
When papa is gone, boy PM screwed up big time

The country was in a roll. Economy was doing well, Chinese tourists poured in dollars to boost up the economy. Relationship with China was excellent. His papa did a good job and was treasured by China as a good old friend for defying American pressure to establish diplomatic relations with China. Trade with China was growing and more and more trade missions were making their ways to Beijing. People to people relations between the two countries were very good.

Then things took a nasty turn for the worse and everything collapsed right before his eyes. All the goodwill developed by his father went up in smokes. All because the Americans flattered him and requested his help to fix China. And he stupidly fell into the trap of the Americans, and went blindly to fix China pretending that it was all about the rule of law. Canada is a rule of law country. Everything operates under the rule of law, ie, China has no law, disregard of rule law, a lawless country.

While the boy PM was only in office for a few years, the honeymoon suddenly was over. His popularity with the people plunged. Now the citizens are cursing at him for his stupidity. American's fight with China has nothing to do with his country. Now, for arresting Huawei's CFO, Canada's relation with China is rock bottom. Three Canadians were arrested in China in retaliation to the arrest of Meng. The Canadians are in disgust, lamenting that if only he is half as good as his father, Canada would not be in this shit and gaining nothing perhaps maybe a pat on the shoulder by Trump or an invite for tea in the White House.

Actually cannot entirely blame this empty head boy PM for the mess. Of all the people he had to listen to the girly FM who is equally another nut case, not knowing what realpolitik is all about. America is the Number One super power, good to curry the favour of the Americans to fix China. And thinking that using the catchphrase 'rule of law' would save her skin and Canada. Canada is so innocent, Canada is just following the rule of law, a rule of law country. KNN dunno who taught them this stupid catchphrase.

Whither Canada, still stubbornly refusing to acknowledge their stupidity and release Meng immediately thinking that they could get away with it with the Americans behind their back. Wait for China to arrest Canadian number 4, and more Canadians not coming home for Christmas or the New Year because of the stupidity of the boy PM and empty head girly FM.

Thank you very much for your stupidity. The papa must be turning in his grave. The two children still would not want to admit that they have been made a fool of by Trump and would not want to walk away from the silly mistake that had nothing to do with Canada. It was a clear case of not wanting to mind their own business and now with feet stuck deeply in shit. This is a case of having nothing to do and put the fingers into a hornet's nest thinking it is so clever and so fun.


Anonymous said...

Rb, Knn lucky I Google as at first I thought you were referring to sg. But it's true his Father was the 15 pm of Canada. ๐Ÿ˜€

Anonymous said...

Yup, thot u referring to Singapore at first, until come to last few lines of para 2. But the similarities are uncanny:

"The country was in a roll. Economy was doing well, Chinese tourists poured in dollars to boost up the economy. Relationship with China was excellent. His papa did a good job and was treasured by China as a good old friend for defying American pressure to establish diplomatic relations with China. Trade with China was growing and more and more trade missions were making their ways to Beijing. People to people relations between the two countries were very good.

Then things took a nasty turn for the worse and everything collapsed right before his eyes. All the goodwill developed by his father went up in smokes. All because the Americans flattered him and requested his help to fix China. And he stupidly fell into the trap of the Americans, and went blindly to fix China pretending that it was all about the rule of law. Canada is a rule of law country. Everything operates under the rule of law, ie, China has no law, disregard of rule law, a lawless country."

Advente said...

Sounds exactly like what has happened and is still happening in Singapore. May be they are twins? Or they both swallowed the Americans' sperms?

And Singapore also has a girly FM with a girly name too. How coincidental!

Canada and Singapore are so like each other. Perhaps, both should become the Annexed States of USA - 51st and 52nd State?

Virgo49 said...

Wait till they seized more of our Military Equipment now scared training in Taiwan but from Aussie Land.

Then that Ah Gua PeeAyam and that Girly FM with eyes no see Tai San and previously wah piang Eye Doctor pee and shits in Pants.

Don't know whether last time many many wrong diganoses.

Carried Arthur's Balls and got promoted.Selected for Errections just bbecause of Racial Profile.

Useless Morons.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Being a member of the 5 Evil Eyes has emboldened Canada to the extent that it thought it could rough up China with impunity. Abducting a prominent Chinese citizen under the order of Uncle Sam is a reckless undertaking. China has responded to the provocation by detaining 3 Canucks. China has also slammed the United Kingdom and the European Union of double standards for voicing concerns over Beijing's detention of the Canucks but maintained a deafening silence over the illegal kidnap of Sabrina Meng. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying had expressed Beijing's strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to such hypocrisy.

Justin Trudeau, the eldest son of the late former PM Pierre Trudeau has caused irreparable damage to Sino-Canada relationship. His father, PM Pierre Trudeau had initiated the establishment of  diplomatic relations with China on October 13, 1970. The significant contribution to sound Sino-Canada relationship by the father has been undone by the son.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

One more week, if Meng is still not released, another Canadian would be arrested and they would not be home for the next Christmas.

Ken said...

Rb,a very analogous to the tiny dit island of Sunkenland, just replace the boy PeeAm & captives with toyR'rus tanky & the story becomes more or less ka sama sama lah..

Anonymous said...

Sweet beautiful Sabrina Meng, running 5G global leader, Huawei with the best IT techonology in HP.
How can those less beautiful & less competitive be not jealous?

Anonymous said...

CNY coming will the eldest Chinese son invite his siblings for reunion dinner, and pay back property proceeds?

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The kidnap of China's Night Boat (Wanzhou) is not only a harbinger of deterioration in Sino-Canada bilateral ties but a tech war involving 5G. Huawei is the flagship of Chinese innovation in ICT. Besides bragging rights, billions of dollars are involved. 5G is key to the use of AI in robotics and driverless vehicles. MIC 25 is part and parcel of the Chinese Dream but Uncle Sam is adamant about turning it into a nightmare. Meanwhile a textile company in China had ordered its staff to discard iPhones and switched to Huawei. Those who fail to comply will not be promoted.

Anonymous said...

It's been two weeks since China detained two Canadians, a move Ottawa has called arbitrary.

Beijing has now thrown those words right back at this country, labelling Canada's arrest of a Huawei executive as an "arbitrary detention."

Anonymous said...

The detention of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in Canada has triggered widespread boycotts of US products in China and raised support for domestic brands among Chinese consumers.

A Chinese textile company has released a notice banning staff who use iPhones from possible promotions and providing subsidies to those who buy Huawei devices .

b said...

Of cos must stir up big shit then come the almighty trump and make a deal and save the world. Its all about marketing. kaching, kaching, jingle on the way.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Justin is political elite lah. Just like we have our own political elite. They can fuck up, cock up and be universally hated by their citizens, drop in popularity... but it is, at the end of the day, water off a duck's back to them.

These folks are “political royalty”. In uncanny similarity with our own political situation here in our kick-arse Republic, the son is a very low-standard, entitled imbecile when compared to the fathers. Add in DJ Trump, Najib Razak and George W Bush for more examples….and there are many more.

The people really suffering are those who have been detained, and of course their families. As far as the political royalty are concerned, they really don’t give too many fucks about anyone else but themselves. For e.g.: When Malaysia was falling apart, Najib was ok, Rosmah was still shopping for exclusive and expensive product.

When the Canadians finally throw Justin the fuck out, he’ll just return to being the rich entitled kid and probably go back to ballet dancing or some other pretentious bullshit these entitled fucks tend to do to boost their own self-importance.

Do you think when the shit hits the fan, our power-couple of Ho and Hsien Loong are going to give a shit? You tell me lah.

China is likely to up the stakes and detain more Canadian citizens. Frankly, I think the play is getting old, they need to step up and be a bit more “creative”. But I am not the Chinese leadership, so I really don’t have any skin in the game.

Where I do have skin in the game is Singapore. Once upon a time I considered it “my cuntry” --- with all its wonders and its faults. Now my cuntry is long gone, so its become a Hotel to me. Maybe one day --- in my ever-increasingly shortening lifetime --- I will have the pleasure of using the term “my cuntry” again. However, I’m not so hopeful.

Tonight I am meeting my bros (guanxi lah, I practice daily) from stat boards and Finance for Cuban cigars and expensive booze. I’m looking forward to capturing some juicy gossip. Alcohol loosens the tongues! Boys only. No chicks allowed (unless they’re willing to get naked)
I'm always the keen learner where the goings-on of the Political Royalty are concerned.

Anonymous said...

I am sure reading the first two paragraphs or so, people had this idea that what RB was talking about was right here at home, giving a big box on the cheek during Boxing day. The resemblance was uncanny.

Sometimes, or even most of the time, people may dislike their government internally, but when it comes to dealing with outside interference or threats, I think people's perception changes and they become more nationalistic in support of the government's actions. This is possibly a scenario that most (I say most and not all) Singaporeans have gone through in relations with Malaysia.

When the Chinese Nationalist and Communist were fighting the Japs, they unite for a common cause. It was only after the fall of Japan that they continue with their internal strife.

If the West can resort to boycotting Huawei phones, so can the Chinese boycott US and Canadian products in China. The sword can cut both ways! Apples iPhone sales in China is now about 30% of its total worldwide sales. Such a big market can be devastating for Apple if the boycott goes from a shove to a push by the Chinese government and it's people.

The obvious reason for targeting Huawei is not about security threat but that the West has obviously lost it's technological edge in 5G smartphone technology.

It would be unthinkable for Apple sales to continue falling worldwide outside China, after all the euphoria of it's status as the first trillion dollar company and now losing market share so quickly. But then, who would have envisaged the fall of Nokia during it's heyday at the top of the pyramid? In cutting edge technology one miscalculation of missing the woods from the trees means being overtaken for good.

With iPhone prices much more expensive than others and getting them made outside China may hasten its fall from grace if consumers starts navigating towards 5G and less expensive smartphones.

Anonymous said...

My next smart phone is a Huawei. Thanks for reading. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

One more week, if Meng is still not released, another Canadian would be arrested and they would not be home for the next Christmas.
RB 9:27 am

Hahaha. Those Canadians arrested by China are small fry lah. So I think Canada will let it be lah.

Whereas Meng, daughter of Hua Wei's founder is no small fry, correct or not?

Anyway, many mainland Chinese will still want to migrate to Canada, including those fugitives running away from the law in China.

Anonymous said...

The obvious reason for targeting Huawei is not about security threat but that the West has obviously lost it's technological edge in 5G smartphone technology.
11:22 am

Not really lah. I think Huawei is doing business in technological areas with Iran and those countries which the US is against for their security reasons.
Still remember even some Sinkies got arrested and extradicted to the US to face trial for selling electronic components to Iran? These components were earlier found to have been used to make roadside bombs which killed US soldiers in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

How do you classify big fry and small fry? Please enlighten lah!

Najib big fry? Now small fry? How?

Anonymous said...

If Huawei's Meng arrest is about breaking trade sanctions by doing business with Iran, why is the US calling it's allies to boycott Huawei phones? That has nothing to do with Iran, right? It obviously has more to do with the phones than with Iran.

Anonymous said...

Najib big fry? Now small fry? How?
11:41 am

Hahaha. Najib from big fry become small fry lah.

Whereas those Canadians arrested by China in a tit for tat move will still remain small fry after being arrested. So Canada will let it be lah.

Anonymous said...

Why USA laws apply to other countries?
And why so many country governments willingly agree to that?
Talk about surrendering sovereignty over just water pricing?
Stupidity has no cure; is it true?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1122 misconceptions about 5G

OK, I meant to do this several times before, but Huawei is only one of the stake holders in the 5G Standard. A quick bit of history:
When 4G was being developed, the patent and Intellectual Property (IP) battles were messy and acrimonious. As you know, our tech is made form million of components (the iPhone Xr has 4.3 BILLION transistors, all arranged in fancy ways), connected together to make something awesome, but also awesome in earnings for the companies who make them and the infrastructure tech.

The 5G journey has been a bit more "orderly", but also hard-fought and acrimonious. However they've reached many agreements under the principle/ framework of Fair Reasonable and Non Discriminatory aka "FRAND".

Many companies have patents relating to 5G. The main players are Nokia, Ericsson, Intel, Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm...etc, and of course Huawei. Huawei just happens to be THE LARGEST manufacturer of telco HARDWARE in the world. But they are not the only one. Admittedly (it is on the public record and in the open), the Five Eyes cuntries are concerned about Huawei's (read "China") dominance in hardware for 5G --- i.e. whatever they can do to STOP or HINDER China (actually Huawei, a private company which just so happens to be Chinese) into getting into the communications infrastructure in their (the 5 Eyes) failing democracies.

There are many other patent and IP holders for 5G. For those playing the "investment" game, you can check out who owns what and what their potentials earnings will be...and then see if the stock has "value"...or however you play that game. For e.g. there are tech institutions of learning who hold IP claims, some of them Chinese.

I even suspect that maybe one of the companies like Nokia or Samsung, or whomever --- i.e. competing hardware manufacturers might be bribing or doing deals with various govts. Why not? A 5G infrastructure contract is BIG BUX. Wherever there is BIG BUX, there will be "games" going on.

Anonymous said...

There are between 1 to 2 million iphones in Iran.
Why American Apples executives are not arrested and tried in US by US laws?
Bullying has no limit?

Anonymous said...

It obviously has more to do with the phones than with Iran.
11:48 am

Ya lah, phones may be one issue and probably a side issue, but the bigger issue is about Huawei doing business with Iran. And the US will of course use the "doing business with Iran" as the reason for wanting to arrest Meng lah. US is not stupid, right?

Anonymous said...

There are between 1 to 2 million iphones in Iran.
Why American Apples executives are not arrested and tried in US by US laws?
11:51 am

Maybe because America think that Huawei is not just selling only their phones to Iran lah. Maybe Huawei is helping Iran to build up its technological capability which may lead to better weapons development for warfare. This will pose a security threat to US and their ally Israel.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all conspiracy theorists, I have several of my own!

I’m beginning to distrust the increasingly well-worn bromide of “Huawei doing business with Iran”. I think the issue is more complex, dark and nefarious.

Where there is gme-changing tech and Big Bux involved, many “games” evolve, because humans --- like it or not --- will always resort to “plays” where parties can maximise dominance and profits.

For e.g.: our home-based Broadcom (run by a banana CEO/ President) was going to buy Qualcomm, but Trump killed the deal by Executive Order. haha, zero, nada, nil, NO due process. Just the stroke of the Presidential Pen. The reason: US has to maintain its dominance in technology. (i.e. “I’ll be damned if those fucking Singaporeans get to own us. Fuck them...where’s my pen?”)

This is how messy this shit is. That’s the world we live in. I think it is likely to get MESSIER.

The largest holder of 5G patents is going to be NOKIA

Why not knock out a competitor? Makes sense no? I'm sure there are many other "games" going on.

The Clot Thickens….

Anonymous said...

If you think JT is bad , the alternative Scheer is worse.
Another young punk who has no understanding on how the intl geopolitics works.
Already Scheer has called for a ban on Huawei for Canuck 5G technology, ruled out FT with China.
Pierre was China friendly, so was Chretien but not Harper.
JT may be young and naive and idealistic ,he is realistic enough to know he needs to work with China, their 2nd biggest trade partner.

Anonymous said...

On Dec 1, Canadian authorities detained Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, at the request of the US authorities. Canada has demanded immediate release of its own citizens who are suspected of breaking China's laws while so far ignoring China's rightful demand to release Meng who has broken no Canadian laws.

The entirely different stance taken by Canada and its Western allies on the two separate cases has laid bare the double standard those countries tend to apply in international relations.

Over the years, Western countries have dressed themselves up as guardians of international human rights, but the detention and treatment of Meng has exposed their hypocrisy and double standard in this regard.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam is growing more paranoid about China. The fear of being displaced by China is affecting every POTUS since the IMF declared that China has the world's biggest economy based on PPP. China is surging forward on every front. Uncle Sam is feeling the heat emanating from China as each country aspires to lead the world in trade, finance, science and technology, military power, R & D and political influence. The abduction of Sabrina Meng, trade war, FON operations and a ban on Huawei are desperate attempts by Uncle Sam to contain the uncontainable. Time is on China's side. Uncle Sam is destined to lose its pre-eminence.

Anonymous said...

In globalization, you control money & culture (language, pop music, laws) you are top dog.
USA will remain top dog, DT is an aberration. There are too many bananas in the world, we in this website included. Top dog bullies.
China will be the biggest top dog in Asia, followed by India in due time, and then Russia.
Let the dogs live with one another.
Barking is ok, fighting will be ugly & very painful.

Anonymous said...

Last Wednesday the White House signed into law the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act of 2018. The Act is Washington's latest attempt at grossly interfering in China's domestic affairs, disregarding the facts, and restraining China's development.

The Act demands that China's government grant unlimited access to the Tibet Autonomous Region for American journalists, diplomats, and tourists, or else officials deemed responsible for the policies or decisions that restrict this access will be denied entry into the United States. On the surface, it is seeking to promote more free access to Tibet for American visitors, but fundamentally it is part of the "America First" policy that is based on the belief that American domestic law should trump international law.

Anonymous said...

Top dog bullies. Small dogs bark when big dog commands. Dogs bullying dogs.

Rightly so about too many bananas. Nowadays, bananas control most of the news channels, big banks, big businesses, top leadership and calls most of the shots.

Ultimately, even top leaders of small kennels have to bark in the same tone when big dog says so.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2.24

That is why the US must be brought down, systematically. Russia and China must stand firm on such issues, as the US is practically passing laws unilaterally and forcing other countries to comply. Little wonder they are withdrawing from some world bodies so they think they can act as they deem fit. This is ridiculous.

How will the world be able to live with this shit, I do not know. I guess the nuclear option is the answer. No winners left to dictate and no losers left to dictate to either.

Advente said...

Other countries can also pass laws to require the US to comply.

Advente said...

Other countries can also impose sanctions on the US.

Advente said...

Other countries can impose tariffs on all US products and services.

Anonymous said...

The US has many nuclear weapons but it will be useless when their technological advances r being crippled by their own economy. On the other hand, China technological advances r improving leaps and bound, they will surpass US & will be 'Anti-matter' technology with potential of having the deadliest weapons on earth judging by the rate of Scientific discovery with quantum physics, anti matter capability & space technology. That's why US r very scared that the day will come that China invent a bomb more powerful than US, read this https://www.quora.com/Is-there-anything-more-powerful-than-a-nuclear-weapon-Is-there-such-a-thing-in-theory-as-a-quantum-bomb-Could-we-use-sub-atomic-particles-in-a-similar-manner-as-atoms-are-used-in-atomic-bombs

Anonymous said...

Is it true the elites are planning to grow Singapore's resident population to 6.9 million by 2030 ?

Megapopp said...

Anon 7.18pm

6.9m ppl in this tiny rock island, somebolee said Aiyah tis jus only planning parameters mah...In reality that somebolee r going for 10M as what revealed by a Tigger guy just not so long ago..so 6.9m ? Noe? Ans : 10M ho say lio when they wud win in the next election next year...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ the disbelievers,

Although some might hate me for it : I told you all so, a few years ago. As I recall, I mentioned that my architect and engineer friends "calculated" that 15 million is possible. Of course there would have to be radical infrastructure. 7 million is definitely possible and on the cards.

C'mon lah, we are already at 5.6 million, and the city state is coping quite well. Traffic under control, housing under control, health services---the best in the world, military defence --- the most lethal cuntry in SE Asia...what you all want some more? Plus we have zillions in reserves which are "secret" to everyone but a few "key people".

If you break it down, we are now 5.56. 6.9 million by 2030, which is in 11 years time. That works out to be 2% PER ANNUM n population growth rate (compounding, of course) very fucking plausible and very fucking PROBABLE. In fact, no problem lah. Easy peasy as 123...7 Million.

I believe we are quite likely to EXCEED that target. Singapore will be even more awesome, and ROCK HARDER. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ

Virgp49 said...

Latest News

Leong counter-sue LHL. Lim Tean of Carlson Law Firm representing him.

Support Mr Leong all the way.

Any Fund raising will contribute.

If Matland Courts found Nasib GUILTY and Sinkieland Authorities are involved in the Scandal of Monies Laundering and etc, then Leong will stand a great chance to win.

Chia Yew Leong and Lim Tean.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 134, Leader by default, by luck

I think the phrase “top dog” invokes hostility and ruins hope of rational argument. I prefer to say that the USA “leads” in certain areas. Depending on how you look at the world, you will give those various areas various “weightings”.

Also, it is wise not to take these evaluations too seriously. The word “best” is not an objective descriptor --- it is subjective, and even in the best case describes a ranking in an arbitrary system that someone just invented out of thin air.

The election of DJ Trump is not an aberration, IMO. It is the confluence of decades of massive Presidential and Federal underperformance, and betrayal to the electorate. Both the Reps and The Dems parties are fucked. They’ve fucked over their voter base. The Clintons sold out to the moneyed-self interests, like Goldman Sachs, as did Obama, and fucked the working-person, labour unions over and over. The Reps under Reagan, and the Bushes fucked over the “individuals” blowing out the debt, taxing like daylight-robbery and making it hard for business to make a buck, unless you were super-big and a large campaign funder. Both parties led the USA into military adventurism, both parties --- like clockwork --- increased the debt ceiling, gre the unfunded liabilities and generally messed up the show, and continually fucked and cheated their supporters, until the tipping point where the majority of people said ”Fuck this shit, we’re tired of being fucked, lied to and cheated”. And so, DJ Trump, who had a brilliant strategy.

First, he had to kill off all the Republican contenders. So one by one, Rubio, Cruz, Bush, Santorum, Christie, Huckabee, Paul and poor old Carly Fiorina who got called “ugly” by Trump (and no one cared). Trump was VICIOUS in his culling of his own party.

The Dems power-brokers took care of Bernie Sanders (who won in every district he ran) and killed him off to hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Thus Trump’s job was a lot easier --- Sanders and other Dems were out of the way, thanks to the back-stabbers in the Democratic Party, so all he had to do was focus on Clinton and show the electorate how corrupt and in-bed with Wall Street she was...and the rest is history. People who lost their jobs and homes were still fuming mad at “too big to fail” Wall Street and the banks. They were fucked, but the bank-sters not only didn’t go to jail, they got huge bonuses. This is like giving a free kick and telling the defence to go get a drink. Even Blind Freddy could have scored a goal.

Once he was asked: How do you deal with it...keeping it together in a storm?”
Trump’s reply: ”I am THE storm!”.

He certainly is, but not in a good way.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

>> Leong counter-sue LHL. <<

Wah, kanninah. Christmas present for the nation lah. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ Best news ever. Now all out in public. Win or lose LHL will kena fuck front ways, back ways sideways in full view of The Public

Fuck, tonight I start drinking again....

virgo49 said...

Get yourself drunk Matilah.

Take a Cab.


Anonymous said...

His suit high chance get thrown out with costs ... vexatious, mischievous and without merit. Tean recently kena criticised by a judge, so don't think he got much respect from the judges.

virgo49 said...

If the Judges are Prejudice then what are the Judges for?

Disgrace to the Courts and Justice.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

PM Lee is a disgrace. No guts to sue his siblings but so gung-ho trying to skin a fellow Singaporean alive. President Xi is moving mountains to protect its own citizen, Sabrina Meng from harm. On the other hand, PM Lee is throwing mercy to the wind. He is simply unfit to be the leader and guardian of the citizens and the nation. LKY won when social media was still in its infancy stage. He got away but PM Lee can only expect a phrrhic victory.

Anonymous said...

Weather getting hot. Liang teh.avalible.

Anonymous said...

What are the odds of Leong winning his countersuit?

Does Leong have nuclear weapons to use? Lim Tean representing him can do or not? The other side had a established nuclear weapon with a head-dress, which is now focused on the WP trio or whatever. That nuclear weapon has been used in big cases involving personnel of the establishment. Would it be used against Leong?

All in all someone must fall. Guess who?

Anonymous said...

If kangaroos are allowed in a bedminton court, one side of the players is sure to win.

In Australia, there are numerous kangaroos but very seldom these kangaroos were allowed to enter any court - tenis court, bedminton court, squash court, etc.

In Singapore, kangaroos can only be found in the zoo - well-fed and obedient, able to go on show for public entertainment if handled by their trainers. They make money for the zoo, of course. That's how the zoo-keepers and animal trainers are paid.

Anonymous said...

We take offence at Leong Sze Hian's comments: “Whilst it may be my name on the case file, this action is bigger than my name, bigger than just the one ordinary Singaporean that I am,” wrote Leong. “ It is for every Singaporean today who has ever shared a post on Facebook, for every child who will share a post on Facebook and for the unborn generations to come.”

This is Leong's personal legal shit - don't smear his shit on other Sinkies ! We don't want to be any part of it !

Fuck off Leong !! Don't speak unsolicited for other Sinkies !

Anonymous said...

Same same, you MF, don't speak unsolicited for others. You are you alone here, not "We".

Virgo49 said...

Anon 10.55

Head dress and Black Ants hang liao tua only.

Just a myth "Strong and Friendly" as in old Chartered Bank Advtg.

Only good for Screwty Useless
Handicapped Disable Work.

Feared just like the Nepalese Girl khas who are just as humans and also feared death.

Once in our Provost Unit, one headdress red and blue turban how lian Singh been just punched with headress dropping on floor cried for Mama.

What's a joke been floored by a five footer two KAMAIZAKE comrade.

Good to see horrible to eat

Virgo49 said...

See even policeman had to taser an old lady just with chopper to make an arrest.

What's happen to karate, taekowndo and judo or Bruce Lee Hiapkido?

What's happen if 200 to 300 hundred black ants with bottles and crow bars riots as in Matland ?
Machime guns?

Virgo49 said...

Just to add: Scurried like RATS.

Low kue ah!!!#

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ everyone,

Yes, there is a possibility Mr Leong would not get "justice" --- you, know, the kind where ordinary people without fancy law degrees accept and understand...i.e. you do wrong, you get charged by the court; you do no wrong, you walk away free; you do no wrong but someone else accuses you of doing wrong --- they get walloped in court. Easy to understand. Makes perfect sense. Anyone over the age of 5 years can "get it".

...maybe Leong doesn't get this simple justice from the courts. Let say he even loses (oh no!). All is still not loss because

The FIGHT is in full view of The Public. Bonus "Slap-In-The-Face" for Sue-Sue Lee --- Younger brother Hsien Yang is the FIRST donor to Leong's defence. Wah piang, kanninah!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

Fuck me, I'm going to continue celebrations. It's just past noon now...time to get hammered. I'm so happy I feel like having plenty of sex this afternoon!!

Virgo, dun worry. I dun drive in Singapore. I use the public system, you know, support others in their jobs.

Anonymous said...

CNY celebrations come early. Coincidentally the US stock market rallied very hard in great relief, the best in many years. Just after news in Sinkingpoor that Loogie gottiesued and got played out bro, Yangie chipped in the chips. 3 Dog Night sang, The show must go on. The clown maketh himself a clown for the world to see more n more. Play it again Sam, after Oxligate broadway and IndiMamamiablockChengblock show.
Baby, but ah must let the sia suay show go on.....

Virgo49 said...

Now even LHY supported Leong with contributions to his Crowd funding.


Anonymous said...

Gen Yang has hit with another masterful move. He aint paper general but real strategist:
1. Lim kopi with Ah Bock was a step up the pressure.
2. Donate to Leo. If Leo wins, son case very clear to see.
3. Even if Leo lose, whole world see the obvious self-inflicted show of a very sensitive grade reputation guyli.
4. Get some dividends for paying so much for a property for nothing n kena shoo n famili run road.
What a waste not serving the lion Hotel? The General is unlike many others.

Anonymous said...

I am not proud of my Lider at all, si bey lau kiu.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 2.05

If the Matland Court Case is before Leong's Case and if MadHater killed Najib with tremendous evidences of Sinkieland's involvement then think they will withdraw Leong 's case.

But in return countersue for damages by Leong.

Hopefully so.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

OK, for those who still don't know. Here lah, from the INTERNATIONAL media.

"I'm NOT my brother's keeper...Got Cain and able?? ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virgo49 said...

Now Mahtahir has the best opportunity to finish the Papies and have new no baggage relationships with Singapore Harapan if he can also bring their Politicial Downfall of the IMDB case.

He will order hasten Nasib case before Leon's case and provide tremendous evidence of Sinkieland's involvement.

Sinkieland had in past admitted of many cases of 1MDB transfers and had fined and censored the Guilty Parties.

So no way there is not even a shred in evidence of non involvement by Singapore.

This will be a Politicial Downfall of the PAP in the coming GE.

All bad things must also come to an end.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ fans of brutal POLITICAL-FAMILIAL entertainment:

Game Of Thrones season 6 episode 9, the epic Battle of The Bastards, where the 2 bastard sons --- Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton go to war intending to kill each other.

Wah, will we witness a Singapore re-enactment of the above?

Bartender...another drink lah. Make it a double!!

Anonymous said...

Will u be very too lan when your bro conned yew to buy his property n u pay 100% plus another 50% to donate to charity in his name?
N after that blocked the property as pubic cuntry asset n tekan your son over a private post n u n wifi have to run road?
Bloody cheapskate or not?
Or cannot describe Cunt?
Esp ownself got so much money n supposed P AM.
N still guarding the great reputation suing ownselves.....hahahaha....hahaha...dont know what to say..TPL said.

Anonymous said...

All Leong need to do in court is just play

The song sung by rod Stewart "I dun want to talk about it"will do.

No need debate.