
China must be constantly be on high alert against the barbaric god damned United States.

      The savage and barbaric United States has always been looking at China's peaceful rise in growing  strength and prosperity with jaundiced eyes. It has stated arrogantly in its bellicose Wolfowitz Doctrine that America will never allow any country to become as rich and powerful as the United States and if it sees any country showing any sign of growing to become either as a global or regional power capable of challenging US supremacy then America must of nature in following the Darwinian Doctrine take this power down by force of military means. So America wants to play the power of God to decide which country or countries can or cannot be allowed to exist. This is a most unprecedented arrogance, bigotry and bellicosity. Base on this preposterous illicit and illogical doctrine it shows clearly it cannot coexist with Russia or China both of which are targeted to be taken down. US is indeed ruled by mentally sick and deranged political rulers who are extremely crazy and mad with unsound mind and this has always post a danger to this world. Therefore China and Russia must be constantly on the high alert every second or minute of the year as the desperate savage Americans may at any time spring a sudden preemptive nuclear attack on both  of them. In truth the barbaric savage Anglo-SaxonAmericans and England together with their Western allies have been planning for decades to take down Russia and China. Wherefore the logic of surrounding Russia and China with hundreds of military bases. US surrounds China with over 400 military bases stationed in Australia, Philippines, Thailand, Okinawa, Japan and South Korea , all equipped with nuclear tipped missiles facing China. But it turns around and tells the world that China is assertive, aggressive and expansionist and must be contained. The world must be blind to see China which has never conquer any other country and which has no military bases overseas is assertive and aggressive. The barbaric Americans expect the non-white countries to believe in its demonization of China. They think  the non-white countries are naive and stupid and thus treat them with contempt. But at last the non-white countries are waking up to the evils and misdeeds of the US  and will no longer believe in theAmerican lies and propaganda. 

The United States one of the most wicked and evil Western countries ever has since the beginning of its independence in 1776 been doing a lot of evil bad things in this world by brutally attacking and invading other coutries with attenuating genocide and massacre of native populations in the lands they forcefully occupied. The US is untrustworthy and unreliable and it is not ashamed to tell the world that cheating, telling lies, stealing, expansionism via invasion  and killing is the embodiment of its national diabolical philosophy. The teachings and instructions  of these ultra multifarious doctrines are important courses in the curriculum for recruits and military personnels in CIA and the Pentagon. Military officers and soldiers are taught to kill without any sense of guilt, remorse or repentance and to dismiss the hundreds of thousands of civilians who died through  the indiscriminate attack of their bombers, drones or the volleys of their cannons as collateral damages.

The Evil Empire has turned an otherwise beautiful and peaceful world upside down in tumultuous pandemonium, fear and danger through its vile ambition of trying to  bring the whole world under its total dictatorial control and hegemony. It has institutionalized an evil drastic militant doctrine that rules out any possibility of co-existance with any other provincial or global powers.

The United States is the offspring of its satanic forbears the Anglo-Saxon British imperial empire. Thus it is not surprising the US has inherited all the evil draconian traits and inherent murderers' behaviour of expansionist and colonial Britain. 

US broke off from England and achieved independence from England in 1776. Even before independence and as part of imperial England it had spearheaded the wanton invasion, destruction and brutal killingsof native American indigenous populations.

It must be remembered that following the expansionist path of  Spain and Portugal, two other evil white European powers, England sanctified with its evil Doctrine of Christian Discovery charged into the new world to attack and conquer the whole of North America and after a long struggle with France for dominance in which it evolved victorious.

Throughout the 242 years of its existence the United States has been successful and victorious in all its attacks and aggressive expansionist wars on hundreds of native American states and other  foreign countries in Latin America, Hawaii and across the Pacific Oceans. The United States has been carriied away so far by the success and victory of all its past invasions and that leads them to dangerous thinking they too can score easy victory over Russia and China. They must know the success and victories of their expansionism and victories  in the past were over small and weak countries. They are too conceited to think they can achieve similar success if they were to attack Russia or China.

Therefore after the Second World War they instantly carried out proactive future plans to take down Russia and China and other provincial powers like Iran or North Korea which they consider will post a challenge and an obstacle to US ambition for world dominance and hegemony.

To gear to its goal for world domination the US then promulgamated a bellicose doctrine to warn and stop any other power from arising to post a challenge to US supremacy on the world stage for hegemony. The imbecile US is so drunk with its power that it has the effrontery and the blindness and stupidity to tell two great historical countries Russia and China to fall in line and follow its dictates.

Here is US, a 242 year old cancerous outgrowth of Anglo-Saxon British imperialist  trying to browbeat Russia and China into submission to its dictates and control. The US ingrates must know China is a vast ancient Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years and is the only last known ancient civilization to survive to this day. All the other ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylon ( modern Iraq ) Persia , Indus, Athens, the Mayas, Azstec and Incas Civilizations of Latin America have long disappeared under western barbaric attacks and invasions.

Intense Western European imperial aggressions and expansions took place 500 years ago under the militant Doctrine of Christian Discovery under which doctrine Spain, Portugal, England, France, Russia Holland, Germany, Italy and Belgium went  on a raging rampage to travel vast distances overseas to conquer and steal other non-christian lands whereby they also carried out atrocities of killing and genocide to decimate the native populations. 

Then after its inpendence the US immediately institutionalized a new expansionist doctrine, "The Doctrine of America's Manifest Destiny." Under this doctrine US will follow the footpath of  imperial Britain, France ,Spain and Portugal to build its own empire. Its first objective was to complete the total destruction and genocide of all the native Americans. Having erased the native Americans from America the evil empire then proceeded to attack and invade Mexico from 1840s to 1890s resulting in the US occupation of seven Mexican states or provinces such as  Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California a combine territory of over 1.65 million square miles.

The US was a partner in crime with the Britain against China in the criminal Opium Wars 1839 to 1856. From the 1930s to the present it has never stopped interfering  in China's internal affairs and in the as yet unfinished Chinese Civil War. In the early 1950s US often nefariously  ferried Chiang Kai-Shek's Kuomintang troops  into China's southern provinces of Yunnan and Kwangsi to create turmoil and counterrevolution. In 1950 US started the Korean War hoping to make use of Korean territory as a jumping board for the Kuomintang army to attack and retake the Chinese mainland for the Americans. In both cases US failed miserably though it persists and continues to create trouble for China endlessly. 

US also tried to create trouble for Russia. CIA clandestinely organized and supported some pro-American Russians to overthrow President Putin. It also tried to stir up troubles in Russia's backyard. It tried to recruit Belarus and Georgia into US - NATO camp but failed after Russia took strong action to foil the attempts. In 2014 US initiated a military coup in Ukraine to overthrow the pro Russia president and installed a pro American puppet hoping to recruit Ukraine into NATO. Russia took action to forestall US diabolical plan and then annexed Crimea, the southern province of Ukraine. In both cases the cowardly US dared not confront headon against Russia.  Thus all US evil plots against Russia failed badly.

Having failed in its plots against Russia, the evil empire then tries to undermine China with issues concerning Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Taiwan, Diaoyu Dao and the South China Sea which are China's internal matters of no concern to US or others. It also started a hybrid warfare against China. First it started a trade war against China. This is followed by crazy illicit illilateral actions in which it arm twisted its allies and other countries to ban Chinese high tech companies like Huawei, ZTE, Tik Tok and others on various trump up illogical charges. Then it tries to provoke China by sailing its naval ships and flying its jet bombers close to China's coast line thinking it will intimidate China and the Chinese people. Of course China will not be intimidated. The Chinese are noble civilize people who do not want to fight or have war with the evil empire. But the Chinese people are also not afraid of war if it is imposed on them and they will fight bravely with conviction to defeat the evil American aggressor and warmonger.

Now the evil empire tries to create hostilities in the Taiwan Strait. Being a coward it tries to gather its poodles Japan, South Korea and Australia to be in the front line against China. America is making attempts to lure China out to fight. Its diabolical plan is to provoke China to the extreme hoping China will fire the first shot so as to give the evil empire and its poodles an excuse to jointly attack China. In this scenario America is hoping China and Japan will destroy each other while at the same time the treacherous Japanese also long for US and China to fight and destroy each other too. But China knows the evil inner thinking of both the Japs and the Americans desire for the Chinese in both Mainland China and Taiwan to rekindle the civil war and thus to  kill each other as fellow Chinese so as to destroy the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. President Xi Jinping and his comrade leaders in the CCP are exercising extremely great patience and selfcontrol because they say Chinese should not kill Chinese except the treacherous Chinese traitors who are American and Japanese running dogs. Only the leadership in Taiwan is hijacked by traitors who are actually of Japanese descent couched under false Chinese names and who managed to hookwink and brainwash the Taiwanese Chinese people under the fake and false banner of pseudo democracy and human rights to agree to secede from China to be independent. These traitors in Taiwan are testing China's patience and are playing a dangerous game with fire by using all kinds of tricks to intimidate the Taiwanese Chinese compatriots to support their agenda of secession from China. These Taiwanese Chinese traitors don't seem to know they are being used as pawns and manipulated by the evil Americans for their own agenda of stopping the rise of the Chinese people and nation under the disguise of helping the Taiwanese Chinese to fight for freedom and democracy. The Taiwanese Chinese must know Chinese people in America have always been despised and illtreated by the white Americans who frequently bullied them and subjected them to beatings, lynchings, killings and genocide. 

The evil empire and its Western allies have failed miserably in trying to destabilise China through its plots of using traitors and separatists in Hong Kong and Xinjiang to create orange or umbrella revolutions so as to split China asunder. Now they try to undermine China with massive continuous evil propaganda to demonize China with endless fake and false make up charges and accusations to galvanize world opinion against China so as to provide a false basis for them to confront China whenever they choose to do so. But this is not going to work as the whole non-white world knows the inherent evil of the US and the West in all their diabolical plots not only against China but also against almost all non-white countries. Also almost 98 percent of the Chinese people in China and around the world strongly support the government of the Peoples Republic of China under the Chinese Communist Party led by President Xi Jinping.

Recently US tried to destroy China and the Chinese people by secretly bringing the Covid - 19 virus to Wuhan in late 2019. The Evil Empire wanted to decimate the whole Chinese population in China with its Fort Detrick engineered biological coronavirus. However, it failed when the competent Chinese government took instant drastic actions to stop the American virus in its track. But the satanic Americans are soon to reap what it sowed for the coronavirus or Covid - 19 of Fort Detrick returned home to the United States to roost and destroyed over 600,000 American lives. God has eyes and the evil Americans are facing Karma now.

The desperate god-damned United States can plan and plot all the evil actions against China and other countries but it is certainly going to fail. Instead of looking after its home and internal affairs to take care of its own people it indulges in aggressions, invasions, killings, assassinations and murders of other countries and their leaders. Millions of Americans are living in extreme poverty especially the Black and other coloured Americans are dependent on food handouts daily and hundreds of thousands of Americans have no roof over their heads and are living in slumps in roadside tents make of canvas or discarded cardboards. Meanwhile the American politicians, the one percent extremely rich elites and the ten percent middle class all white racial supremasist live in glory and splendour.

It is the one percent white American elites the rulers of the Evil Empire who are the real evils behind all the wars, the turmoils and troubles in all parts and corners of the world. They are in control of over 98 percent of the wealth and riches in America. They run Wall Street , all the big banks, business conglomerates, real estates and insurance, huge industries and high tecs and the Pentagon Industrial Complex. They create permanent wars to keep the Pentagon Industrial Complex humming non-stop so as to generate billions or trillions of dollars in profits. 

The American elitist rulers are so evil and diabolical in their thinking and actions that all their evil deeds will eventually come home to roost and destroy them too. They cannot hope to start wars with Russia, China, Iran or North Korea witout lethal repercussions on themselves. Taking on Russia or China now is courting their own nemesis.  In fact the United States is now a God damned barbaric state without any hope of rescue. The sad thing is that the death of this satanic America will result in the unfortunate collateral destruction of many other countries and perhaps the end of mankind due to uncontrollable massive nuclear exchange.


Friday, 28th May, 2021


Anonymous said...

All signs show that the United States is preparing and laying the groundwork for a nuclear war against China. There is a large militant bellicose faction in both the Republican and the Democrats believing in unision that America can win a nuclear war against China if it mounts a surprise and sudden full blown nuclear attack on China now.

Looks like they haven't learnt a lesson from their Fort-Detrick biological Coronavirus or COVID-19. China and Russia are well prepared and will lay America to waste beyond the graves. Even England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand all Anglo-Saxon countries as well as Japan, South Korea and the Philippinne will not be spared and all will be laid to waste in piles of nuclear debris.

Eagles Eyes

Anonymous said...

The USA and the West were attempting very hard to turn the Chinese people against the CCP Government. They wanted to start the ball rolling by destablising Hong Kong and later Xinjiang, hoping the movement will spread across the whole of mainland China.

In the process, the Chinese people have become even more patriotic, causing that plan to fail miserably. The Chinese people have come to realise that over the last three decades they have a Government that truly cares for their welfare, pulling hundreds of millions out of poverty and modernising China's infrastructures that even the USA cannot match. Why would they want to change to a democracy where nothing seems to work?

China and Russia need to work together to prevent the vile and evil USA to have it's way. The only way to prevent that is to have deterrents and the ability to retaliate aggressively. Russia is spreading it's wings in Europe, now having a military base in the Eastern Mediterranean region and a strong naval foothold in the Black Sea to counter NATO. China is also building military infrastructures in the South China Sea knowing the USA and the West have eyes to encroach upon the region to establish a base closer to China.

Russian warships and submarines are now conspicuously present around the North Sea and English Channels, causing unease to the Brits. I am sure Russian and Chinese nuclear submarines are also lurking not far from the USA shores in international waterways. The North Sea and English Channels are open seaways that the Russians have every right to navigate, but the Brits are complaining. What about all the naval show of strength gathering at China's doorstep. Do the Brits look at themselves in the mirror?

Russia and China need to build up massively their military hardware to counter the USA and it's allies. No hesitation, no second thoughts about that at all. It is heading into a confrontation sooner or later and being prepared is the most sensible thing to do.

Anonymous said...

China has about 100 submarines. Where do you think they are and what are they doing under the sea? The Americans have much lesser.

Anonymous said...

The Evil Empire does not believe in fair competition. I indulges in confrontation from a position of strength. When the US is unable to compete with others on a level playing field it will try to destroy all competitors with whatever dirty ways and means.

USA is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The USA still thinks the next World War will be like WW2 where mainland USA is safe from retaliation? They must be sleeping and unaware of what Russia and China are capable of. Just like when they were sleeping over the last three decades and China bypassed them silently and they got the shock of their life upon waking up.

Over confidence that China cannot overtake them in any way in their own warp mind has lead to their eventual downfall economically. Over confidence that China and Russia together militarily cannot take them down is going to be their biggest mistake.

Pearl Harbour and their eventual nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski was their moment of nuclear madness when they were the sole nuclear power. Now they are not the only country with nuclear arsenals to threaten others. Those days are over. And the days of thinking that the USA mainland will not be nuclearised by the next World War is wishful thinking and a nightmare waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Kurt Campbell the US coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs on the National Security Council said, " The era of engagement with China is over." In other words he is sounding the world that US wants to have a showdown with China in confrontation and conflict thinking this will help to maintain and preserve US primacy and supremacy in world hegemony.

Kurt Campbell like all deranged American leaders are really nuts.

Anonymous said...

US wants to maintain its primacy and supremacy as a world hegemon is now nothing but a pipe dream.

Many signs indicate that US is losing confidence that it can win any competition with China fairly so it needs to be nasty and violent.

Horrible ugly Americans.

Anonymous said...

Cornerstone of China’s strategic deterrence against the US: more nuclear missiles and warheads - China spokesman

As the US strategic containment of Chinas has increasingly intensified, I would like to remind again that we have plenty of urgent tasks, but among the most important ones is to rapidly increase the number of commissioned nuclear warheads, and the DF-41s, the strategic missiles that are capable to strike long-range and have high-survivability, in the Chinese arsenal. This is the cornerstone of China's strategic deterrence against the US.

We must be prepared for an intense showdown between China and the US. In that scenario, a large number of Dongfeng-41, and JL-2 and JL-3 (both intercontinental-range submarine-launched ballistic missile) will form the pillar of our strategic will. The number of China's nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes US elites shiver should they entertain the idea of engaging in a military confrontation with China.

On this basis, we can calmly and actively manage divergences with Washington to avoid a minor incident sparking a war. US hostility toward China is burning. We must use our strength, and consequences that Washington cannot afford to bear if it takes risky moves, to keep them sober.

Anonymous said...

US is using its well known traditional method of vicious propaganda to repeatedly demonizing a competitor in various make up or manuafactured charges and accusations millions of times to set the background as preamble for a basis of illogical conflict with China. But what does it matter when China is now rich and powerful and well prepared to take on US if it tries to create nasty desperate dramatic actions.

Keen international observer.

Anonymous said...

The USA is no longer in a position of strength in any negotiation. What has the USA achieved in a position of strength against North Korea boasting of having bigger buttons to press? What has the USA achieved in trying to project a position of strength against China in Alaska?

Why is the USA withdrawing it's sanctions against NORD Stream 2 and where has it's position of strength gone? The USA tried to project it's naval strength during the conflict in Ukraine but their balls shrank in the face of Russian warnings. The Brits, or the mouse that tried to scare the Russian bear by threatening to sail their warships into the Black Sea, drop their balls and instead sent in a patrol boat. Does that scare the Russians? What a joke!

What does all this show? Where they cannot get away with bullying, they fade away with tails between their legs.

Anonymous said...

Actually in trying to take down Russia or China, the Evil Empire is telling the world the ugly Americans are tired of living and it is now preparing its own graveyards for the Anglo-Saxon white Americans.

Death to the evil Anglo-Saxon warmongers.

Anonymous said...

In China's position, it is just build, build and more build up of their military hardware, be it missiles, submarines and nuclear arsenals. And be prepared to retaliate as hard as it can at all cost. That is the only deterrent against the evil empire and it's cronies.

Anonymous said...

The World must rise up against the Whites bullies and murderers.,.... and robbers of other people's lands and countries....and destroyers of other people's countries and livelihoods... and invaders, aggressors and warmongers ....

Anonymous said...

Most of the religions that sprout from the Middle East tend to be problematical and divisive. Read into the verses and chapters of Judaism, The Bible, both old and new testament and the Koran. What do you find as the common denominator of these religions? Throughout the centuries kings and emperors, religious leaders and all kinds of charlatans always justify their wars, jealousies and envies, bloodshed, killings and murders and violence base on their claims in these religious books that they are fighting for the honour and sanctivity of their god. It is more liklely they are fighting for their own selfish interests, greed and power to dominate others. The religious books just give them a good excuse and fit into their agenda of doing all the diabolical evil deeds of power grabbing, stealing and robbing of other peoples lands and properties, murders, killings, assassinations, violence and unsatiated greed of wealth and money. It was so in the past as it is now. Claiming respect and fighting for the honour of their god or gods is all utter rubbish. It is more a ponzi scheme to bluff, frighten and intimidate the people into submission to their evil domination and control.

An astute political and religious observer who has read a lot into all religious books.

Eagles Eyes : SG

Anonymous said...

The Taiwanese are playing with the lives of its people. Got instant vaccines from China refused to accept. Stubbornly hoping for American vaccines. Now with hopes that the vaccines would arrive in time.

God willing, the Americans would play them out and the vaccines would not arrive as promised and more Taiwanese would lose their lives as a result.

Only then would they go down on their knees to beg China for help.

Anonymous said...

If Russia and China go against the US simultaneously, US would be fucked.Knowing its earlier strategic mistake, US is trying to make good with Russia, withdrawing sanctions on the pipeline project, Blinken meeting Lavrov and a Biden-Putin summit next month.

Hope Putin can see thru' the evl scheme of the US as Dr Kissinger once said ' To be an enemy of the US is dangerous but to be a friend is deadly.'

Anonymous said...

The American politicians are mostly D graders while Putin and Chinese leaders are A graders. Most of them are law grads while Putin and Chinese leaders are engineers by training.

The D graders trying to con the A graders, what a joke? It is a battle of words versus hard sciences.

Anonymous said...

The American defacto ambassador in TPE in fact said Taiwan Covid cases were minor in comparison. Effectively meaning we have no vaccines for you but if you have a need for our expired and obsolete expensive arms and military hardware, we will ship at the next flight. Damned fools, Tsai and her DPP with US playing them like a fiddle in containing China.

Anonymous said...

Never expect the USA to behave otherwise. Satan never changes his evil nature. His intention is to destroy.

Anonymous said...

When the USA had all the military power that has no equal, they can continue to dictate. When that military power is diluted by others, the right to dictate does not rest on the USA alone. That is the reality they have to live with going forward.

The fact remains that when the USA loses that right to dictate position, it's allies and poodles will not even have to bend over backwards to try to carry their burden by taking part in all their nefarious activities of regime change, sanctions, subterfuge and illegal wars.

The road to world peace will only come with the end of that evil regime.

SSO said...

Fully agreed. Only until the Evil US Empire (EUSE) is destroyed will there be world peace. The EUSE will never change its evil behaviour. It is by nature evil and destructive. Even before its formation, it has already caused uncountable numbers of deaths and destruction in the world, as part of the Evil British Empire (EBE).

Anonymous said...

MOH said: "A negative pre-departure test or on-arrival test does not necessarily mean that a person is free from Covid-19, as one could be incubating the virus from an exposure prior to taking the tests."

They know this and they keep importing the Indians, via India or Nepal . .

Anonymous said...

The superficial good numbers of Covid19 cases made it appeared that Taiwan had the problem under control, one of the best in the world. But like silly red dot, it let its guard down and did not take special preventive measures on passengers entering Taiwan from the US and India.

Which are the two worst hit countries in the world, yes, the US and India. Now the virus are spreading like wild fire and the numbers, like India, are not the true story due to inadequate testing and a lot of hidden cases.

Taiwan is going to be another basket case like India. And that silly woman still playing with the lives of Taiwanese by not accepting Chinese vaccines. Till today it has only received 700,000 doses, mostly AstraZeneca, the vaccine that has been banned from use in many countries.

And its order for Pfizer Moderna did not know when it would arrive, maybe too late.

Wait and see how the Covid19 blow up in her face.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

MOH said: "A negative pre-departure test or on-arrival test does not necessarily mean that a person is free from Covid-19, as one could be incubating the virus from an exposure prior to taking the tests."

They know this and they keep importing the Indians, via India or Nepal.

This is unavoidable, like the unstoppable rise of China and the fall of the American Empire. Covid19 would reset everything, the world balance of power, and also the domestic politics of red dot. It is the will of heaven that change is in the air.

Anonymous said...

French assault helicopter carrier docks at Changi as European interest in Asia-Pacific grows

Mr Abensour said relations between Singapore and France "have reached a very high level of trust", allowing both countries to cooperate in a wide range of areas even amid Covid-19.


Anonymous said...

Singapore leaders are showing China the middle finger, that Singapore is not afraid of offending China because it has Western powers on her back, screwing its backside any time when it needs it.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is heading in the wrong direction.

The Sun is rising from and in the East and setting and up-setting in the West.

Singapore is heading towards the setting Sun and up-setting Darkness in and from the West.

When imbeciles are leading the country, everything seems to go in the opposite direction.

When the wise old guards were incharge, everything were moving in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

A leader who sues own citizens for personal fame, gloring and gain is a very conceited, greedy and selfish person.

Such a fame and glory seeking, selfish person cannot do much for the good of the people and the country.

That's why Singapore has been going downhill for the last 15 years. A few years of rise in between were flukes rather than human success.

Anonymous said...

A country being led by spendthrift prodigal son and paper generals only know how to talk a lot, brag a lot and pay themselves a lot. But come to selfless sacrifice for the people, they cock-up a lot and stingy a lot.

Anonymous said...

China has now been blamed for NioNtech's vaccine supply delay to Taiwan, on the verge of a serious outbreak. Why is everything blamed on China? Is this purposely created by BioNtech to add more fuel to the fire to cause further animosity between China and Taiwan? They never really miss an opportunity to capitalise on any semblance of a fart. Just a sound like a fart and they cling on to it.

Anonymous said...

Remains of 215 children found at former indigenous school site in Canada

The remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, were found at the site of a former residential school for indigenous children.

The children were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that closed in 1978, according to the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation, which said the remains were found with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist.

"We had a knowing in our community that we were able to verify," Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Chief Rosanne Casimir said in a statement. "At this time, we have more questions than answers."

Canada's residential school system, which forcibly separated indigenous children from their families, constituted "cultural genocide," a six-year investigation into the now-defunct system found in 2015.

The report documented horrific physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities suffered by many of the 150,000 children who attended the schools, typically run by Christian churches on behalf of Ottawa from the 1840s to the 1990s.

It found more than 4,100 children died while attending residential school. The deaths of the 215 children buried in the grounds of what was once Canada's largest residential school are believed to not have been included in that figure and appear to have been undocumented until the discovery.

Anonymous said...

Canada's Residential School was no more than a concentration camp for the indoctrination of the children of Native Americans. This has always been a lesser known dark secret of the Canadian Government. Like the Red Indians, this was glaringly a genocide against the Natives.

The Church was at the centre of the genocide, administrating those schools and thousands were said to have died, not just those 215 children.

Anonymous said...

China has vowed to “vigorously defend itself” against Australia’s move to take the two countries’ stoush over barley tariffs into the World Trade Organisation’s formal enforcement machinery.

After the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body agreed late on Friday (AEST) to Australia’s request for a formal “panel” to resolve the fracas, a Chinese trade envoy told delegates at the Geneva meeting that Beijing was confident its punitive levies on Australian barley were compliant with WTO rules.

Allies rallied to Australia’s cause, with many countries reserving their rights to participate in the dispute panel’s proceedings. The countries looking to intervene include the US, the European Union, Canada, Britain, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, India, and Brazil.

A three-person panel will now be appointed, as the process grinds into action. The group of so-called third-party countries will make their interventions at the panel’s first oral hearing.

Anonymous said...

The world is woke to Western posturing and global white privilege

The West’s disingenuous position on Israel and its coordinated attacks on China have blown the cover of the liberal narratives it uses to hide a postcolonial, imperialist agenda

Its hypocrisy has been further exposed by its hoarding of coronavirus vaccines and the systemic racism that prompted the Black Lives Matter protests and fuelled attacks on people of Asian descent.

A tipping point has been reached, even if it has hardly been discussed within societies and by political leaders. Across the non-Western world, there is growing awareness and rejection of the hypocrisy, insincerity and insecurity embedded in the Western world with regard to its relations with the global majority.

Western narratives and propaganda took hold across the world over the last 200 years as a result of colonisation and imperialism. Mind capture was a necessary tool of oppression to subjugate people. And despite decolonisation, mental colonisation became the new frontier and remains a key strategy of postcolonial imperialism. Citizens of former colonies remained receptive to Western ideas, having been indoctrinated for so long, and this influence is still actively cultivated via Western soft power as well as through Western education and its global media.

Today, much of the Western world retains the mentality that their nations and “white people” are superior, with the singular goal of retaining global economic dominance. This, even though the rest of the world is acutely aware of the dangers of extreme forms of “White People First” as manifested in Donald Trump and his tumultuous presidency. Yet we still see efforts to actively preserve white privilege, which goes well beyond egregious acts of racism against people of colour.

Anonymous said...

That vote recently about who is the biggest threat to democracy tells the whole truth.

If another vote were to be called to find out who is the biggest threat to world peace, there can only be one country that can take that crown hands down. You guessed it!

The world is not blind to all the atrocities committed by one evil regime. Russia, China, Iran and many other countries are just tolerating and waiting, some with lots of patience, some have no choice, others are by coercion.

But all will celebrate the day the evil empire bites the dust and they will shout 'good riddance'. Never has one country been so hated and cursed in the history of mankind!

Anonymous said...

Australia had been boasting about how great it's economy is without China. If they have such good new found destinations for their produce, why the need to go to WTO?

Anonymous said...

If the US went to war with China, who would win? - James Stavridis, 16th Supreme Allied Commander of NATO

A great deal has been written about the possibility of a war between the U.S. and China. It tends to be measured in theoretical terms, and much of the analysis centers on exactly when it might occur. But the vital question is really quite simple: who would win?

Of course -- no one really "wins" a major war. But the best way to avoid having to go to war at all is to convince your potential opponent that they almost certainly would be the biggest loser. The military balance between China and the United States is complicated, and requires thinking about budgets, numbers of warships and aircraft, geography, alliance systems and technology -- especially undersea capability, cybersecurity and space.

Let's start with dollars and yuan. The U.S. defense budget is fairly transparent, at least in terms of total dollars. Defense spending was around $714 billion in the 2020 fiscal year -- and is likely to increase to $733 billion in 2021. Somewhat opaque, China's defense spending is certainly smaller, with this defense budget set at 1.36 trillion yuan ($212.6 billion), a 6.8% increase from the previous year.

But China does not have the high personnel costs of an all-volunteer force, and their military activities are largely focused on East Asia, not the very expensive global footprint of the U.S. military. And a significant level of their spending does not appear "on the public books." Overall, in terms of resources, the U.S. has an advantage, but it is not as overwhelming as it appears.

In terms of simple numbers of warships, China is already leading the U.S., roughly 350 to 300, in combat vessels. And the Chinese shipyards are pumping out new warships on a near-weekly basis, especially relatively low-technology patrol missile boats, corvettes and frigates. Still, U.S. ships are ton-for-ton larger, endowed with better offensive and defensive systems, and manned by far more experienced crews.

Additionally, the U.S. has a very sophisticated network of command-and-control capabilities to knit together its long-range aviation platforms alongside surface warships and, of course, submarines. When factoring in the tight geography of east Asia, I would say slight advantage China in terms of pure numbers of platforms both sea and air, with the U.S. having higher quality of assets.

Geographically, China enjoys a great advantage in a potential conflict with the U.S. in the South and East China seas. Notably, China would be able to support its warships logistically in terms of fuel and ammunition, provide combat repair facilities nearby and move sailors on and off their ships with ease. For the United States, lengthy supply and manpower chains would bedevil U.S. forces, even allowing for the presence of U.S. bases close by.

Additionally, the string of artificial islands built by China throughout the South China Sea would somewhat balance the U.S. bases in South Korea, Japan and Guam. The U.S. Navy, by the way, does not refer to the roughly 10 Chinese "islands" as artificial islands -- rather, they are thought of as unsinkable aircraft carriers.

Indeed, a great deal of U.S. tactical and strategic warfighting thinking is going into how to neutralize those facilities, with one thought being to deploy U.S. Marine special forces -- Marine Raiders -- to destroy their offensive capability early in a fight. While the U.S. would try to make up for its long logistic tail by engaging our allies, geography is clearly a factor that favors China.

Anonymous said...


How about alliances? The U.S. has long felt that its greatest comparative advantage over China is its network of allies, partners and friends around the world. In Asia, that means strong support from Japan -- the third-largest economy in the world, Australia -- very capable naval forces, South Korea, Singapore and many others. The U.S. is also strongly cultivating India via the Quad concept of aligning it with the U.S., Japan and Australia. Yet how much the U.S. could count on such partners in the face of a Chinese attack is a growing question.

Additionally, China is increasingly taking a page from the U.S. and strengthening its systems of partnerships. The Belt and Road Initiative is designed to do exactly that, and the Chinese are making inroads both in Asia and the east coast of Africa. Most importantly, Beijing is consolidating its relationships with Russia -- the two nations frequently exercise together militarily, Iran -- China just announced a $400 billion investment, Pakistan and the Philippines -- President Rodrigo Duterte seems to favor China in many issues over the U.S., nominally a formal treaty ally.

Overall, the U.S. allies are bigger, richer and have stronger militaries, so an advantage for Washington -- but the gap is closing.

Finally, and most importantly, victory in a U.S.-China war would be highly influenced by who has the best technology. In the key areas of undersea silencing of submarines, numbers of military satellites in space, offensive and defensive cyber tools and unmanned vehicles, the U.S. still has the lead. But China is closing fast, especially in artificial intelligence, hypersonic cruise missiles, cyber and the emerging field of quantum computing. The recently released National Commission on Artificial Intelligence is telling in this regard. Again, slight -- but closing -- advantage to the United States.

Bottom line: If I were the admiral commanding the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command -- the leader for all American military forces in the Pacific and Indian oceans -- I would still want the U.S. hand of cards to play. But as the Duke of Wellington said of the Battle of Waterloo, a fight with China would be a "near-run thing." And over the next decade, that gap will close and -- if the U.S. does not respond -- will favor China.

That is why I set my recent novel, 2034: A Novel of the Next World War, 10 to 15 years in the future. Those alarm bells are going off at the Pacific Fleet headquarters in Pearl Harbor, and watch for U.S. strategic focus, resources and advanced technology to head west in the coming decade.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Good article Anon 9:55am. Will put it up next week as a main article. Got to queue a little as there are several articles waiting to be put up.

My views. If it goes nuclear, it would be a total disaster. Both countries would release all their nuclear weapons as not doing so would mean no second chance of using them. So, in such a situation, only maniacs would ever think of a war between the two powers.

In a conventional war, China would win for several reasons.

1. China would not attack the US. The US would have to come to China. Thus it would be the full military might of China against whatever the US could put up. This would amount to at most 1/3 of what the US has. Put aside the participation of allies from both sides. The US needs to keep 1/3 of its forces in Europe/Atlantic region and 1/3 to guard its homeland.

2. The budget may give the impression that the US is loaded and should have more weapons and soldiers. In reality, like you said, the cost of 1 American soldier is more than than 10 times the cost 1 Chinese soldier. Not only that, there is purchasing power of the value of the currency. And the fake and corruption in the American Military Complex when 1 hammer can cost $1,000. All these would mean the real value of the two budget could be quite similar or the Chinese budget could be even bigger.

3. Technology wise, the gap is very close with the Chinese already superior in many areas. The Americans are all hyped and propaganda.

4. The quality and fighting spirit of the soldiers. The PLA had proven that it could take on the Americans and win in the Korean War despite overwhelming odds against them. Today, there is no such superiority that the Americans could take advantage of and the Americans would be crushed by the PLA when they next meet in the western Pacific theatre of war.

5. The Americans are all hogwashed, good to look at and to bully poorly equipped armies. When taking on someone equal, like the Russians or Chinese, they would meet their match.

Anonymous said...

The USA is on tenterhooks, knowing that the end of the US$ hegemony means it is a total collapse of it's military power as well.

They are spending now like no tomorrow, as they know those free money printing from thin air days is not going to last much longer. Why is the world still buying US debts is what I do not understand? Trillions and trillions are going to cause a massive depreciation of the US$ and is making the whole world suffer massive inflation. Everything is now getting increasingly expensive.

Anonymous said...

The US may be thinking and planning to attack the Chinese islands. Don't forget, these are islands thousands of miles from any mainland. It is not so easy to get there without being detected and shot down. By air, by sea, by under the sea, all can be detected long before they arrived.

Not so easy, evil warmongers. China is not Syria or Cuba, or Iraq, or Iran.

Anonymous said...

Any attack means China has a reason to shoot them down.

They don't call those naval ships harassing China as using gunboat diplomacy any more. They are using the term 'warship diplomacy'. Whatever the case may be, China will be able to sink them like matchboxes.

For China, this is home ground advantage in South China Sea, playing out in every sense of the word. It is not Iraq, where citizens were brainwashed to work for the invaders against Saddam. They deeply regretted being traitors to their country.

In the South China Sea, it is going to be another Vietnam for the USA and it's allies, with Chinese citizens totally patriotic and supporting the country against invaders, a scenario that were already evident even during the opium war. Bear that in mind.