
Terrorists chased out of Afghanistan after 20 years


 After 29 years of suffering under the American terrorists, at one time there were more than 200,000 of them in Afghanistan, killing the Afghans and destroying their country, the Taliban have finally chased them out. The Afghans are now free to live in peace in their country devastated by the white terrorists and to rebuild their country and their lives.

But the white terrorists have not given up. How could they cede their prized territory that they could use to send more terrorists into Xinjiang, China? How could they give up the military installations in Afghanistan that were so close to China and could be used to attack China's missile bases in Xinjiang? 

A new mischievous narrative is now being promoted by the white terrorists in Washington to badmouth China. It goes like this. What is China going to do to Afghanistan? China must be planning to use Afghanistan like the white terrorists to threaten neighbouring countries and to use it as a launching pad for war and terrorism.

Not to worry white asses. China would not send a single soldier into Afghanistan. The Afghans know that. That is why they are visiting China, not to ask for more soldiers and military weapons, but to rebuild their country.  China will be sending thousands of engineers and workers to help to rebuild this war torn country, no thanks to the white American terrorists. China will be sending in financial aids and factories to restart the economy of this country.

The white terrorists can keep their mischievous narrative to themselves. No one is going to believe them anymore. Not even their lackeys and cronies. Please go away, go far, far away from Afghanistan. Please don't tell the Afghans you are coming back to help them. You have destroyed their country and their lives for the last 20 years. No more crocodile tears.

Get lost, you white terrorists.

What would be China's plan for Afghanistan? Simple. Build, build and build, to rebuild the lives of a people destroyed by the American terrorists. Get that? There will be no more foreign boots ie terrorists on the grounds of Afghanistan, no more white terrorists in Afghanistan.

Perhaps the Taliban should thank the ex President Ashraf Ghani for conning the Americans that he was good for another year.  And for that, the Americans believed him and left behind a lot of weapons and hardware instead of bringing them home. Now the Talibans are the owners of American tanks, military equipment, fighter aircraft, helicopters, military bases, all intact and operational, left behind by courtesy of ex President Ghani, and a lot of cash, American dollars as well. This is the only good thing, a patriotic act, he did for Afghanistan as his parting gift.

PS. 40 Black Hawk helicopters on the way to China.


Anonymous said...

The white terrorists spent over US$1 trillion to destroy Afghanistan and to kill its people. Were there any schools, hospitals, roads or factories built in that country other than military bases and camps?

US$1 trillion, you know how much is that amount of money and what it could do for the people of Afghanistan? No, it is for the military war complex and the white terrorists and murderers.

Queen of Hearts said...

The Taliban must thank Afghan President Ghani for his cooperation and patriotism. He should not be hunted down as a traitor of the country. He should be given an honorary position in the Taliban Government as a Minister Mentor or Emissary Senior Minister or CONsultant, or Ambassador.

Queen of Hearts said...

Question :

What has the Evil US gained in the 20 years of occupation of Afghanistan - spending more than US$1 trillion and suffered 20,000 US casualties alone (including 4000 dead soldiers). Not counting the EU and UK casualties, Taliban casualties and collateral damage of more than 500,000 Afghan civilian casualties?


The US Military was in Afghanistan for the rare earth minerals.

The CIA was there to smuggle the drugs out of Afghanistan and sell them in many countries in Asia, Africa and America.

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan was a choke point to lock China from a short cut into the Middle East. It is also an American terrorist base to train terrorists to be inserted into Xinjiang to commit terror and social unrest. It is also a strategic base to attack China's nuclear sites in Xinjiang.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

So far the return of Taliban as the new govt of Afghanistan has been smooth and peaceful, no massacres or rioting in the streets. The airport maybe chaotic but no shooting. There is amnesty for all Afghans.

This is a new Taliban. Hope the evil Americans did not stir shit and create incidents for more rioting and shootings and killings. If any, this would come later when most of the Americans have been lifted out of Afghanistan.

Signs of this are appearing when the ex deputy President declared his presidency and taken over one of the cities in the Northern part of the country. This could be the seed of a new civil war.

Anonymous said...


Senators "Horrified" To See Black Hawk Helicopters In Taliban Hands

"PS. 40 Black Hawk helicopters on the way to China" Not sure if you mean...

Here is what I found from a reader comment in ZeroHedge, .....The Hill continues. "At least 46 of those aircraft are now in Uzbekistan after more than 500 Afghan troops used them to flee as the government in Kabul collapsed over the weekend."

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Taliban will get hold of some left by the Americans and some will be sent to China to reciprocate what China is doing for the Taliban. The technology would be very helpful to China.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was US$2.3 trillion!

Anonymous said...

Does the rouge US really trust Singapore?

They sell F5s to the city state but the expensive war jets cannot be based here but kept in American territory . . afraid we may let Beijing have a glimpse of their military technology?

Anonymous said...

With this US$2.3 trillion taken out, the military industrial complex would be very hungry. Without this war, they will be finding another war or a bigger war to make sure the money keeps flowing.

Are they looking forward to a bigger war in the South China Sea, to increase the defence budget and more money into their pockets?

Anonymous said...

Rest assured, the USA will now support the ex Afghan Government in rebel, perhaps forming a new front against the Taliban.

Arms left behind for the Taliban maybe on purpose and not destroyed. Meanwhile, new weapons will be provided to the rebels. The USA is now not involved in the fighting, but will be stoking the fire behind the scene, and just selling weapons to whichever side needed them. Biden will love it when the plan falls into place. So does Trump behind the scene providing the fuel.

Anonymous said...

Proof that US don't really trust Singapore -

In March 2018, Singapore-based Broadcom Ltd withdrew its $117 billion bid to acquire Qualcomm Inc after U.S. blocked the attempt, citing national security concerns.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris, Vice-President of the evil U.S., arrived in Singapore Sunday!

Hegemonic U.S. only want to make use of tiny Singapore as a pawn, eg hosting the U.S. First Fleet, in the Americans' geopolitical contest with China !

Anonymous said...

The imbeciles better wake up and realise how important Singapore is to the American Empire and do not have to be threatened by them. They needed Singapore more than anyone else. Without Singapore, the Americans have no friends here and cannot control the Straits of Malacca.

Use this strength to negotiate for better terms like Duterte did. Duterte also knows that the Americans need the Ppines for their hegemonic interest.

Anonymous said...

Remember the saying that to be an enemy of USA is dangerous, but to be a friend of the USA is fatal. Red Dot better wake up.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Keep your friends close.
Keep your enemies closer.

Anonymous said...

Too close for comfort!

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Yes, sleeping with the US as willing bedfellows is too close for comfort.

Your enemies also want to keep you closer so that they can screw you at any time they feel like it.

Once a US running dog, always a US running dog.

Once a traitor to your own people, always a traitor to anybody, both own people and others.

If the enemy sees you as a traitor to your own people, he knows you can betray him also.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as dangerous as believing that the USA trust Singapore. Only matters to them is USA interest in this part of the world. When usefulness ends, it is under the bus you go, like Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Americans told Singapore to import more Indians, then can be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan received United States Vice-President Kamala Harris at Paya Lebar Air Base today. India and United States are both members of the QUAD.

Patriot said...

When pushed to the corner, the instinct of the Chinese will be loyal to China instead of being traitors to the Chinese people. Blood is always thicker than water.

These people are not true Singaporeans. If they are loyal to China, they should go back to China.

Anonymous said...

Vice President Kamala Harris to Focus on Countering China on Southeast Asia Trip - WSJ

A trip by Vice President Kamala Harris to Southeast Asia will give the Biden administration an opportunity to put the focus back on countering China at a time when the U.S.’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan is raising questions about Washington’s reliability as an ally.

Ms. Harris departs on Friday for Singapore and Vietnam, visits that will be the culmination of months of diplomatic outreach to the region, underscoring a shift in priorities away from the war on terror and toward containment of competing powers.

The challenge for Ms. Harris will be not only to convince her Southeast Asian counterparts that Washington is a reliable partner, but that they are seen as more than pawns in a great power struggle.

When Ms. Harris meets with Vietnamese leaders, she is expected to push for an upgrade in relations from a “comprehensive” to a “strategic” partnership, which could streamline high-level diplomatic access and defense cooperation, analysts say. Senior administration officials declined to comment on whether an upgrade was in the works.

The U.S. has a similar arrangement with Singapore, which grants it access to air and naval bases and enables the sharing of defense technology.

Anonymous said...

Depends on who they choose against and for China. If they choose China to be against Singapore, then they are traitors to Singapore.

If they choose China against the USA or India, then they cannot be traitors. They would be traitors to the Chinese Civilisation if they choose India or the USA against China, as China is the centre of Chinese Civilisation, assuming they are Chinese and not Indians, or chap chengs.

Anonymous said...

The Americans, wherever they go, it is about wars, starting wars, choosing sides and making enemies. It is never about peace and peaceful coexistence.

They cannot live a day without wars or stirring shits and inciting countries to take sides against other countries.

Covid virus is destroying and killing them and they are still bickering around and driving dissent and division among countries.

Devils are devils.

Patriot said...

Anon 3.42 - If any Singaporean puts China's interest before Singapore's interests, they are traitors. Period.

Anonymous said...

It is a no brainer to think that all these visits by last administration's Pompeo, this administration's Blinken, Sherman and Harris are not for the purpose of countering China.

As with the Chinese saying - Those that are pious will never come to visit. Those that come to visit are never the pious.

Anonymous said...

Harris Visit an Attempt to Turn Southeast Asia Into Frontier Against China

US Vice President Kamala Harris kick started her trip to Southeast Asia on Sunday. Harris will visit Singapore and Vietnam, making her the highest-level official in the Biden administration to visit the region so far.

The Biden administration announced Harris' visit in late July as a part of its attempt to repair relations with Southeast Asian countries. After the Trump administration, Southeast Asian countries generally feel neglected and betrayed. During the first half of the year, the Biden administration clearly cold-shouldered Southeast Asia. In contrast, the Biden administration has been accelerating the Indo-Pacific Strategy. It is frequently interacting with Japan, South Korea and India and upgrading the Quad. Is the Biden administration's sudden strengthening of ties with Southeast Asia just a flash in the pan?

Although the visit was planned earlier, the timing of the visit embarrassed the Biden administration. The US' hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan is creating a crisis of confidence among US allies and partners. Although this is the first time for Harris to set foot in Asia since taking office, she has to handle a new hot potato - to reassure regional allies on the Afghanistan issue as much as possible. Whereas Harris is new to diplomacy, there are doubts about whether she can take on this important task.

Washington's withdrawal of diplomats from Kabul is being mocked in the exact way that the US evacuated its embassy in Saigon more than 40 years ago. Global analysts, including American experts, have pointed out that this is a huge military and diplomatic failure of the US.

The core purposes of Harris' visit is to further strengthen the US' regional presence and turn Southeast Asia into a frontier against China.

As the situation in Afghanistan continues to ferment, the Biden administration needs to prove that its commitment to Southeast Asia will not be withdrawn suddenly as it did in Afghanistan. This is a very difficult challenge, and it is obviously hard for Harris to complete this task. Harris lacks diplomatic experience. She had almost no interaction with Southeast Asian countries or their leaders. Besides, she is believed to have limited influence on the Biden administration's foreign policy.

Many Southeast Asian countries do not believe their vision of the Indo-Pacific is completely consistent with the US' Indo-Pacific Strategy. More importantly, these countries do not want to be pushed around by an external country, becoming a US' pawn in its competition with China.

Queen of Hearts said...

Being a traitor to a Singapore that sides with the very Western White colonialists, who enslaved and exploted our forefathers, is better than being a traitor to your own ancestors, your own roots and your own civilizations.

Singaporeans have fought and struggled for independence from the Western White colonialists and got our independence in 1965. If a small group of rich people and elitists of Asian descent want to turn traitors to Singapore and sleep with the Western White colonialists, then Singaporeans who refused to go along with those White Colonialists worshippers are not traitors but, on the contrary, are patriotic people.

On the other hand, anyone who claims himself as a patriot but side with the White Colonialists, forgetting about our struggles and our roots, then he or she is a coward and a hypocrite, disguised as a patriot.

Anonymous said...

When has a dumb ever admit that he is dumb?

Anonymous said...

Harris is in Singapore to assure the leeders that they would not abandon Singapore like the way they dumped the pro American Afghan leaders. Trust her, trust the Americans. This time is different from Vietnam.

Patriot said...

@Queen of Hearts - it is very simple. Let's see if you can answer this question without waffling.

Do you put Singapore's interests before China's interest? Yes or no?

Anonymous said...

Why the state media get so excited about a vice president visit? It's not the president himself, only his deputy ..

Anonymous said...

One simple question, when politicians said it is for Singapore's interest, what does that mean? Is it for the good of Singaporeans or for who?

We have seen so many Singaporeans attacking the garment for claiming that it is for Singapore's interest when they don't think so.

Anonymous said...

The government said CECA is good for Singapore's interest. So if you disagree, then you must be a traitor? Simple mind, simple reasoning.

If the government said be pro USA is in Singapore's interest. So anyone against this policy is a traitor? Or anyone said be pro China is in Singapore's interest thus must be traitor?

Stupidity has no cure.

Queen of Hearts said...


Patriot August 22, 2021 5:13 pm

///@Queen of Hearts - it is very simple. Let's see if you can answer this question without waffling.

Do you put Singapore's interests before China's interest? Yes or no?///

Why must I answer Yes or No?

YOU are not a Prosecutor questioning me in a court of law. This is RB's blog, a platform for us to discuss and give our views. If you cannot argue properly or wisely, or can't take the heat, you can always take a rest and come back later after you have composed yourself.

Very simple. My answer can be yes or can be no, and can be both yes and no. It all depends on what you mean by your many "Singapore's interests" and only one "China's interest".

Please define both "interests" and "interest".

Queen of Hearts said...

By the way, do you even know what that single interest of China was, before you wrote that question? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

When its master came home after a long absence, the dog was very excited, wagging its tail, jumping and barking loudly with joy.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Six of the many US Air Force Largest Overseas Air Bases around the World.

1. Greenland: Thule Air Base

Size: 233,034 acres

2. Japan: Kadena Air Base

Size: 4,906 acres

3. Japan: Misawa Air Base

Size: 3,864 acres

4. Spain: Moran Air Base

Size: 3,428 acres

5. Turkey: Incirlik Air Base

Size: 3,336 acres

6. Germany: Ramstein Air Base

Size: 3,094 acres

All the above sizes do not include storage facilities and air fields.

Patriot said...

@QOH - My answer can be yes or can be no, and can be both yes and no

Good play in giving a waffling reply. But, I apologize. It was my mistake to leave you that opening.

I was rushing to go out the door and I mistyped. Should have read "China's interests". Both in the plural. There is no ambiguity in my question, except what you want to read into it. Your earlier reply was worthy of a circus contortionist. So, if I may repeat my question again, Do you put Singapore's interests before China's interests?

Your reply?

Oh, I am up to presenting a clear argument however, I think you'll find it is RB who can't take the heat, and sees any contradicting him as personal criticism or an affront to his knowledge. In may ways, like the PAP. He deletes posts when he thinks you are not up to replying to contrary arguments, or views which challenge his one dimensional world view.

Anonymous said...

Can't blame the Americans when so many lining up to be fools.

Anonymous said...

The Americans are no longer a player in the Afghan crisis, only busy packing up and trying to leave in defeat.

Russia and China are now key players in the rebuilding of Afghanistan. The only role the Americans could think of is again as a spoiler, to support rebels against the Taliban from outside the country.

While they are no longer a player, they are still trying to dictate another narrative, about protecting women's right and how to smear China and Russia.

Anonymous said...

G'morning RB, ".The Pentagon said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had activated the rarely-used Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) to aid the onward movement of people arriving at US bases in the Middle East. .."

Like to share my experienced.... I had never heard of CRAF but still remember during the closing days of Vietnam war, I was working graveyard shifts in American Airlines, LA International airport... we were instructed as an A&P (airframe and Powerplants) mechanic to check every incoming flight from Vietnam. American Airlines was one of the many Airlines chartered by the Military Air Charted (MAC). To ferries a troops and bodies from the war zones... Our job to check the wings surfaces and fuselage for bullet holes or shrapnel. The Vietcong were smart they shoots at the planes as they flew low across the jungle and rice paddy fields.... another thing we never, never removed the sealed caskets in the passengers’ terminal but at our (American Airlines) cargo terminal which is about ½ a Miles away... Kindest Regards JC

Anonymous said...

G'morning RB, ".The Pentagon said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had activated the rarely-used Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) to aid the onward movement of people arriving at US bases in the Middle East. .."

Like to share my experienced.... I had never heard of CRAF but still remember during the closing days of Vietnam war, I was working graveyard shifts in American Airlines, LA International airport... we were instructed as an A&P (airframe and Powerplants) mechanic to check every incoming flight from Vietnam. American Airlines was one of the many Airlines chartered by the Military Air Charted (MAC). To ferries a troops and bodies from the war zones... Our job to check the wings surfaces and fuselage for bullet holes or shrapnel. The Vietcong were smart they shoots at the planes as they flew low across the jungle and rice paddy fields.... another thing we never, never removed the sealed caskets in the passengers’ terminal but at our (American Airlines) cargo terminal which is about ½ a Miles away... Kindest Regards JC

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Afghans at the Kabul airport is a super spreader event with almost everyone not wearing mask and in close proximity.

Anonymous said...

China spent US$2 trillion building the BRI.

The American terrorists spent US$2.3 trillion building military camps and killing the Afghans in a 20 year occupation of Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Singapore draws line between 'being useful' and 'being made use of'

As a quasi-ally of the US, Singapore's stance toward the US and China is telling. Singapore's Channel News Asia released on Sunday an interview with Vivian Balakrishnan, the country's foreign minister who said Singapore will "be useful but we will not be made use of" in its relations with both China and the US. He also said Singapore will not become "one or the other's stalking horse to advance negative agendas."

Singapore is one of the countries within ASEAN that highly depend on the US for security. During the Obama era, it played quite an active role in coordinating the US' South China Sea agenda by endorsing the South China Sea arbitration pushed forward by then Philippine president Benigno Aquino III in 2016. But in recent years, Singapore has tried hard to maintain a delicate balance between China and the US.

Small countries like Singapore have their own role in the region and on the world stage. They don't want to be used as a "stalking horse" by certain powers but they want to be useful in regional and international affairs. China has attached great importance to ASEAN's role in boosting regional integration, and that's where Singapore can find itself "useful." It also wants to play a mediating role in China-US relations, as Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong recently called on the two countries to de-escalate tensions. That probably constitutes what Balakrishnan meant by "being useful."

It is worth noting that Balakrishnan's view was made public during US Vice President Kamala Harris' trip to the country, which will be followed by another one to Vietnam. The first target of Balakrishnan's words is the US, as it is the US that views its allies and partners as something that can be "used" for its agenda.

"Singapore is clear that the US hopes Southeast Asian countries could be confined by the US' Indo-Pacific Strategy whose ultimate aim is to contain China's rise. This is what Balakrishnan's 'be made use of' meant. So he said Singapore will draw a line between 'being useful' and 'being made use of.' Even when a senior US official comes, Singapore will not change its stance," an observer noted.

The US has ratcheted up efforts to win over Southeast Asian countries, manifested by Harris' visit to Singapore and Vietnam and other senior US officials' tours to the region in the past two months. Yet it will only enable Southeast Asian countries to see that the US is taking advantage of the situation and only focusing on its own interests. Washington does not view them as real partners, but as tools it can exploit to serve its strategies. The US debacle in Afghanistan is the very example that when the US finds it not cost-effective, it will only abandon its allies or partners without hesitation.

During Monday's press conference, Harris reportedly sidestepped a Singaporean journalist's question on US commitment to allies in the wake of the Afghanistan crisis, and reiterated talking points about partnership in Southeast Asia. Nonetheless, her talking points sound feeble. And when Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said his country valued the US renewing its ties with the city-state and other allies, his attitude appeared lukewarm.

With the US' sincerity toward Southeast Asia being called into question and regional countries pursuing an independent and balanced course, they will not become the "stalking horse" as the US has expected, but will carefully calibrate their interests to avoid falling into the US geopolitical trap.