
Covid19 - When things get so ridiculous

 Never has a medical and health problem been so politicised to the extent that the well being of the people been compromised to achieve political ends. By now those who are able would have read both sides of the narrative about the effectiveness of the different types of vaccines and their adverse effects that may lead to serious illnesses and even death.

Despite the fact that none of the vaccines has come up on top where there is a consensus that one is better in effectiveness and safety, supposedly responsible people are still taking the position that one should be used and not the other and refused to admit that the other could be equally good or even better. They have made their choice for their own interest or whatever, that die, die other people must accept their dictates to use only one type of vaccine.

The medical and scientific community are split as to which vaccine is the better choice, but the politicians are so darn clear, can you believe that, and adamant that their choice is the right choice. To make matter worse, their favourite choice has been proven to be dangerous, with some scientists calling it poison, with no proven track record, and still experimental and good only for emergency use, and its possible side effects waiting to happen.

How callous and audacious can such people be, to in some ways coerced or pressure others to accept their controversial choice of vaccines? How much do they know when the scientists and medical professions are still in disagreement, without a clear consensus that a particular vaccine is safe and effective? How dangerous is their position when the contrary view is that their favoured vaccine could even be unsafe and could kill? The benefits outweigh the risk? Is this a reasonable and acceptable statement when the risk is serious illness or death?

The people have a right to choose which vaccine they preferred to inject into their bodies. This is not about injesting chicken rice or nasi lemak. This is about injecting something that can take your life away. Now, who in his right mind, when he is not a medical expert, would dare to pressure people to inject controversial and dangerous substance into their body? Getting vaccinated in normal cases is a good call. Telling people to get vaccinated cannot be wrong, but not in this instance when the vaccines are not only controversial and unsafe but also a political football.

Yes, I also have two questions to ask before I listen to anyone on their recommendations? Today, other than the illiterate seniors, many of us are better informed and educated than the preacher. So, the first question to ask, is the preacher smarter and wiser than you? Two, is the preacher more well informed than you, a medical professional or just another pretender whose little knowledge acquired is from hearsay?

For your own good, please use your head and question whoever is asking you to inject something that is questionable, not just about its effectiveness, but also if it is safe to your health. 

And for goodness sake, if you are not a medical expert, do not ask or even coerced people to inject something into their body that could kill them. If you do that, you are being irresponsible, and ultimately responsible to the death of the person that listened to you.

At this point in time the vaccines are not only controversial, but subject to too much politiking that what is good or bad has been so muddled by political and business interests that the truth is furthest from the truth. What could be a terrible decision is for one to be injected with an experimental unproven vaccine when the reason is to open the economy, the priority is economics not your health?

The least a responsible govt can do is to allow the people the choice of vaccines as the people are not fools to have cotton or wool pulled over their eyes. This is not a case of what to eat or what to drink. This is a choice that could mean being alive or dead. The govt is not right to make this choice for the people. It is the life and well being of the people and it must be made by them, an educated choice, not a forced choice.

The more unfit and unqualified people are coming out to put pressure on the innocent people to get vaccinated by a vaccine that is anything but good and safe, the more suspicious one must be on the intent and purpose of the preachers and the goodness of the vaccine. 

If the recommended vaccine is really that good, there should not be so much controversy and unhappiness and reluctance on its use. When the experts in the medical and scientific community are of two minds, the non professionals should not be smart alecs.

Let the people have a choice on what vaccines to use. It is unacceptable, immoral, unethical, criminal to use political power to force people to accept the vaccine you want them to use and disclaim liability should they fall seriously ill or die. Remove the disclaimer if the govt wants to force this on the people and be held responsible for this action. You do not have the full knowledge to know what you choose is safe for the people. You may be morally and criminally wrong in your choice. You may be withholding the right vaccine from the people instead. 

If you are that sure, remove all the non liability clauses and accept full responsibility if you are wrong, if people die or suffer from adverse effects within 3 months after taking the vaccine.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Apologies everyone for locking up the blog last night. There was an asshole making nasty posts and I had to lock him out. He made a few more posts in the early hours of the morning but had no choice of being seen.

I have collected several of his nasty posts and also his IP address. I am deciding whether to report him to the police for harassment and posting nasties in my blog. With his IP address, it would be very easy to trace who he is.

All comments have been restored and posted.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

SSO, Queen of Hearts and those interested may send me your mobile number and I can notify you should I lock up the comments section.

I may have to lock it up for a few more sessions until the asshole quits my blog or after I make a police report and the police starts investigation on him.


SSO said...

COVID-19: Huge Money-Making Big Pharmas Going In For The Kill

As expected and predicted, the profit-oriented, huge money-making, big pharmaceutical companies are going in for the kill, once again.

It has been confirmed by various official sources that the big pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna will increase the price of their respective vaccines, using the excuse of adapting their vaccines to new variants of the Covid-19 virus.

What will the new prices be?

The price of Pfizer's vaccine will rise from 15.50 euros (S$24.90) to 19.50 euros (S$31.30), an increase of 25.7%.

The price of the Moderna's vaccines will rise from 19 euros (S$30.50) to 21.50 euros (S$34.50), an increase of 13.2%.

Officially, this will be in effect not only for the European Union, but also for all buyers across the whole world.

It was estimated in December 2020 that Pfizer and Moderna would be able to earn about $32 billion from their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines this year.

Pfizer alone would be able to generate $19 billion profits without the price increase added.

And Modena would easily scoop more than $13 billion, without adding the price increase.

It is not surprising that the two big Fishers-of-Men keep telling us that the "benefits of their vaccines outweigh the risks."

They make huge profits without risks. The innocent and gullible people, the suckers, take the great risks, being their experimental guinea pigs!

Plus, so many government imbeciles are still singing their song:

"Benefits outweigh the risks" - my toes are laughing, so too are Pfizer and Modena CEOs laughing all the way to their banks.

SSO - 3 August 2021.

Anonymous said...

The most telling point is that the USA and the West have been trumpeting the efficacy and effectiveness of their vaccines and demonising others, all to prevent others from upsetting their selfish agenda.

Self interest is paramount, while human lives are expendable in their eyes. So much so that they have to resort to having the 'no liability clause' inserted, perhaps with advance knowledge that there are real inherent dangers from their use. Theoretically they are just testing their vaccines, not on animals but on humans, and any untoward effects resulting therefrom, is just collateral damage. This is so long as they can achieve their objective just like starting illegal wars to sustain their Military Establishment and thus keep their US$ Hegemony intact.

We have to repeat that the world has to wake up to their vile, malicious and evil nature. Going around spreading poison just to confront China shows their evilness.

By the way, after USA assistant Secretary of State Wendy Sherwood had gone to China for talks and left, the USA issued a totally misleading narrative about the visit. The USA claimed that she talked to Wang Yi, which she did not. She only met lower ranking Chinese officials, but the narrative was full of lies about who she met and what demands she put forward to the Chinese. All made up reports that came out, probably for their home audience are so convoluted and untruthful, it was just a face saving piece. The lies were picked up by political analyst Alexander Mercouris in his video broadcast on Youtube. Do take a look.

Anonymous said...

Just looking at frontpage headlines - ".. dies from Covid-19 complications in S'pore" ; "There were also 10 new Covid-19 clusters reported on Monday" ; "MOH apologises for delays, lapses in Covid-19 quarantine process" - the rookie so-full-of-himself health minister seems to have lost control of the situation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry it should be 'USA assistant Secretary of State Wendy Sherman had gone to China.....' in last paragraph.

My apologies.

Anon 9.21

Anonymous said...

How much did Temasek Holdings make from the Pfizer and Modena vaccines that it has imported by selling them to the government?

How much did the Ministry of Health, or Ministry of Finance paid for the vaccines?

Anonymous said...

The fact that the USA could keep lying knowing they can and will be exposed on social media is telling. What else do they not lie and not been exposed, you would ask?

Their reputation as trustworthy leaders of the free world, their tattered reputation in honouring agreements and treaties are all consigned to third world status, even worse than the dictators of African countries. And they had the audacity to tarnish the leadership of Russia, China, Iran, Myanmar among others.

Shameless hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

It's an established fact that vaccinated people can still get infected with the coronavirus and carry the pathogen to pass on to others. So the planned waiver of quarantine for vaccinated foreign visitors and discrimination against the non-vaccinated locally is nonsensical and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Now they are weaponising their vaccines. Those not vaccinated with their vaccines means you cannot enter the country, even if you are caccinated with other vaccines which the WHO approved, and which they do not approve. Will they force allies and tail waggers to follow suit?

Anonymous said...

Things are going to get more exciting, complicated and interesting!

Anonymous said...

Are the Winds of Change Blowing or is it just Lip Service?

In the run-up to the #PSPJobsDebate, the winds of change seem to be blowing stronger by the weeks as more and more government officials and MPs seem to have been openly acknowledging that the discrimination Singaporean workers face vis-à-vis foreign workers in our local job market is significant and legitimate. Particularly noteworthy are the statements made by MP Patrick Tay and MP Saktiandi Supaat in Parliament recently.

Echoing previous sentiments that I have shared, Patrick Tay agreed that “the role that foreign manpower plays, (which) is to complement and enhance the capabilities of the local workforce and not to replace it”, while Saktiandi Supaat recognised that many locals “believe that foreigners in a hiring position are more inclined to hire and promote people of their own nationality”, a problem that we have been trying to highlight.

Discriminatory hiring practices that adversely impact Singaporeans’ employment chances are not new. Alternative parties have been advocating for years now, for the Government to take tougher actions against discriminatory hiring practices that have displaced a significant number of our Singaporeans.

As a result of the inadequate policy safeguards and enforcement in the past ten to fifteen years, such hiring practices have very unfortunately become deeply embedded in the functioning of our labour market. A reversal of this would require a whole-of-government approach, tackling the issue from a number of angles simultaneously.

What Patrick Tay, a leader of the NTUC and Saktiandi Supaat, a board member of TAFEP (Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices) have shared run parallel to many concerns and ideas that have already been raised by alternative parties. However, their concurrence, backed by more complete information and data from the government, has added greater weight to the picture painted by the alternative parties.

Anonymous said...

Patrick Tay and Saktiandi are minions. They can say what they want but no big guns would say anything to support them.

And the circus would continue to go on and on and Singaporeans can die, it is their business.
You can see how protective they are of their darlings from India? Top jobs, high pay and feasted to cloud nine.

Singaporeans can say all they want, who cares? They know daft Singaporeans would not dare to vote them out. And now with more and more foreigners being made citizens, their position to stay in power only gets stronger by the day.

Singaporeans are finished. They still did not know what is a bad government.

Anonymous said...

All kena black magic, blur like sotong, or happy like sotong?

SSO said...

COVID-19 Singapore: One More Death, Ten More Clusters

A 34-year-old Ukrainian man has died of COVID-19 in Singapore on Sunday (Aug 1). He died within 7 days from the onset of symptoms. This demonstrates how deadly the Delta Variant is.

The Ukrainian man was a crew member of a ship. He developed a fever, cough and lethargy on Jul 25, and breathlessness on Jul 31. He was taken from the vessel to the SGH on Sunday and died on the same day.

That brings the total of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Singapore to 38? The man is the youngest COVID-19 fatality in Singapore.

Yesterday, it was also reported that there were 111 new COVID-19 infections, out of which 106 were locally transmitted cases, with 25 unlinked. These unlinked cases are the most worrisome. Could they have been infected in the crowded trains or congested buses? If do, this is very serious.

There were also five imported cases. Three of them were detected upon arrival but still allowed to enter Singapore. The other two were detected after they have already entered and stayed in Singapore. The loopholes are still left unplugged, for so long. I can't understand why? This "tida-apa" attitude seems to have become the norm of our Multi-Ministry Task Force in their decision-making prowess.

So far, the cases that are still warded in our hospitals have increased to 602. Among the 602 cases, 43 are seriously ill and require oxygen supplementation. Out of those, 7 are in critical condition and under intensive care.

Among the 43 serious cases, four were fully vaccinated. Of the 4 fully vaccinated, three are serious and one is critical. That means even fully vaccinated people can fall critically or seriously ill. That means the Vaccines' effectiveness is questionable.

The more scary thing is that there were 10 new clusters reported on Monday, with sizes ranging from 3 to 17 infected cases. Worse still, there are now at least 93 active clusters spreading across the whole country!

Better stay at home if you can. Do not go out unnecessarily. Better be safe than regret too late.

SSO - 3 August 2021.

Anonymous said...

The govt is trying to encourage all the 60+ citizens to go for vaccination if they haven't done so. From what I gathered, most of these people are apprehensive because of cases of side effects or even deaths of some after having vaccinated, the latter whether is due to the vaccines is debatable.

Most of those who go for the Sinovac vaccines are seniors or Chinese nationals. Why didn't the govt include this and now the approved Sinopharm vaccines as part of the national rollout if they really want all to be vaccinated and many already willing to sign the indemnity against claims just like done in private clinics? Being vaccinated is still better than not being vaccinated.

Instead, the govt is stubbornly rejecting this measure. Worse, we have people like Kenneth Mak, the dir of MOH medical services talking about many problems with Chinese vaccines in one of the earlier press conferences when they hadn't even been used. Now his remark has been used by foreign anti-vax and anti-China netizens on social media to spread hate on China and their vaccines.

Now, head of Temasek Holdings, Ho Ching even added to the hate by writting that 2 doses of Sinovac equal to single of Pfizer vaccines for effectiveness which means people going for Sinovac will have to go for at least four or more shots. Isn't Israel beginning with the 3rd shot for their citizens not vaccinated with Chinese vaccines? Near fully vaccinated UK on non Chinese vaccines experiencing another surge in cases presently as well as the US? Selective application of data in order to sell one pitch is going to make everything worse.

Anonymous said...

Virgo49 - What are you doing at KFC at 4 in the morning? Insomnia?

Anonymous said...

"Ho Ching even added to the hate by writting that 2 doses of Sinovac equal to single of Pfizer vaccines for effectiveness which means people going for Sinovac will have to go for at least four or more shots. "

Wah lao. How many injections you want people to take?

SSO said...

Both of them have self interests to protect. The words of these two must be taken with a bowl of salt and pepper.

Anonymous said...

Is she an expert and knows that much about vaccines? I have yet to come across this proclamation from any other source.

SSO said...


It's alright to activate the Comments Moderator. Otherwise, you will have all sorts of clowns, advertisers and mischievous and malicious postings on your blog, thereby making it a "rojak" site, which is the intent of the crooks.

In fact, I would recommend you to continue to maintain the Comment Moderation.

You need not inform us. When the Comment Moderator is on, we are automatically informed by the website host, Blogger.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks everyone for your understanding. Last night I had a good sleep while the joker tried to post after midnight. 2 nasty posts attacking Virgo and I have them kept as evidence if needed.

He was not satisfied and tried again after 1am, and again could not post and I retained that post as well. I have several of his mischievous posts with his IPs as well.

Would use them if necessary, if he thinks he could mess around with this blog. Stupid bugger must have lost a loud of sleep doing early morning postings.

You guys can carry on posting and I would release them the next morning.



Queen of Hearts said...

Eight more new COVID-19 infections clusters have been detected as of Tuesday.

Now the total number of clusters is 101. This is getting more and more serious for the people.

But to the MMTF ministers living in protected ivory towers, detached from the ground, living with the coronavirus is the way to go. (We are exposed to the coronavirus everywhere everyday. They are safe in their ivory towers.)

That's why they made the people become guinea-pigs for the experimental mRNA new vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.

They do not have sufficient knowledge about the mRNA vaccines long-term effects, yet they plunged the people into potential dangers

Anonymous said...

With rookies in charge, the situation seems to have gotten out of control . .

Anonymous said...

Virgo, that sicko is a psychopath.