
South China Sea - Dangerous and highly provocative amassing of warships

In recent weeks, there has been an increase in naval activity in the South China Sea. 

A British aircraft carrier entered the waters on July 27, while an American surface action group and forces from China's People's Liberation Army staged exercises there, according to CNN

Germany joined other Western states in making its regional presence known as well, by sending a warship to the waters for the first time in almost two decades, Reuters reported.

China had requested the German warship to clarify its intentions in traveling through the South China Sea, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

Despite the increase in multinational naval activity, however, experts don't necessarily think that the latest move is a cause for alarm. the mothership.sg

Experts said there is no cause for alarm? What if China or Russia were to deploy the same number of warships in Australian waters or in the Carribean?  What would the white gangsters be screaming?

In the present scenario, there could be 4 or 5 aircraft carriers near the shores of China, a highly dangerous presence, armed with nuclear weapons. China should have called this an elevated threat and an act of war and should not allow it to happen. Amassing big warships at any one time, they could simultaneously launch a full scale attack against China like Pearl Harbour or worse, and China could suffered serious damages and destruction to its country and people. There are just too many hostile enemy warships and too near to Chinese mainland, no time to react, no time to defend, not to cause alarm?

India may think its war relics were a threat to China, a show of force. It is the presence of British and American aircraft carriers that would prove disastrous in a sudden unannounced attack on China. It is time China redefine its defence perimeters and stop allowing enemy warships and aircraft to be placed near its border and draw a red line that must not be crossed and prepare to strike if violated. These warships could launch nuclear warheads into China within minutes and would be almost undefensible.  A second strike from China would be too little too late.

From the western imperial perspective, the combined presence of several aircraft carriers and warships in Japan is a formidable force to attack China. It is a huge military advantage and threat that China would be forced to be always on edge, watching every move and when to decide to strike first for its own safety. It would require a lot of steel nerves, risk taking and composure not to act. Any misstep or miscalculation would mean missiles be flying before anyone knows what is happening. The West is playing a very dangerous and provocative game, testing the nerves of China and its tolerance.

From the Chinese angle, the western military presence is a threat but could also be annihilated quickly if needed be. In such numbers and close proximity, China's only chance to survive is to strike first. They are within easy distance to strike and take out. China's eyes would be fully glued on every warship in Japan and the area for sure, and would all the time be asking itself whether the movements of these warships have reached a critical point of clear and present danger and it has no choice but to strike first. China is being forced to strike first for self preservation. This means there is no room for miscalculation, no room for hesitation, no place for nervous breakdown. A full blown war could be triggered at any moment, intentionally or by mistake.

The hostile and irresponsible West have created a very dangerous and volatile situation by the presence of their nuclear capable warships. This is no child's play. Only fools would think there is no cause for alarm. Once China misread a wrong move as a hostile act of war by the Americans and the West, it must push all the buttons to take out all the warships and military bases in the region, especially those in Japan, South Korea and Guam. The Americans and the West did not give rooms for China not to react immediately.

For the good of everyone, the Americans and the West must withdraw their military presence to a safe distance to allow China some sense of comfort and not be on the verge of pressing the button at any moment. Not doing so, they cannot rule out a false move that would unnerve the Chinese to press the button to strike at everything within range in a do or die decision.

Stop the provocation and pull out all the warships immediately when there is time. Their presence does not leave room for error and miscalculation. A wrong move or misjudgement is all it takes to burn down the whole world. The Americans and hostile West must be stopped from such reckless behaviour that would destroy civilisation at any moment.


Anonymous said...

The british already going bankrupt after leaving EU, now still got time to play show of force with China. In WW2 their ships lasted 3 days vs Japan, their current ships won't last 3 hours vs China lol. Better to spend their money to fix their economy than be a running dog of USA. In the end, China will beat USA, nothing will stop that

Anonymous said...

They are still dreaming of ruling the world. Look at their aircraft carrier, old technology, like a museum piece.

A couple of DF21s would finish it off and send it to its watery grave to join the Prince of Wales and the Repulse.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

A Chinese mini stealth submarine armed with simple torpedoes can easily sink any aircraft carrier or balls-carriers.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

China must surround the whole of USA with stealth nuclear submarines, ready to nuke all the US nuclear sites and the Yellowstone Volcano on the onset of any indication of an impending war with USA.

Also, all US nuclear bases outside of USA, on the ground, in the air and underwater must be neutralized at the same time.

Also all the 1000 US military bases must be nuked on the word go.

That means China must have sufficient nuclear weapons to cover all these targets.

That means China needs about 2000 nuclear missiles with multiple warheads for long-range, medium-range and short-range.

Anonymous said...


China is supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan.

First, Russia invaded Afghanistan and failed miserably after 9 years of occupation.

Second, USA invaded Afghanistan and also failed miserably after 20 years of occupation.

Now, China is supporting the Taliban and the Taliban has captured almost 85% of the country. The remnants of the US propped-up corrupted Afghan government forces are retreating and running like blue-ass flies - some surrendered to the Taliban forces, some joined the Taliban army and some escaped across the border to neighbouring countries.

The majority of the civilians and non-combatants are sympathetic to or supporting the Taliban forces.

There is no genocide that the US and UK media are trying to pin onto the Taliban. Those Afghan civilians who were killed were traitors of their own people, like those Singaporeans who are now traitors of Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

What happened in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and now Afghanistan is a lesson for those traitors that think the USA will win all the wars of invasion. The USA has lost all of them and the traitors would be shot, executed or locked up for life unless they managed to escape to the USA.

There is only one ending for traitors of their nations in cahoot with the USA to destroy their own countries. There is no escape when the Americans decided to run road.

Anonymous said...

All traitors of all countries must not escape punishment.

Punishment for traitors is death by on-the-spot execution. No delays. No trials to waste time, money and resources. Just one bullet into the head or chop of the head in public.

Anonymous said...

Traitors' immediate families and relatives must also be rounded up, otherwise when spring wind blows, their traitorous roots will grow again and proliferate, and plot to take revenge.

Anonymous said...

One false move, one wrong move that Chins misread as the start of a war on China, the most destructive world war would blow up. Every country is the world would be affected. There is no escape, and no place to hide.

This is how dangerous the Americans and the West have moved towards an end to human civilisation. No country can afford to play along with the American recklessness and hostility and think they could be safe.

Every country must stand up and condemn the American aggressiveness towards China and Russia. Playing neutral is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Experts have discovered more than 200 nuclear missile silos under construction in China’s remote western deserts.

Matt Korda and Hans Kristensen, the nuclear arms experts who last week revealed an 800 sq km missile silo construction field in Xinjiang, said it was the “most significant expansion of the Chinese nuclear arsenal ever”.

They believe that China is building 10 times as many silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles as it has in operation now. According to their calculations, the expansion exceeds the number of Russia’s silo-based ICBMs and equals at least half of the US’s total ICBM force.

Beijing views Washington’s development of missile defence systems as a threat because it could render their minimal second-strike capability useless. China is also angry about US reconnaissance activities along its coast where it has strategic assets, as well as American space-based military assets.

In semi-official bilateral meetings, Chinese participants made clear that Beijing might counter these US strengths by building a larger and more sophisticated nuclear force.

Experts believe that Beijing is moving towards a “launch on warning” posture. Instead of preparing to absorb an adversary’s nuclear first strike before retaliating, China would launch a counterstrike as soon as it became aware that an attack against them was under way.

Meanwhile, the People’s Liberation Army has acquired more mobile ICBMs, which make it harder for an adversary to detect nuclear weapons. They have also mounted more warheads on submarines and ballistic missiles, suitable for both conventional and nuclear munitions, such as the DF-26, a missile that can hit Guam, the US Pacific territory.

"Technical level considerations have motivated the modernisation of China’s nuclear forces in recent years, but this is bigger,” Zhao Tong, a nuclear policy expert at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Centre for Global Policy in Beijing, said about the missile silo programme.

“The expansion of China’s nuclear arsenal is increasingly driven by a change in geopolitical perspective,” he said.

“There is a popular thinking in Chinese policy that a larger nuclear arsenal could help China counter the perceived strategic hostility of the US,” he added. “They argue that Russia has been very firm in enhancing its interests, and that Russia is respected, so they think that a larger Chinese arsenal would also make the west respect us.”

Such thinking is backed from the very top. Shortly after Xi Jinping assumed the leadership of the Communist party, he described the PLA’s missile forces as “the strategic support for the country’s status as a major power”, giving China’s nuclear weapons a high-profile geopolitical role they had never played before.

In March, Xi urged the military to “accelerate the creation of an enhanced strategic deterrent and joint warfighting systems”. The remarks were interpreted by Chinese analysts as the most explicit signal yet of top-level support for stepping up the development of the country’s nuclear forces.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Is Worried About China's Growing Nuclear Might

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he has “deep concern” over China’s growing nuclear arsenal in comments to a meeting with Asian counterparts on Friday.

Speaking virtually at the ASEAN Regional Forum foreign ministers’ meeting, Blinken told the closed-door gathering that China’s expanding nuclear capabilities highlight how “Beijing has sharply deviated from its decades-old nuclear strategy based on minimum deterrence,” according to a statement from State Department spokesman Ned Price. (Bloomberg, Aug 7)

Anonymous said...

GI Joe, Rambo, Captain America, and even Superman are all fictitious American characters that the US rely on to portray an image of strength in our minds. All the movies show that America wins against all countries. Even in the movie Independence Day, they show America winning against the aliens. Where the f&%$ did the Aliens come from? This is all bullshit and fiction. But it is successful bullshit which all of us and our children and grandchildren stupidly line up to pay money to the gods in Hollywood. There is no Superman or superhero. They only have Johnny Kim. Sad state of affairs.

Queen of Hearts said...

China MUST Change The Strategy of 2nd Strike to 1st Strike

The strategy of second strike requires more nuclear weapons than necessary. The enemy's first strike would have taken out many of China's nucler weapons and nuclear sites. Whatever nuclear weapons that are still intact, after the enemy's first strike, can then be used. How many that will be left no one can predict.

The second strike capability is based on the presumption that there will be sufficient nuclear weapons left, after the enemy has launched a surprise nuclear attack, for China to retaliate. This is like a small boy playing hero.

If I were the Commander of the US Strategic Nuclear Command, I would make sure I throw everything I have at China to destroy China's capability to launch her second strike.

Moreover, the second strike strategy means that there will be millions of innocent Chinese people killed unnecessarily before China could even respond. This is stupidity.

You only go for second strike if you are much stronger than the opponent. You must be able to take the first punch. Like in any street fight, if you are weaker than your opponent, and you allow the stronger and bigger opponent to strike you first, his first blow would most probably kill you.

China must not hesitate to deliver the first strike.

Most successful wars had the element of surprise. The first who strike has the surprise. The one who strike second has been caught by surprise.

It the first strike KO the opponent, the opponent won't even have the chance to make that second strike.

Therefore, in a deadly nuclear war, there should be no hesitation. Hesitation is a strategic weakness that will pay dearly. There is no room for such weakness. To deliberately cater for such a weakness to exist in a nuclear war is to lose the war without fighting. This is not strategy. This is sheer stupidity. No general worth his salt can be so stupid.

Queen of Hearts.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame the Americans for being the con men. Cause there are many silly, unthinking leaders that would like to be conned by the Americans. See how many silly Pinoy generals still want to sleep with the Americans.

Only Duterte and a few of his likes could see the devil in the Americans.

Cool Ahmad said...

Doesn't matter whether nuclear war, Covid, face wiped by the N.Korea agent, Covid, or kena knock down by bus. Once you are dead, you are dead. You cannot come back. That is the facts.

Anonymous said...

No warships to be allowed to conduct military exercise in Chinese territorial waters.

China cannot allow this to happen and must stop it before it even started.

It is time for confrontation. No buts but must be done.

Anonymous said...

Who is Johnny Kim?

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

China must draw a Red Line. Any foreign military forces crossing that Red Line means an undeclared war has been initiated. And China reserves the right to hit first when the Red Line is crossed. This condition must be openly announced to the whole world.

Anonymous said...

"China must draw a Red Line."

Agreed. Just make sure that red line is far from Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Russia and China at some later date must conduct a naval exercise around the North Sea Area or together with Cuba conduct another naval exercise in the Caribbean area. See what the USA will say.

Nearer home, China should invite Russia and North Korea, together with Iran, for a big naval exercise in the South China Sea. See what Taiwan and Japan will say.

Since the USA is selling arms to Taiwan, China and Russia should now be ready to sell arms to Cuba. Nothing against International Law is there? Oh, I understand that maybe it is now against their 'Rule of Law'.


Anonymous said...


Another provincial capital captured by the Taliban.

Two provincial capitals fell within two days is bad news for the Afghan government being led by the US stooge Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the current President of Afghanistan, elected on 21 September 2014 and 2020. He studied in the US and worked in the US all his life until he was sent by the US back to Afghanistan to become the Finance Minister.

Kandahar, a third provincial capital is about to fall. By tomorrow or day after tomorrow, it should fall. It is now being besieged by the Taliban forces and food supplies are running out. Water and electricity supplies have been cut. The capital is totally surrounded. There is no exit route. All routes leading into the capital have been blocked. Reinforcement is not possible. The Afghan government forces inside the capital will soon surrender because the troops have very low morale, due to poor leadership and the sudden withdrawal of US occupation forces.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

There are so many initiatives China can do but the lame duck Xi Jinping just wants to remain as a punching bag for the senile Joe Biden and screwed up Boris Johnson to keep punching harder and harder. This is a disgrace to all Chinese people of the world.

The Huawei case is so long already, yet Meng Wanzhao is still being held hostage and China does nothing effective to free her. This is ridiculous. The inaction speaks volumes about Xi Jinping's leadership and affects his image tremendously internationally.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The stupid Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour.

The stupid Americans dropped atom bombs on the Japanese.

The stupid Americans invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and many others.

The stupid Americans started the virus in Wuhan.

The stupid Americans sailed their warships to violate the territorial seas of China.

What else the stupid would not dare to do?

Anonymous said...

Do not underestimate the power of the stupid.

Anonymous said...

China having more nukes does not mean the world is more unsafe. In fact it makes the world a safer place unthreatened by the Evil war Mongering Empire.

In fact, the more countries having nuclear weapons, the safer the world will be. Did North Korea threaten it's neighbours down South with it's nuclear missiles after acquiring it? It is only when the biggest trouble maker starts poisoning the South and conducting military exercise close to it's shores that North Korea gets edgy.

On the other hand if the USA keep increasing it's nuclear arsenal, it means the world is going to be precariously getting more unsafe. The reasons are obvious and we do not have to go back far to come to this conclusion. Which country ever used nuclear weapons, twice in a row, on another country?