
Meng Wanzhou’s arrest – China’s next move

The Americans are imposing a domestic law to arrest citizens of other countries for violating this law. Americans are putting a sanction on trade with Iran. Any country or people trading with Iran face arrest by the Americans in any part of the world. This is as good as an American domestic law becoming an international law and the whole world must abide by it or faces arrest by the American Empire.

China must learn this from the Americans. China must go ahead to enact a law to stop anyone or country selling weapons or goods to Taiwan and deemed as violating China’s national interest. Once this became a law, China can then go around the world to arrest Americans and American companies selling arms or unwanted goods to Taiwan.

China, just do it. Do as the Americans do. You cannot be on the receiving end of bad American politics and bullying. Use your law against the Americans like the Americans are doing to Chinese citizens.
There is no point complaining that the Americans and Canadians are violating international laws when your citizens are being arrested by the Americans or under threats of arrest by them under their laws. Use the same methodology to get even with the rogue regimes in the USA and Canada. Legislate more laws against American interference in China’s domestic affairs under the excuse of violating China’s interests and sovereignty, territorial rights and go ahead to arrest any Americans violating these laws in HongKong, Taiwan and China friendly countries.

To make things more antagonistic, act like the Americans, no need to prove a case, just allegations would be enough to arrest someone for violation. Yes, allegation is good enough. And China can put many Americans, Canadians, Brits, Australians and New Zealanders behind bars too if they dare to sell arms or undesirable goods to Taiwan or sail their warships into the South China Sea.

Important point to note, China cannot be civil when dealing with rogues, gangsters, kidnappers and state sponsored terrorists.


Anonymous said...

China to try a fourth Canadian citizen on drugs charges

Drugs offences are routinely punished severely in China.

China executed a Briton caught smuggling heroin in 2009.

southernglory1 said...

Redbean, it is a brilliant idea, long overdue. China should henceforth implement this Taiwan Trade Law' It definitely will have strong support from all countries that have suffered under the illegal American sanctions base on its domestic laws. By applying its American domestic laws to criminalise other countries to extort endless billions of dollars is a grave travesty of illegal extraterritoriality on other countries. Russia, China and the whole world must put a stop to this American act of exercising extra territorial rights .


Thursday, 27th December, 2018

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

4th Canadian arrested for drug offences.

China as a rule of law country would only arrest those that committed crimes in China unlike the kidnapper countries, ie Canada and the USA, arresting decent and respectable citizens of other countries that have not committed any crime in their country.

Anonymous said...

China is likely to arrest a Canadian a week until Meng Wan Zhou is released unconditionally and with an apology from the Canadian government.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Extra territorial jurisdiction is used by Uncle Sam to exercise authority beyond its boundaries. ETJ was used against Sabrina Meng. The ICJ must step in to ban such a law. It violates human rights. China, Russia or any other country must emulate Uncle Sam. Nobody now feels safe when travelling overseas. China must reciprocate to guard its core interests. President Xi must put into practice what Mao had proclaimed when he said the Chinese people had stood up. China must stop Uncle Sam from abusing its power to threaten its citizens. China can use Confucius teaching to teach Uncle Sam. Do not do to others what you don't like others do to you.

Anonymous said...

You must understand that when China uses it's laws to arrest the Canadians, the West howled that China has no rule of law. When China uses it's laws to put down unrest in Xinjiang, it is against human decency? Because it is a communist regime? Therefore whatever laws they have is illegal and not recognised globally? This is the West's fucking logic when they have no other grounds to argue.

And when they have no ability to compete economically they used all kinds of warped arguments, sanctions, fake evidence and subterfuge to win by hook or by crook. Now that the US$ hegemony is in peril, they are truly desperate and that shows in their bullying behaviour that is getting more and more perilous for world peace.

We have to count ourselves lucky that we have Russia, China and North Korea that can disagree and have the capabilities to counter the evil empire's arrogant behaviour, to be able to at least mount retaliatory actions militarily, however miniscule they may be, compared to the evil empire's massive arsenal, but still capable of inflicting considerable damage. Otherwise the whole world would now be under the whimsical rule of law of the evil empire and it's cronies.

Times are changing and the days of the evil empire's tyrannical hegemony is coming to an end. The desperation of it's behaviour is a telling sign.

Anonymous said...

China must do something to this US law on Tibet, otherwise it will lead to the Chinese saying 'US climbing on to China's head to shit' eventually. What is there to prevent the US from enacting another law for them to control the South China Sea? The US is obviously testing and provoking the resolve of China.

The US madness must be stopped. I think China should fight madness with madness, not diplomacy.

Anonymous said...

Canada's Western Allies Must Respect China's Judicial Sovereignty

"It is quite obvious that the human rights they are talking about have different standards when it comes to citizens of different countries," said China Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying of Canada's "so-called allies".

Earlier on Monday, France joined other Canadian allies including Britain and European Union to demand the release of Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

"The Canadian side cannot stop talking about its so-called 'legal obligations' under its bilateral extradition treaty with the U.S. Does that mean that it can turn a blind eye to and trample on the basic norms of international law and international relations? Does that mean that it is okay for Canada to ignore its obligations in terms of protecting the legal rights and interests of Chinese nationals?" Hua asked.

Anonymous said...

Arrest a Canadian a day will keep the devil away.

Anonymous said...

Ehh like that LHL, Shanmu, TCH, the rest of PAPies & Sinkies also can be arrested & beaten up in China prisons, coz we export a lot of military & military-capable stuff to Taiwan. Vivian need to "ow buay gong" with the cheenas to give special exception to Sinkies & let ST Engineering and ST Kinetics and SIA Engineering to continue to do biz with Taiwanese.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam is a lawless hegemon. It is using Extra Territorial Jurisdiction to justify that Might is Right. China is its latest target following the abduction of Sabrina Meng in Canada. Justin Trudeau cannot deny that he was helping Uncle Sam to break international law by holding Sabrina Meng as a political hostage. A precedent has been set. Canada is now in China's crosshairs. Three Canucks were hit. Canada will learn to mind its own business and to realise that it doesn't pay to poke the Chinese dragon's eyes.

Anonymous said...

Chrystia Freeland, the Canadian FM, is the grand daughter of a Jewish couple that collaborated with the NAZIs to kill Jews and Poles in WW2.

Just google her background to find what she is, descendant of Nazi collaborators, ie murderers of Jews.

Anonymous said...

Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner also got Jewish roots.

So u see the connections, the source of all the troubles: kidnap of Huawei's Meng <-- Iran sanctions <-- Trump <-- Israel <-- Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner

Anonymous said...

Source of great powers global trade wars: huge US-China trade gap <-- rising China <-- learn from bonsai Singapore

See ! roots of US-China conflict are Israel, Singapore - 2 small countries !!

Anonymous said...

So many conflicts.

Better buy war stocks.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Sino-US plassey-walssey, super Guanxi

Sino-US relations have always been complicated. I tend to believe Trump when he says he and Xi have a “good relationship”.

Sacrificing Canada as the patsy for the detention of Sabrina Meng tends to add weight to Trump’s claim. Trump has no problem dispatching a Republican who won’t support him, so it follows that he has no respect for the rest of the Federal Govt.

In this case, Trump has already pissed off the DoJ who have painstakingly built the case on Huawei --- beginning when Obama was the Commander In Chief.

The Justice Department --- a separate and independent state power, like the Federal Reserve is non political. Yet Trump has knowingly interfered with their processes, making the people who work there FUCKING ANGRY. He”s done the same by cultivating a “special relationship” with Vladimir Putin, and even was openly amicable to Kim at their “summit” in Singapore; although you could sense the “reservation” in Kim by observing his body language.

Trump pissed off the DoJ by openly stating that he could use this Huawei thing as a “bargaining chip”, essentially firing a missile at the DoJ’s non-political and non-partisan role in the Federal Government. Trump simply doesn’t give a flying shit about these LEGAL INSTITUTIONS --- he will suka-suka do what he wants. Unravelling the work done under Obama --- like the Huawei case --- falls in the purview of the donald Trump AGENDA.

So even if China enacts laws to arrest people doing business with, or assisting Taiwan, and succeeds in detaining a few Americans, Trump will huff and puff (as to be expected)....and then beginning with back channels, will use the situation to do a deal with the Chinese, and extract the MAXIMUM “political profit” for himself.

REMEMBER, immediately after he was confirmed to have won the 2016 Presidential Election, his campaign lawyers filed the documents for Trump to run again in 2020. They didn’t even wait a week, or a day. They filed immediately.

When Xi was conferred the role of “President for life”, China was roundly criticised for this. The one guy who didn’t criticise, but ADMIRED the move, was Trump. He even joked about removing term limits from the US system, and saying to the cheering crowd something like ”...so if you still want me, I can stay”, and the crowd went wild. WTF? 😮😲😧. These people were willing to REMOVE one of the solid checks-and-balances in a democratic system, so that a narcissistic clown would essentially be their KING...for life. 😂🤣

The last politician to do this in a free, open, ROBUST Liberal democracy --- i.e. ask the people, and get from them with majority consent --- ABSOLUTE POWER for life, was the German population when they handed the reins of absolute lifetime power to our favourite cultural icon: Adolf Hitler.

Trump’s playbook is shockingly similar. China's next move, as mentioned by RB, could well be Trump’s next OPPORTUNITY for exploitation.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

In China, the positions of the party general secretary and chairmanship of the party’s Central Military Commission are not subject to term limits. Chinese President Xi Jinping had said that he was personally opposed to life-long rule. Foreign observers had misinterpreted a constitutional amendment that revoked the two-term limit on the presidency. 
In April 2018, he told foreign dignitaries and Chinese officials that a decision had been made to align the country’s three top government and Communist party jobs. Ex-president Jiang holds the party secretary post for life but can only serve 10 years as President. It was an anomaly in the system which needed to be corrected. President Xi can serve for life only if he holds the party secretary or chairman of CMC.

Anonymous said...

In that case, all 3 top positions should be aligned to maximum 10 yrs. Any reason why CCP gen sec or CMC chairman must be lifetime? For that matter, any reason why all 3 top positions must be the same person at the same time?

If must be same person then why create so many titles & positions?

Like US President also acts as commander in chief ... similar to CMC chairman.

Only thing is that US President cannot be head of a political party at the same time.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Mao was instrumental in setting up the system. It did served China well. When President Xi became the Chosen One, the Chinese people realised that they had an extraordinary charismatic, talented and brilliant Helmsman. To allow him to lead China for only 10 years is like telling Bill Gates to quit after 10 years. It was easier to make one change rather than two changes. Hence, the 2-term presidency was scraped and aligned in tandem with the tenure of the party Secretary-General and Chairman of CMC. The Chinese have a saying: Fear not the government but the ways we are governed. President Xi is likely to have his tenure extended as long as he remains physically and mentally nimble. China is blessed to have President Xi. He wiĺl rejuvenate the nation and lead the people towards achieving the China Dream.

Anonymous said...

Xi may be good & full of good intentions for the first 10-15 years.

But will become self-serving & corrupted after 20-25 years as absolute leader with no end in sight.

Just look at old fart & many emperors before him.

Anonymous said...


Mao did a lot of good for the ordinary chinese peasants in the 1st half of his rule. But he caused a lot of disasters, death & famine during the 2nd half of his rule.

E.g. in the 1960s, China had widespread famine & millions of starvation deaths when USSR, another communist country, had bountiful harvests & Soviet industry & GDP were among the top 3 throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

After Mao's death, the chinese people put in the 2 terms presidential limit PRECISELY to prevent another Mao.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 6.47

Not all are the same genre.

Some are just born to serve and many are born to be served.

Xi and many who are brought up in hardships and knew what's hardships were most likely will spend their lives trying to alleviate poverty for their fellow countrymen.

Also, been brought up in harsh conditions and knowing ChIan's History of been humiliated and trodden upon would not want history to repeat on their homeland again.

That's why he publicly declared that China would not allow any country to dicate terms to them again.

Some live with honour and do not being dishonor and disgrace to their family name.

What's with abundance wealth when others spat at your graves

Unlike our Sinkies Greedy For Wealth morons who protest even pay cut of 5 to 10 % affecting their lifestyles.

These are brought up in cosy silver and golden spoons environments who only Wayang to be elected.

Anonymous said...


Mao also brought up in poverty & harsh conditions --- tougher than even Xi in his re-education village life feeding the pigs and scooping up their shits. That didn't stop Mao from becoming a power-mad demagogue with corrupted & mad ideas in the last 25 years of his life.

LKY started off with a genuine passion to make S'pore a success & better lives for S'poreans, albeit with harshness. But I daresay many people cannot say with hand to their hearts that the LKY in his last 30 years was the same person as that in the 1950s-1970s.

Kee Chiu supposedly also had impoverished childhood, growing up in 2-rm rental flat where some had to sleep in the living room. He claimed therefore he can understand the lower income and ordinary S'poreans. Do you think so??

Ditto also for GCT, who they say is from humble background. Is he a man of the ordinary people??

When there are no checks & balances, and leaders & people are allowed to remain in power or in high echelons for years & years and decades & decades --- who is to say they won't change?? When ownself or own family slowly become more important than the ordinary people, who are basically strangers & of utmost no importance when compared to one's own children??

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

China is a republic. There is no going back to the days of being ruled by a Son of Heaven. Ruling a big country with a huge population is a Herculean task. If 30% of the masses dislike a President and voice their grievances on the streets, there will be 450 million people baying for blood. The President will not last a week.

The Chinese people are a resilient lot. The Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan with loots of gold, antiques and precious stones. Mao took over a bankrupt nation. Natural disasters caused famines. He did not unleash hailstones or stopped the rain. The Soviets sabotaged Mao by withdrawing all assistance and demanding payments of debts incurred for purchase of weapons during the Korean War. The Soviets feared a rising China. Just like Uncle Sam. Mao launched an austerity drive and paid in cash and kinds. The masses gave their solid support to Mao and China managed to clear her debts by 1960.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anonymous said...


Mao did a lot of good for the ordinary chinese peasants in the 1st half of his rule. But he caused a lot of disasters, death & famine during the 2nd half of his rule.

E.g. in the 1960s, China had widespread famine & millions of starvation deaths when USSR, another communist country, had bountiful harvests & Soviet industry & GDP were among the top 3 throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

After Mao's death, the chinese people put in the 2 terms presidential limit PRECISELY to prevent another Mao.

December 27, 2018 7:00 pm

This same shit head is back but using anonymous nick and think people do not know who he is. He is so thick that he refused to know the difference between problems caused by human and act of nature. He could not tell the difference between a good policy and intention but mismanaged by people down the line or affected by natural calamities.

This is why I say he is so thick. And he would always come back to prove his idiocy.

Mao caused drought, floods and famine? Shit head!

Anonymous said...


You're the shithead or dickhead. Go back to school dickhead.

No wonder after so many years smooth talking customers into buying & selling stocks still CMI.

USSR & China experienced the same weather pattern in the 1960s --- one thrived, the other starved.

Same nature --- 2 different outcomes.

China --- drought in 1959/1960.

USSR --- drought in 1963.

In fact there were many cases of cannibalism in China by 1960-1961.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Without Mao, there is no modern China. President Xi is a huge fan and follower of Mao. Huge crowds of Chinese still pay respects to Mao on Boxing Day (Mao's birthday) every year. His body has been preserved in a glass coffin. Foreigners can hardly believe their eyes when they see young and old Chinese people formed long queues to pay their respects to Mao. They had been brainwashed into believing that Mao was inhuman and must suffer a death of ten thousand cuts. Mao's greatness is indisputable. He had a good team of world beaters comprising Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping, etc. He had immense talent, a military genius, a political maestro and possessed incredible guile. He was not interested in quotidian details of running an organisation and relied heavily on PM Zhou Enlai to run the country. Neither was he interested in titles. The masses could address him as Chairman Mao or Comrade Mao.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Both USSR and China had natural calamities in the 50s. The Chinese people tighten their belts to clear their debts. As China had little foreign exchange, it paid USSR mostly in kind. Millions of tons of rice, wheat, corn, meat, vegetables, etc. were delivered every month. The Soviets need not go hungry with China paying in kind. If Uncle Sam tries to emulate China to settle its $22 trillion debt within a decade, its people will really have to resort to cannibalism as they do not eat dogs. Neither can they depend on the millions of overseas compatriots sending food packages to their ancestral home towns and villages to assuage their hunger.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Life time employment prospects 👍

First Xi, then Trump floats the idea of removing presidential term limits, and now…(drum roll please)...

Putin wants his pay day too! Dollar dollar bill y'all! Lifetime employment. Wow, sweet gig!

C'mon PAP, get with the program man! You know you want to… We know you want to...🤣😂


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

...... JACKPOT!

Virgo49 said...

Anon 7.29

You simply cannot bring down a boatload of people with a bamboo pole. Thinking all will be alike.

As I said different brought up. Some changes due to their Greed.

I can safely bet that Xi is different from them.

Real Principled Gentlemen prefers Honour and No Disgrace to their Ancestors and their Family Good Name.

Especially Socialist and Confucius Descedent China.

They would not want to be disgraced in History. Honour is more important to them than wealth.

One good example is LHY who just wanted to bid his Father's last wish. To be an Honourable Son.

Even going against own sibling. So siblings can be from same blood and flesh from same parents but different in character.

Most times siblings rivalries and problems are created by their spouses who are directly influenced by their good and bad traits.

That's why human problems do not end until you are incinerated or buried into the ground.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The Yellow River and the Yangtze River were known as "China's Sorrows". They occasionally caused widespread flooding and massive devastation. Millions of Chinese had drowned over the centuries. Mao led millions of his comrades to tame the two rivers in order to alleviate floods. They widened and deepened the rivers. They repaired old dikes and built new ones. Today the two rivers are known as "China's Gifts".

Mao had also discussed the idea for a mass engineering project as an answer to China's water problems in 1952. Today President Xi has embarked on an ambitious water management project: a series of canals, pipelines and tunnels transporting 44.8 billion cubic metres of water for over 1,000 km. It will solve the drought problem plaguing its northern cities. The South-to-North Water Diversion Project links the country’s four largest rivers in the South to the regions of the North. The project will be completed in 2050 and will cost $48 billion, more than the $37 billion spent on Three Gorges dam. Both Mao and Xi are great leaders with foresight.

Anonymous said...

Canadian Robert Lloyd Schellenberg Likely To Face Death Penalty in China

China's Liaoning Provincial High People's Court will accept and hear the case of appellant Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, a Canadian citizen, on drug smuggling charges this Saturday. It is reported that the amount of drugs that he allegedly smuggled would astonish the public if announced.

The trafficking of drugs is a felony in China, especially when the amount is enormous. According to Chinese laws, anyone caught smuggling no less than 50 grams of heroin or methyl Benzedrine or smuggling more than 1 kilogram of opium may face death penalty.

That's why the case has triggered large-scale debates over future fate of the Canadian. Yet how the debate goes on, felony is felony. Those who committed serious crimes in China are not entitled to mercy no matter where they came from.

Anonymous said...

UK stole US$45 trillion from India

Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.

In 1765, the East India Company took control of the Indian subcontinent and established a monopoly over Indian trade. The East India Company began collecting taxes in India, and then cleverly used a portion of those revenues (about a third) to fund the purchase of Indian goods for British use. In other words, instead of paying for Indian goods out of their own pocket, British traders acquired them for free, "buying" from peasants and weavers using money that had just been taken from them.

It was a scam - theft on a grand scale. Yet most Indians were unaware of what was going on because the agent who collected the taxes was not the same as the one who showed up to buy their goods. Had it been the same person, they surely would have smelled a rat.

Some of the stolen goods were consumed in Britain, and the rest were re-exported elsewhere. The re-export system allowed Britain to finance a flow of imports from Europe, including strategic materials like iron, tar and timber, which were essential to Britain's industrialisation. Indeed, the Industrial Revolution depended in large part on this systematic theft from India.

On top of this, the British were able to sell the stolen goods to other countries for much more than they "bought" them for in the first place, pocketing not only 100 percent of the original value of the goods but also the markup.

Britain used the windfall from this fraudulent system to fuel the engines of imperial violence - funding the invasion of China in the 1840s.

UG said...

Why the ang moh so li hai? Because is si bei li hai, dong bei buay tiao, dong buay tiao? Is feng shui coming? Even dialect say so? Tee hee. Directions take from Singapore from flat world map. But wait wait wait, the earth is round leh.

Anonymous said...

Rb, that dude is fighting back against you with further comment. I think u should respond further.personally I think he should be sodomized like what some anon said. 😀

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 7:56am, you want me to reason with a nut case? The only people that can argue with this twit are those from IMH.