
China questions White Australian's claim to the subcontinent of Australia

Diplomats from Australia and China have clashed on Twitter after Canberra sided with the US in dismissing Beijing’s wide-reaching territorial claims in the South China Sea.

In a filing to the United Nations last week, Australia described the claims as “without legal basis”.

On Friday, Sun Weidong, China’s ambassador to India, hit back at a comment made by his Australian counterpart, high commissioner Barry O’Farrell, in a statement to India a day earlier.  SCMP

In a tit for tat response to the challenge by the white Australian govt, China condemned the white Australian govt's claim to the subcontinent of Australia as illegal. The land belongs to the native Australians and was seized by force by the Europeans to claim as theirs. This is daylight robbery and has no legal basis in international law.

The white Australians must return the land to the native Australians and compensate them for stealing their land, abuses and human rights violations against the natives of Australia.  China is supporting the native Australians to bring their case to the UN and the International Court of Justice to evict the white Australians from their land.

The invasion and conquest of land of natives have no legal basis in international law and must be returned to the natives of the land.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The whites illegally occupied the lands of native Americans, native Canadians, native Australians and native New Zealandes, the Maoris.

Anonymous said...

The whites are living in glass houses and should not be throwing stones. They have no legal basis to claim the lands of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

SSO said...

More than 3000 Chinese fishermen and their families who landed in Australia before the crooks from England went there, were mercilessly murdered and massacred by Captain Cook and well-known criminals and convicts in the name of the British Crown.

This fact has been clearly recorded and audaciously displayed in the national museum in Sydney when I visited in 1986.

China must claim damages and compensation from Australia and UK on behalf of those more than 3,000 poor Chinese souls.

Otherwise, their spirits will never rest in peace.

SSO said...

RB, may you please publish the above about the massacre of more than 3.000 Chinese by Captain Cook and gang in Australia, so as to make this story known Internationally and also to alert the Chinese people about this historical fact.


Anonymous said...

India (1,300mil), Indonesia (250mil),China (1,400mil) Vs Australia (30mil). Combined Populations of IIC are about 100 times of Australia. Individually IIC landsize separately are smaller than Australia. It's not fair, IIC should be in alliance to takeover Australia and kickout all white to ancestors lands and returned to Asians.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi SSO, this type of research is best done by SouthernGlory.

SouthernGlory, you reading this, please write a piece on the massacre of Chinese by the whites in Australia, plus the massacres of aboriginal Australians as well.


Anonymous said...

The whites stole Australia from the aborigines.

The whites stole New Zealand from the Maoris.

The Americans stole America from the native Americans.

The Canadians stole Canada from the native Americans.