
Covid19 - Singapore on the way to herd immunity

 Wednesday's 5,324 cases of  infection is good news for Singapore. If the number were to include those infected but not reported and staying home to recover, the total number of infection could be much more. Assuming that the total daily infection is 10,000, in 10 days it would be 100,000 and in 100 days it would be 1m. 

At this rate of infection, Singapore could be 100% infected very soon. The faster the rate of infection, the faster would all Singaporeans be infected, meaning Singapore would attain full herd immunity naturally, without any more need for vaccination or unending booster shots. Is this not what Singapore is trying to achieve?

Singaporeans thus must pray that more are infected and full herd immunity be achieved earlier. When this happens, there will be no more need for all the clumsy restrictive measures.  Singapore can then simply open up and live with the virus as a common cold.

Life will be normal, no need to wear mask, dine everywhere, party everywhere, no tedious processess of testings and VTLs.  Everyone is welcome, business as usual.

Well done MTF, well done Singapore for being the first to achieving full herd immunity and doing away with all the vaccines and unecessary encumbrance of the Pandemic.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Rb in the process many will die may be up to 100000

Anonymous said...

All along their plan was to infect everybody except themselves and their loved ones - the elite 1 %.

Anonymous said...

Senior Singaporeans thrown under the bus for opening up; some people very happy:

American Scott Bustabad was separated from his girlfriend Khoo Su Rei, and remained so for almost two years - until Thursday (Oct 28).

After flying in from Los Angeles on a vaccinated travel lane flight between the United States and Singapore and landing on Thursday morning, Mr Bustabad surprised his girlfriend of 4½ years with a marriage proposal at the OCBC Skyway in Gardens by the Bay.

For the couple, the reunion also means the end of a lengthy and difficult period of an enforced long-distance relationship.

Anonymous said...

don't worry, even though everyone eventually living with covid inside their body in whole population, Singapore will amaze the world that death is low going by world standard because anyone that die of covid and vaccine will not record as the reason but by death by underlying condition. But to avoid suspicion, just wayang with some ridiculous low number to show that death still happening but not staggering.
The world will follow Singapore standard because the world is so sinful and millions of death by covid will be covered up by underlying condition. And the whole world finally proclaim "Living with Covid is possible after all. Singapore is Genius !"

And what did I know, with area that I live in, I have never seen so many funerals taking place at the same time, of course, this is nothing to do with covid, but with underlying condition, and no coincidence, and I believe in self-denial in these dire time.

Aggrieved Party said...

More blood will be on their hands. The more people died, the more anger and vengeance there will be. All these pent-up feelings will culminate in revenge when the time is right.

All the grief and sorrow, anger and hatred, swearing and cursing will accumulate and end up in a crescendo and avalanche in 4 years' time.

All of a sudden, PAPPIES will see the day of Reckoning with shock and disbelief. The end is near. Very near....

Anonymous said...

Ho Ching has indicated that ultimately all Singapore ���� will be infected. If all are infected, why is there the need to have the fake vaccines?

Anonymous said...

" Ho Ching has indicated that ultimately all Singapore ���� will be infected. If all are infected, why is there the need to have the fake vaccines?"

Of course, must take vaccines after all Temasek invest in vaccine companies. Effective or not, vaccine still make millions and billions !

SSO said...

Covid-19 Is Driving World Leaders Mad

Devoid of ideas, ways and means on how to arrest the Covid-19 Pandemic that is going on for almost two years now, many world leaders are very desperate and panicking. They are drowning in the most strange turbulent ocean of disaster - causing havoc to the national and international economy as well as to their reputation and competency, to their stature and political careers. Under such prolonged conditions, some of them, if not all, are going bonkers.

Many of them are simply following the leader. The blind following the blind. Whoever is blinded first is the leader. The rest are the followers - the Fellowship of Blinds is formed naturally and voluntary, without the need to motivate and organise.

In the meantime, some cunning and unscrupulous big scammers are reaping huge profits, both monetary and fame. By the tune of US$53 Billions this year and a projected US$93 Billions in 2022, they happily and openly boasted. Windfall of the Century! Heaven-sent or deliberate heinously created opportunity of evil people, no one is the wiser.

No investigation led by preconceived, bias, corrupted minds, a mix of scientific and political hags, is going to discover the origin of the A,B,C,D,E Variants of the Contagious and Deadly Coronavirus (CDC) - with an acronym same as the CDC of USA, a highly political and politicised entity that is exerting its presence felt throughout the World of incompetent leaders grasping at last straws. Even the Israelis, the best brains on Earth, are not spared.

At the rate this madness is going on and on, as long as the abnormal, stealthy and invisible Coronaviruses are uncontrolled and uncontrollable, the Global Vaccination Program is going to become the Mockery of the Centuries. No politicians dare to admit. No leaders even dare to make a squeak. Perhaps some do, in private with their wives, in bed.

As long as one country is not safe, all countries are not safe.

As long as one country is spreading the viruses continuously to the rest of the world - a world that cannot do without trade and interactions, commerce and communications, banking and finance, travels and adventures, eating and banging - no corner of the world will be safe. All earthlings will be infected one way or another.

This may be divine intervention or human-created to restart the broken system of reform of an over-populated Earth, a deeply corrupted evil human world of greed, power-hunger, injustice, devious-plots and heinous deeds.

Vaccinated or not, all are going to be infected, sooner or later.

Some will fall sick and recover.

Some will fall sick and die.

Some will not fall sick but not die, especially the children.

Some will not fall sick and will not die immediately but may die in the not too distant future - dying of organs failure or heart-attacks, strokes or heartbroken because of loss of loved ones, or commit suicide because of loss of sole breadwinners and benefactors.

The toll will be great. The burden heavy. The costs immeasurable. The responsibility unavoidable. The leaders are going mad under immense pressure to perform and out-perform. This is the price of having incompetent leaders masquerading as world-best talents who are God's gift to Mankind.

God only helps those who help themselves!

Irony of ironies.

SSO - 30 October, 2021.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if people noticed that the daily reports these two days did not indicate the breakdown of deaths between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated. What does this mean? Instead we have deaths hidden in meaningless percentages that tells little of how many vaccinated died compared to the unvaccinated every day. Something is fishy and all those figures and percentages are at best confusing.

Anonymous said...

Since the new Hell minister took charge, MOH's image has suffered. Some even call it Ministry of Hiding . . .

Anonymous said...

Anon 8.21

Not to worry. Death is not caused by the virus. It is always underlying conditions that caused the deaths, not the virus. That is why they keep saying, do not be afraid of the virus. Just live with it.

How many oldies do not have underlying medical conditions? 24% have hypertension, with unknown numbers undetected. 14% have diabetes with yet unknown numbers undetected. Coupled with high cholesterol, heart diseases, cancer, not many are perfectly in good health. Of course the oldies formed the majority of those deaths from underlying conditions.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder if people noticed that the daily reports these two days did not indicate the breakdown of deaths between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated. What does this mean? Instead we have deaths hidden in meaningless percentages that tells little of how many vaccinated died compared to the unvaccinated every day. Something is fishy and all those figures and percentages are at best confusing."

The answer is simple, just take the worst case. If they hide the truth, the answer is obvious that large percentage of those death is from vaccinated. It is this party way of working. When benefit them, show the figure (just like when unvaccinated account for large infection initially), but disable disadvantage them, just hide the figure and divert with useless stat, remark and percent.

We see it in the way temasek,GIC lose billions, just hide the public record and put in some fake figure that cannot be analyze accurately, or hide it under one big account which instead of separating between individual P&L to prevent analysis.

When foreigners overwhelm the local workforce, just lump them together in stat to prevent analysis.

So it is obvious , if they hide the information , take the worst case.

Leopard never change its spot.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12.14

That is also my thinking that there are now more fully vaccinated fatalities than unvaccinated, hence the change in format of reporting with total blackout of this information that used to be loudly touted earlier when unvaccinated deaths were the majority.

SSO said...

Warfare Is Based On Deception

All warfares are based on deception. Be it atomic, biological, cultural, diplomatic, economic, judicial, legal, military, political or trade war, or Covid-19 Pandemic, they are all based on deception.

In order to win any war, the antagonist must be excel in psychological warfare (psywar) and psychological operations (psyops).

Psywar and psyops are based on deception. The PAP is very skilled in both.

For the past 56 years, the PAP has been able to hold on to the power, to the seat of government and governing, because it is very good in winning the hearts and minds of the daft and meek Sinkie voters.

To win over the voters, the PAP used psywar and psyops everyday using mass medium of communication. That's why it needs to command and control all the mass media, including the Internet.

Psywar has been and is still being used against the enemies (opposition political parties and leaders).

Psyops is being used against own citizens all the time, in all these 56 years of independence. Even before 1965, before independence.

So, massaging, manipulating hiding figures, statistics and facts of inconvenience are just parts of the huge reservoir of tools and means the PAP employs. Nothing spectacular. Nothing unusual. Nothing new.

After so many years of playing the game, the cats have escaped from the bags. Sinkies should have already known the modus operandi of the PAP. It never tell the whole truth. It never admit mistakes. It never take responsibility. It is not transparent. It is not accountable to the people.

During election time, its leaders tell you they are there to serve you. They convince you that they are your servants.

After election time, the PAP leaders and their cronies lord over you. They con you and take you for granted. Treating you as mere digits. Treating you as obedient soldiers and as worker slaves to generate the GDP to grow for the benefit of the rich and powerful, for the elites, for the PAP LEECHES.

That is the Mother of all Deceptions. The Devil in disguise, in disgust.

SSO - 30 October 2021.

Speedwing said...

Hello Uncle Redbean, speed here, what about the elderly and those with underlying ailments. Those are the people, when infected will be in serious health threatening situation. Right?

Anonymous said...

"All warfares are based on deception. Be it atomic, biological, cultural, diplomatic, economic, judicial, legal, military, political or trade war, or Covid-19 Pandemic, they are all based on deception. "

Well said.
So most importantly "they are all based on deception to manage perception" , deception and perception come hand in hand. The reason is that why people still continue to vote for this evil PAP party is that they still perceive them as still better than opposition party, or they perceive them to remain status quo (since citizens purchase housing at high price, they fear the price will collapse if opposition become the government to set pricing affordable, causing huge loss) , so it is a matter of perception.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The common factors of all reported deaths are:

1. Infected.
2. Vaccinated.
3. Unvaccinated.
4. Underlying medical conditions.

All deaths are infected and have underlying medical conditions.
Some may be vaccinated, some may not.

Conclusion for causes of death. Infected and underlying condition.

Citing vaccinated or unvaccinated are distractions or deceptions.

SSO said...

How Deception Transforms Your Belief And Controls Your Mind

The purpose of deception is not only to alter your perception. Its ultimate aim is to control your trend of thoughts, altering your thinking process, and finally to control your mind.

A very distinct and good example is deception in religious warfare, where political deception originated and derives during the early years of the Crusades.

Initially, the deceptive messages disturb, confuse, frustrate and sabotage your perception. They caused you to question yourself and doubt yourself. They made you lose your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Then, due to continuous, persistent and regular repetitions of the same messages or same pattern of messages, the deception goes deeper into your belief system.

Bombarded with the same shits everyday, everything you read, everywhere you go, and everyone you turned to, ultimately you are also covered with shits and stinked like shits.

Then the deceptive messages slowly transform your belief in a particular object/subject or belief in one person or a group of people into positive, neutral or negative position, depending on what the aim of the deceptive messages was. And they fill your brain with shits. And you start to think like those shitty people.

Then it goes even deeper into your psyche. Using punishment and reward tactics and strategies - through legal means or by force, intimidation, blackmail or coercion - the deception messages are further reinforced, complemented, supplemented and strengthened inside your belief system. Now, you not only smell like shits, filled with shits and think like shits, you become shits!

As time goes on, and if you do nothing to counter or question them, then those deceptive messages embed into your psyche forever and ever, to your dying bed, until your last breath, where some of you will even repeat after the priest or pastor:

"Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!"

That is the real power of Deception!

SSO - 30 October 2021.

Anonymous said...

No matter how that perpetual Mara Deceptions r clever can't escape the Universal Law Of Cause & Effect or Karma or the Chinese said 因果报应,天网恢恢疏而不漏,善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报而是时辰未到,人在做天在看。

SSO said...

Religions are based on Deception, not Truth.

Only Buddism is based on Truth, seeking the Truth and realising the Truth.

That's why the Enlightened Being, the Buddha, himself had, on many occasions during his life, insisted that his Teachings should not be made into dogmatic doctrines or a Religion.

Nevertheless, through years of dilution, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Buddha's Teachings by the so-called Buddhist scholars, they transformed and converted the Buddha's Teachings into a religion called Buddhism. That is very sad and tragic.

Today, there are so many schools and doctrines of Buddism but there are no Enlightened Beings? WHY?

Anonymous said...

Singapore following India to get all infected, then get natural immunity?

How did India manage to beat covid-19? (The Economist)

The plain fact is that, instead, covid-19 beat India.

The world watched anxiously in April and May, when the caseloads were climbing almost vertically. The terror was justified. India was gripped by the first outbreak of the Delta variant (briefly called “the Indian variant”, until the WHO insisted on switching to Greek letters).

Indians died in untold numbers. To judge by the number of excess deaths, something like 2.3 million lost their lives to the disease. And then in June, almost exactly as fast as the wave of infections had shot up, it shot down again.

Not 10% of the population had been vaccinated. Within two weeks it was back down to pre-Delta levels. No thanks to any medical intervention. A survey of blood samples published this week shows that more than 90% of Delhi’s residents have antibodies against covid-19 coursing through their veins. Having weathered the crisis at its worst, Indians are kept safe by natural immunity.

Anonymous said...

“We are seeing people who have been vaccinated become infected. In fact, it’s just a matter of time before everyone in the population becomes infected with COVID-19,” says professor Teo Yik Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore. (AFR, 08 Oct 2021)

Anonymous said...

"“We are seeing people who have been vaccinated become infected. In fact, it’s just a matter of time before everyone in the population becomes infected with COVID-19,” says professor Teo Yik Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore. "

This is what the government intend to do all along as living with covid, so they just send so-called approved expert as test balloon. The government cannot say it directly themselves, but the way they act is for us to see. They always use external messenger that support their view to convey the message.

SSO said...

The above article is a clear example of a Deceptive Message at its core.

The message is:

"India's government has done a good job in managing the Covid-19 Pandemic!"

In reality, India's government has done very little, if anything at all. All it has done was messing up the situation, and aggrevating proliferating the infections and playing politics, projecting itself in good light. Even the vaccination programme was halted at one point because of poor distribution channels and poor management, and acute shortage of vaccines.

The natural immunity is just a red herring with no scientific facts and studies to substantiate its validity.

The most probable reason for India's Covid-19 Infections Reports to show a reduction in the infections is failure to test or absence of testing because of shortage of effective test-kits.

No testing means no cases are being discovered and no cases to report.

Less testing means less cases are being discovered and less cases to report.

More testing means more cases are being discovered and more cases to report.

The only way to get a true picture of the reality on the ground is to test the whole population. No short cut.

Countries that refused to test the whole population are lead by politicians who want to take the short-cut and use the ambiguity of the situation to cover their own ass, instead of going all out to help the people from suffering and save lives.

Anonymous said...

"A deadly combination of science fraud, institutional coercion, bribery, Big Tech censorship, government force and media propaganda are bringing the world to its knees.

There is NO real-world data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.

Right now, hospital data from the United Kingdom is shocking the world, providing serious evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine-induced death.

In the UK, up to 80% of COVID deaths are currently coming from vaccinated people.

COVID deaths across the UK are now 3,000% more frequent than they were at the same time a year ago, when the population was “unvaccinated.”

For over a year, vaccine efficacy was tirelessly promoted, even though absolute risk reduction for all the COVID vaccines on the market was less than two percent, a meaningless number.

To make matters worse, the vaccines are increasing the rate of iatrogenic death and making more people susceptible to severe respiratory disease, priming human cells for antibody dependent enhancement.

UK Public Health mortality data shocks the world

The UK’s Yellow Card Scheme, a vaccine injury and medical error surveillance system, shows a clear pattern of vaccine failure.
COVID vaccines are increasing hospitalization and death for people who could have easily gone on with their lives, healthy and VAX-free.

Instead of being coerced into risky, compounding vaccine experiments, thousands of sick and dying people could have faced a potential infection and recovered with durable, natural immunity."

Anonymous said...

Singapore will arrive at a "truly endemic state" when everyone is living with the Coronavirus - INSIDE US !

Anonymous said...

If Sin still continue its path to open up and become transit point all over the world despite record breaking infection number, very soon this is what happen. We become WeSpread Incorporated.

The WeSpread's stated mission is no less than “to elevate the world's covidness.”
The slogan: “We dedicate this to the covid of we - greater than any one of us but inside each of us.”

It really match SinCity well because of evil party. and WeSpread is also known as WeOutOfWork because no one will want to work in covid country with infection rate of 100%.

Inspired by WeWork

Anonymous said...

Should add the word "Dangerously" to it.



SSO said...

Now Singapore classified as the Highest Risks Level Country by the US CDC.

Soon Singapore will be classified as the "Most Dangerous Destination to Visit" in the World.

Moon Rabbit said...

I think there are many tracks to manage this pandemic. No one can say whether Singapore's choice is the best one, but it certainly isn't the worst. Things will settle in 2-4 weeks. Just wait and see. Given our population density and small size, we cannot afford to close our economy to ride it out. Who cares what the US CDC classifies us? Americans are still coming here and will continue to come here.

Flabbergasted said...

The MTF has all this while been using "wait and see", "monitor closely", "we will be there", etc. All these have been going on for two years already and still wait and see, while the situation is going from bad to worse, to worst for the last two months, and still wait and see, wait and see, waiting and seeing, and people are suffering and dying, suffering and dying, suffering and dying. While the idiots are hiding and talking, hiding and waiting, found wanting and found wanting.

People are getting angry and angrier and angriest, getting desperate and desperater and desperatest, getting sick and tired of waiting and waiting, while the idiots are playing and playing with our health, our livelihoods and our lives.


Anonymous said...

China's COVID-19 outbreak developing rapidly, health official says

China's latest COVID-19 outbreak is developing rapidly, a health official said, as the authorities demanded high vigilance at ports of entry amid growing infections in a northeastern border city caused by the virus arriving from abroad.

Around 377 domestically transmitted cases with confirmed symptoms were reported from Oct 17 to Oct 29, National Health Commission (NHC) data showed. China has tackled a series of outbreaks this year since it largely contained a national spread in early 2020.

The numbers remain tiny compared with clusters outside the country. However, while the rest of the world works out how to co-exist with COVID, China has maintained its zero tolerance, urging vigilance around border areas and ports to prevent infected inbound travellers spreading the virus to locals.

"Within the past 14 days, 14 provincial areas have reported new locally transmitted cases or asymptomatic carriers," the NHC spokesperson Mi Feng said on Saturday (Oct 30).

"The outbreak is still developing rapidly, and the virus control situation is severe and complicated."

Heihe, a small northeastern city of 1.3 million people that lies on China's side of the Amur river on the border with Russia, reported 26 local cases for Oct 29, a sharp increase from nine on Oct 28 and just one on Oct 27.

"The outbreak has exposed the laxity of mind among some local authorities," Wu Liangyou, another NHC official, said.

China, especially ports of entry, should strengthen test screening of people of high infection risk and improve monitoring of potential flare-ups, as the virus is still spreading in surrounding countries, Wu told a news briefing.

Surveys and virus sequencing results showed the cluster in Heihe was unrelated to an ongoing outbreak hitting mainly the northwestern parts of China, indicating that there was a new source of virus brought from overseas, Wu said.

Many local infections found in the north and northwest parts of China since Oct 17 could be traced back to a source of virus brought in from overseas, the NHC said last week.

China's border towns, many with relatively few resources, have tended to suffer more severe disruptions than richer cities amid the outbreaks.

The small southwestern city of Ruili bordering Myanmar has seen its once robust jewellery trade business, a pillar of its modest economy, dampened by some of the toughest virus measures in China due to repeated outbreaks.In major cities, officials have vowed strict virus curbs for key international events to minimise the risk of imported virus.

To safely host the Winter Olympics Games in February, Chinese athletes and staff supporting the event must receive a vaccine booster shot, while boosters are recommended for foreign athletes but not compulsory, according to a state television report.

China is aiming to complete vaccinating children aged three to 11 by the end of December, excluding those with medical conditions that may render a COVID-19 shot harmful, Wu said.

It has already fully vaccinated about 75.8 per cent of its 1.4 billion population, and is giving eligible adults a booster shot.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Wah piang! China has so much infections ah!

Better don't go China or incite Chinese to Singapore.

377 in 14 days! Such a huge figure compared with Singapore!

Singapore only average 3,000 x 14 days = 42,000 only. Must get more Singapore residents infected by inviting people from very highest risks countries like USA, UK and Europe and India and Brunei to come and bring in the A4.7 Variants to transmit to the local community. This is an excellent strategy. Otherwise, get paid by the $millions for what?

Bye bye Singapore! See you again in better times. This is my last posting here for the next 4 months, at least, depending on the situation.

Me and my family are on our way to China now. To get away from the little red island of deliberate extreme discrimination against the Unvaccinated, against the Constitution of Singapore.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Have a good trip LIPS. We will wait for your safe return and your contribution to the blog again after a good rest.

China is now the safest place to be in for a holiday.


Anonymous said...

To compound the danger of opening widely, we must remember that Singapore has the third largest population density per square mile in the world, knowing now that vaccination does not prevent infection, even if we were to reach 100%.

This is one factor why we cannot afford experimenting with opening up travel lanes without taking this into consideration. Hopefully we are not advertently trying to burden our limited Health Care System, putting much of the blame on the unvaccinated at present and creating unease.

Anonymous said...

"To compound the danger of opening widely, we must remember that Singapore has the third largest population density per square mile in the world, knowing now that vaccination does not prevent infection, even if we were to reach 100%.
3rd largest ? that is kind word. but check this out,

1 Macau 56,841/mi² 649,342 population
2 Monaco 51,167/mi² 39,244 population
3 Singapore 21,510/mi² 5.686 million population

You can just strike Monaco out, because it is not relevant to compare with this small figure.
Macau ? Does it look like country to you, it is more like a city of china
"The colony remained under Portuguese rule until 1999, when it was transferred to China. Macau is a special administrative region of China, which maintains separate governing and economic systems from those of mainland China under the principle of "one country, two systems"." So it is under China but running it owns system, so that does not count as a country to speak.

So that left Singapore as the densest in the world going by population and size.

Anonymous said...

"So that left Singapore as the densest in the world going by population and size."

In addition, in tradition of kiasi and kiasu, we must not let competitors take over as the densest rank, we need to extend our lead further by increase to 10 millions population. God help us, or pragmatically, Covid help us.