliably, safely and with consistent quality.
Using Data to Approve COVID-19 Vaccines

As of August 2021, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses have been given to people in countries all over the world.

People who get the vaccines are encouraged to report any problems, including any severe side effects. A cooperative effort between the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) collects and analyzes reports from people who received a vaccination and who experienced an adverse event, such as a severe side effect, after getting the shot.

As a result, we now have even more evidence that all three of the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe for most people who receive them, and that all three work well to prevent severe coronavirus disease.

Like other fully approved vaccines used to help prevent illnesses, the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines can cause temporary aches, pains and fever in some people, but the risk of serious side effects is extremely low.

Anonymous said...

False claims spread that the FDA didn’t grant the Pfizer vaccine full approval

Misinformation about the US Food and Drug Administration granting the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine full approval Monday has continued to spread on social media.

The latest false narrative centered on whether the agency had only granted the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, now being marketed under the name Comirnaty, an extension of its emergency use authorization. Threads claiming that the FDA didn’t approve the vaccine started to appear on 4chan, “The Patriots” (formerly “The Donald”) and other anonymous message boards. The false narrative was echoed by prominent conservative influencers on social media.

“They just extended the Emergency Use Authorization and then claimed something had substantially changed,” reads one popular post on 4chan’s /pol/ board. The claim arose from misreading a letter the FDA had sent to Pfizer. While the FDA did extend the emergency use authorization for children ages 12-15, it granted full approval for anyone 16 or older.

Damani Bryant Felder, a self-described “MAGA” supporter, echoed similar claims and said he didn’t misread the FDA’s letter. “I read the entire document, all 13 pages,” Felder said during a Facebook Live video that has been viewed at least 58,000 times. “What they have more or less done is that we’re going to extend this emergency use authorization, that’s what this document actually says.” Similarly, Zak Paine, under the Rumble username “Redpill78,” claimed the vaccine was not approved in an episode of his QAnon-themed show that has at least 83,000 views. He later said he misinterpreted the FDA letter but that he still wouldn’t take the vaccine.

During Steve Bannon’s “War Room” talk show on August 24, Robert Malone, a scientist who claims he invented mRNA technology and is a prominent Covid-19 vaccine skeptic, falsely said that the FDA only approved the BioNTech vaccine and that vaccine is different from the Pfizer one. The American multinational pharmaceutical firm Pfizer has partnered with the German biotechnology firm BioNTech, which developed the vaccine, for clinical trials and manufacturing support. Malone reiterated the false claim in a subsequent tweet.

Flabbergasted Bystander said...

This matter of vaccines approval is of immense national and global interests. If there are false claims going around in the Internet than it is the duty and responsibility of the Chief of the FDA to come out and refute those "false claims".

Why is the FDA keeping very quiet about the "false claims"?

Probably, the ones who said of the "false claims" are themselves makung false assertions hiding behind false monikers or anonymous. Don't even have the courage and decency to reveal themselves.

They could have been paid handsomely by Pfizer?

How to trust such articles from such cowards?

TH Lee, Toronto, Canada.

Anonymous said...

U.S. FDA clears Moderna, J&J COVID-19 boosters, backs use of different vaccine for boost

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday authorized booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna Inc and Johnson & Johnson, and said Americans can choose a different shot from their original inoculation as a booster.

That means all three vaccines authorized in the United States can also be given as boosters to some groups.

"The availability of these authorized boosters is important for continued protection against COVID-19 disease," acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said in a statement.

The decision paves the way for millions in the United States to get the additional protection as the highly contagious Delta variant of the virus causes breakthrough infections among some who are fully vaccinated.

The agency previously authorized boosters of the Pfizer Inc COVID-19 vaccine developed with German partner BioNTech SE at least six months after the first round of shots to increase protection for people aged 65 and older, those at risk of severe disease and those who are exposed to the virus through their work.

Last week, an advisory panel to the FDA voted to recommend a third round of shots of the Moderna vaccine for the same groups. Moderna's booster is half the strength of the shots administered for the company's initial series of inoculations.

The panel also recommended a second shot of the J&J vaccine for all recipients of the one-dose inoculation at least two months after receiving their first.

FDA officials suggested last week they were considering lowering the recommended age for booster shots of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to as young as 40, based on data from Israel, where Pfizer booster shots have already been administered broadly.

They did not lower the age range for the shots on Wednesday, but said they were assessing the benefits and risks of broader use of boosters and plan to update the public in the coming weeks.

"There is evidence that suggests potentially that lowering the age of those eligible for boosters may make sense in the future," FDA official Peter Marks told a news conference. "It's something we're looking at closely."

Anonymous said...

Some still think FDA is the God. When it approves something, it must be the real thing.

Why no one ask FDA about its original approval for the Pfizer vaccine was to prevent infection and prevent spreading the virus? Both reasons for approval have fall flat, not true.

They just rushed out the approval to beat the Chinese approval for their vaccines. So half baked, incomplete testing, incomplete data, also can, like beating the Russians in landing on the moon.

All fakes.

Anonymous said...

Israel offers lesson in boosters as British Covid-19 cases surge

As Covid-19 cases soar again in Britain, officials could look to a country that has moved past a similar crisis for a possible road map.

The search for answers in Israel may be useful, health experts say, because both countries were among the fastest in the world with their vaccination programmes, yet were similarly quick to lift lockdown restrictions.

And just as Israel experienced a spike in cases in June, so is Britain now, having just reported the biggest single daily jump in infections in three months.

Israel's response to its renewed outbreak was to roll out an aggressive booster programme, a decision that appears to have quelled the worst of the outbreak within weeks.

And while there are too many other variables to draw hard-and-fast conclusions - from vaccine type and timings to age-group prioritising, social-distancing rules and mask wearing - it may offer one standout lesson for Britain: People should get their boosters.

"Israel was the first country to have a mass vaccination campaign and it was the first to experience the full impact of waning immunity" and the mass susceptibility that followed, said Mr Ran Balicer, the Tel Aviv-based chairman of Israel's national Covid-19 advisory team.

Other countries that vaccinated later will go through the same thing, "unless they use the lessons learnt here and consider the booster campaign", he said.

Britain has a booster programme that began in late September. It is open to people 50 and older, and is focusing on the elderly in that age group, as well as other vulnerable people.

In Israel, the roll-out extended to people 12 and above within weeks of its Aug 1 launch.

The surge in infections in Britain has left the country behind other major European nations, in terms of both case rate and deaths, according to Bloomberg's tracker.

"We're starting to see indications that hospitalisations and death rates are increasing," Prime Minister Boris Johnson's official spokesman Max Blain told reporters on Tuesday.

"Clearly, we are keeping a very close eye on rising case rates. The most important message for the public to understand is the vital importance of the booster programme."

In Israel, serious coronavirus cases continue to drop now that almost 3.9 million people out of an eligible 5.2 million have received a third dose.

"It's possible to say, cautiously, that we are quelling the fourth wave, the Delta wave, but it's not over until it's over," Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday.