
Flash mob - A people looking happy, contented and proud of their homeland


Flash mob in Gulangyu Island, Xiamen. The short clip is a good description of what life is like in new China and a new generation of Chinese people, prosperous and happy and confident of the future, and their pride in China and in being Chinese. This is something that the Chinese of earlier generations could never dream of and the new generations are very grateful for what they have today, a happy and peaceful life that can been seen in the Chinese people on the streets of Xiamen and every where in China. You can see and feel that they are really happy and comfortable with themselves and their homeland.
We don't see Singaporeans smiling and expressing happiness in their faces on the streets of Singapore. The only people that could be found smiling and looking contented and grateful in the streets of Singapore are the foreigners here.


SSO said...

If our millionaire ministers, especially the PM, can't even put up a genuine smile, how can we expect our people to smile?

Why they can't smile, despite being made themselves multimillionaires? Conscience pricks them? If they still have one, that is.

Anonymous said...

The attempt by the Whites trying to sow discord between ordinary Chinese against the ruling CCP has done exactly the opposite. The Chinese population today seems more united and nationalistic than years ago.

Of course there are always people that disagree. Every country has the same problem. One man's meat is another man's poison.

But one thing was, is and will be around. The Native American Indians had this saying: "If you see two fish fighting in the water, look around and you will see a White man near by". Which means to say that since the days of their 'discovery' of America, wherever they are, the Whites have been sowing discord among countries to coax them to fight against each other.

Anonymous said...


Sg like ok leh! We can see that.....

The BTOs oversubscribed!

The COEs shot up up up!

With Covid19, many many many places still very very very crowded!


So.... Sg is ok or not ok?

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Sickly Demeanour, the Fake Smile, the White, Greying Locks on their Heads, Shifting Eyes and Starved undernourished looks of the Sin Leeders, one gets the Feeling that things are not right at all.
lt also goes to show that the Fortunes they amass by paying themselves crazy do not get them peace of mind and health.
They probably have fail to understand what happiness is all about in existence. Having too much greed and avarices on wealth and power have cause much damage to their spiritual wellbeing.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China and the Chinese people are on the ascend. They are talking about the China dream and my homeland and country. The Chinese have taken back their country.

Singapore and Singaporeans are on the decline. Singaporeans are talking about a cosmopolitan city that belongs to everyone, not to them, not their homeland. Singaporeans have lost their country.

Anonymous said...

Bro, If got nothing better to post then don't post lar. U posting like is to invite to be doramy lar

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Cases by Country

5,670,875 US
3,582,362 Brazil
3,044,940 India

Anonymous said...

Singapore is in deep shit.
The economy definitely cannot recover this year.

2021 will be worse. The Pandemic will come again because of opening up too hastily. The heartless new Transport Minister is making Singaporeans taking a huge risk for his stupidity and recklessness.

At MOE, he was too eager to make the teachers and students to go back to school. Such a reckless idiot, who betrayed his own father's values, should have been voted out by the voters.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha, RB you have got it wrong again. Singaporeans are very happy. They just do not show it. GE has given the PAP a mandate of 61% and there are 61% of the population very happy with the PAP government.

Virgo 49 said...

Today's Shits Times Gold fish eyes said it's NOY true that Foreigners took away Sinkies Jobs.

In fact they created more jobs for Sinkieland.

What's a blessing.?

For I am also one of those who initiated the CECA.

I knew East Coast voters are unhappy and will vote me out with a medicore PAP team. That's why I have to put my face there and the dafts believed in me and luckily won by a whisker.

Now another five years, what's can you dafts do to me?

Haha smiled our regular laughing anon

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 2:13am,

Yes, I am most of the time wrong. That is why I cannot see or understand what is going on while 61% are so happy.

I am just a minority view.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Looking at the Chinese in the video clip above, you can see that they are well fed and well cloth. And they are not earning much, average monthly income likely to be about $2k RMB or S$400. But they are living quite comfortably.

Their income and cost of living are likely to be what Singapore was in the 70s when $1000 pm income was considered good, 4 figure income.

In PPP terms they are living reasonably well.

Their young executive earning about $4-5k RMB could afford to own cars.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans, or at least the Chinese, should be happy.
Singapore is growing closer to China and further from America.
We are embracing TikTok and Huawei while US is banning them.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks Virgo.