
Leong Sze Hian vs Lee Hsien Loong - Hottest wayang in town

In law courses it is often quoted cases pitching the people versus the Crown. Here in little red dot, we are seeing the people versus the PM. And this is not new, happened since Lee Kuan Yew’s time, the incumbent PM suing an ordinary citizen for libel. What is new is for the people, an ordinary people, to sue the PM. Leong Sze Hian is countersuing Hsien Loong on this ground, ‘The predominant purpose of the claim is the use of the legal process to chill freedom of expression in Singapore generally and in particular to restrict reporting on any role the Govt may have had in the 1MDB scandal.’ Leong Sze Hian ‘is seeking compensation for damages to his reputation through the issuance, continuance and reporting on the legal proceedings, as well as costs…’ as reported in thenewpaper.

There is now a new buzz in the air. Everyone’s eyes are wide open, wanting to know what is going to happen with this new twist. Many are wondering if this countersuing would ever end up in court or would be thrown out by the court. And if it did end up in court, you can expect it would be full house on the day of hearing. Everyone interested in the political happenings of the island would want to see a repeat of Chee Soon Juan versus Lee Kuan Yew and this time seeing how Lim Tean questions Hsien Loong in court.

Hsien Loong would be in the hot seat. But he has nothing to fear. He would have the services of the best of the best in the legal system, top dog lawyers like Davinder Singh, Edwin Tong or even Shanmugam would be there to defend him. Lim Tean would have to face these legal giants, all ten foot tall, while he is a midget in a way.

What kind of questions would Lim Tean posed to Hsien Loong? Would he be able to put Hsien Loong in an awkward position? How would Hsien Loong answer questions impromptu, without being submitted two weeks in advance? Would Lim Tean be able to do a David and Goliath act in the Singapore court?
And the verdict, if this case did get into court, would be closely watched. Who is the lucky judge to be picked to preside over this case? Any volunteers?

Would this wayang be played out in court and be broadcast in details in the main media? Everyone is very eager to want to know. What can be more exciting with Hsien Yang throwing his money behind Leong Sze Hian and Lim Tean as reported in the mothership site?

The importance of this case can be judged by it being reported on page 16 of the newpaper and somewhere in the middle pages of the ST. Front page news of thenewpaper was about a 60 year old auntie wielding a knife and needed to be tasseled before being disarmed.


Titiana Ann Xavier said...

It may only be a private civil lawsuit between LHL and LSH. But it will get an international star billing as the world's greatest circus show. It is a no win situation for LHL. His reputation already sucks beyond repair when he could not prevent his family squabble from flaring up into the open. In LHL vs LSH the centre of attraction will be on the highest paid Bozo in the world.

Christopher said...

Something is not right here. A Giant suing a tiny winnie or a tiny winnie suing a Giant. This will never happen in the West perhaps only in dictatorship country, so wat happen if the Giant wins or tiny winnie wins, it will all be laughing stock for the world. Or a Bro of Giant supporting Tiny Winnie to sue the Giant? Also never happen before here, another laughing stock for the world to see.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yes! This will be very very very HOT!

Yes! This going to be talk-of-the-town in 2019!

Yes! This will be the MOST talk about by the aunties and uncles.....EVERYONE!

Yes! In kopitians...eTC..eTC .....everywhere.....everytime......all the time!

Yes! Am getting very very very excited!

Yes! The VeRDiCT? The VeRDiCt?.......we shall sEE.....we shall sEE!

Yes! All the BEST! All the BEST! All the BEST!

Anonymous said...

When all dramas are being played out in our court I hope that those call "human right group" of the world keep their big mouth shut!

Anonymous said...

Who is the clown?
The Show Must Go On.
Free volunteered entertainment very high paid clown into year-end, to a clownish 2019.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

There is an interesting side spin to the impending LHL vs LSH legal tussle. LHY has joined the fray against his brother by participating in crowdfunding to support LSH. This news sent seismic shockwaves to every corner of Singapore. The aftershocks came when LSH counter sued. That is unprecedented. Round 1 won by LSH. LHL's face must be smarting from this unexpected blow.

Anonymous said...

Same clown, another show.

Anonymous said...


Good for you.


Advente said...

Although this is a private law suit, it will also showcase the courts, the judiciary'and the judge.

It is not only about a Giant and a Winnie.

It will also reflect upon the whole government machinery at work behind the scenes.

Advente said...

The biggest question in most commoners' mind will be only one word: FAIRNESS!

Anonymous said...

so cock n so petty....forawrd article in fb also can be sued....what logic/? no wonder going to win clown of year global award. bo thai chee, find thai chee.

Virgo49 said...

As I always said.Very simple.

Just have Najib's Court Case before Leong.

If overwhelming evidence that Sinkieland is involved. And the Plaintiff is the main actor.

Then no care against Leong. That's why the Articles by so many Sources refused to comply and take down their postings.

No smoke without fire.


FL said...

We are so-called a First World Parliament or a First World Country. I feel ashamed as a citizen of our country to hear that a top leeder is suing a citizen. What is happening to Singapore in years to come ? Our leeders are already being paid the highest salaries in the whole world. Why ?

Anonymous said...

Hi V19.47am

I like yr.......no smoke without fire.

Will this case affect the next GE results?

What say you...... anyone?

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 11.02

It's will be a Diastrous Politicial Downfall for the Incubment Ruling Government for sure as the Armour of their Preachings of Good Clean and Non Corrupt Ethics will come crumbling down.

Maybe it's Heaven Will that their Demise is coming soon.

That's why they have to clamp down hard before been exposed.

Just like Dotard liar Cohen's lies. Han Lao Tua.


Anonymous said...

As you like it. "man proposes but God disposes."

Remember Shakespeare Shylock in Merchant of Venice and in Macbeth "Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair, Hover Through The Filthy Air."

Let's see how Shakespeare's drama play out here.

Cloudy grey sky

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Power To The Sheeple

Wah, you know how everytime you check into a hotel, you flick on the TV to see what inhouse entertainment is available? In the more “liberal” cuntries, there’s always an offering of hot porno (aka “adult entertainment”). For a “quiet even in”, you just order up a fuck-buddy from an escort service, or concierge (they always have a racket going on), order room service, raid the mini bar, play the in-house porno on the big screen...and charge the whole damn “dirty night in” to your corporate credit card. Free makan, free booze, free wild fucking in every orifice --- you’re living the dream lah. 👍🤣

So I do one one my many visits to The Hotel, and then I am blessed with free in-house entertainment.

I know that eventually there’s going to be a lot of HOT ASS FUCKING going on. Now it is only the foreplay --- and the tension is almost unbearable. But eventually there will be “belakang masuk, belakang tarok, kongkek pantat-nya betul betul” 进入后面,抽回来,他妈的那个疯狂 🤓

Kanninah, I started drinking again in celebration of this wonderful WAYANG. Last night in Kampung Glam, I tripped, lost my balance and nearly fell head first into the fucking longkang. Lucky, my bros all very alert, caught me and saved me a ride in a Civil Defence ambulance. 😲

But as it turned out --- I’m ok and perfectly sober this morning. A nice tasty plate of Sin Kee chicken rice in Commonwealth, and it’s all good!

As I've mentioned before, and told my bros last night: whether our Valiant Patriot Blogger wins the case or not is out of our control. What we will see is the quality of the CHARACTER of the man who governs the cuntry --- what “stuff” is he made out of? How robust is his psyche, will he fess up to The Truth or will he wriggle and slither like a cowardly snake to exact his revenge, demolish his enemy in the most immoral and unfair ways, or will he find the courage to face this like A MAN?

The added bonus that his younger brother has put up money is going to be our version of the Biblical Cain and Abel story, a classic in all literature, and an inspiration from the likes of Shakespeare, to Game of Thrones, to The Godfather...and even Bollywood, Chinese and Malay movies. In every culture, there are stories of sibling rivalry; of Brother vs Brother --- and they all ROCK!

Let The Hotel’s in-house entertainment stimulate us all! Don’t eat too many snacks or drink too much --- you will put on weight! 🤣😂

Anonymous said...

Hi Virgo 1118am and all.......

Pray! Pray! Pray!.


Virgo49 said...

Thought Commonwealth Famous Chicken hawkers centre also demolished.

You sober or drink Matilah ?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

Check Google lah. Sin Kee delicious chicken rice corner kopitiam Commonwealth Ave & Holland Ave. At night sell beer got one chio bu ah lian, tetek happening. 🤓👍

Now sober @Beauty World. Might fuck off to Johor for the evening. In Johor, their weekend is Friday & Saturday. 😂

Virgo 49 said...

Friday JB crossings jam jam till ten mile at Causeway and Coke Cock at Tuas.

Unless you go now.

Sham blamed on Manpower shortage.

Real reasons incompetent staff.


UG said...

Wah seh. In Singapore we study, good or not, go to which class, see grades. Election come should I stay at home?

Missing funds leh? Any PAP or WP go jail? Fail?

SDP got people go jail. Fail?

Donald Trump impeach? Obama check birth right? Got go jail? Pass? Ang moh country, say this say that, anything happen?

Eh? We not Ang Moh style? Not Ang Moh alliance? Fail? Election time want stay at home? Never ISA? 6 smoke bomb?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo,

Thanks for the head's up. Ijust checked the live traffic cams. Wah kanninah no joke lah. Woodlands 57 mins, Tuas 1hour + to clear. Fuck it. I stay in Singapore lah. Fuck Shamugam lah. Talk kok king!

I'm thinking Dempsey Hill...who would have thought the place we regiter for NS is now "hipster"? Oh my beautiful Hotel Singapore, how you have changed! 🍻👍

UG said...

What is the standard of PAP, WP, SDP? No wonder no talent no talent need foreign talent? Old leaders in Singapore Chio Si Lang. I am strawberry cao mei millennial generations luffing at old leaders. Army know how to auto call me but my problems are not solve. No one owe you a living. So need leaders for what? I li hai is my problem. Go Bangkok also got clean water drink.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Dead man rising:


"Love Hong Kong, Hate China". I agree. HK, is the pre-eminent Banana Culture, more garang than our Peranakan culture, probably because they remained more "British" for decades longer than we did.

although I am "long China", Hong Kongers, with all their mo tuck ting Alpha-Cantonese attitude, should continue with their self-determination and resist any attempt by the mandarins in Beijing to fuck with them. So far, so good. China can go ahead and "conquer" the world, even diminish the USA to a former global power --- I dun care, but leave Hong Kong the fuck alone. Those Cantonese Bananas are my favourite people. Everywhere they go, the rock the shit and bring their AWESOME ATTITUDE with them (and money as well).

Anonymous said...

Cut and Paste from the Independent"

"Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s youngest son Lee Hsien Yang has confirmed to the press that he gave to blogger Leong Sze Hian’s defence fund as Leong prepares to fight Lee’s elder brother, current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in court over defamation charges brought against him by the head of government.

In his first direct remarks to the press since the news that he had contributed to Leong’s defence fund broke, Lee Hsien Yang told TODAY that he gave Leong a “meaningful sum”. When he was pressed on what was the exact amount he gave to Leong, Lee would only say: “It is not S$1.”

On why he decided to donate to the blogger’s legal fund, Lee quipped: “Surely it needs no explanation?”

Earlier, PM Lee commenced legal proceedings against Leong for defamation after the latter shared an article on his Facebook page that alleged that the head of government helped launder 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds.

Leong, who initially said that he was “bewildered” by PM Lee’s actions said on Wednesday that he is fighting the claims against him in court. Besides filing a defence, Leong is also filing a counterclaim against PM Lee for “abusing the process of the court in bringing the claim against me.”

That same evening, Leong revealed to this publication that “people have started to crowdfund for my Defence Fund. Lee Hsien Yang sent me a message that he has transferred – lo and behold he is the first one to do so into my account!”

The authorities in Singapore are also suing Lee Hsien Yang’s son Li Shengwu over a private “friends-only” Facebook post. The lawsuit against Li Shengwu was initiated weeks after Lee Hsien Yang and his sister Lee Wei Ling accused PM Lee of abusing his power to preserve their family home against their father’s willed desire to demolish the house.

The younger Lee siblings also asserted that their elder brother “misused his power as prime minister, and that he hijacked the organs of state to pursue his personal goals”.

PM Lee addressed the allegations against him in a Parliamentary debate where he declared that he has been cleared of all charges. Expressing that he “deeply regret[ed] that this dispute has affected Singapore’s reputation and Singaporeans’ confidence in the Government,” PM Lee added that he does not intend to sue his siblings.

Citing PM Lee’s inaction in suing his siblings for defamation last year, socio-political commentators have asked the head of government to extend the same leeway to bloggers and activists like Leong Sze Hian.

Leong, in the meantime, is hoping to raise at least $10,000 for his defence fund. You may contribute through the following channels:

Account Name: Leong Sze Hian
POSB Savings 064064070
Paynow S0009739Z
Paypal ecuadortrade@yahoo.com.sg"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...





Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Big Fucking Mistake

>> socio-political commentators have asked the head of government to extend the same leeway to bloggers and activists like Leong Sze Hian. <<

This kind of misunderstanding of "freedom' and "liberty" (hands-off by The State) can only occur in a society like Singapore, where authoritarianism is woven into the culture; the social fabric; the very history of post-British, PAP-dominated Singapore.

Here's the gross mistake most Singaporeans make:

Any government cannot "give" you freedom. They can only TAKE IT AWAY. . Freedom, i.e. non-interference by authority, is the DEFAULT. It is the default condition, the natural condition...until the GOVERNMENT or some other authority intervenes and takes it away.

Once the majority of Singaporeans change this GROSS ERROR OF THINKING in the culture, then there will be real hope of a "normal" society.

“When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom.” . This quote --- which appears in various wordings --- is attributed to many people --- Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, Thomas Paine. The essential idea however, doesn't change. As Singaporeans, we have to get the government to be SERVANTS of the people, not the other way around.

Virgo49 said...

Matilah you still in Demsey Road ?

Thought our time CMPB at Kallang.

Oh! You Ma Nek Nek, oops Nerdeka.

Better scoot from there fast or they will bring you lim kopi soon.

Giving such sermon of becoming their Masters.

Now LHL in sixes and sevens wanting to find another scapegoat to have the Headdress more business.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo,

>> Better scoot from there fast or they will bring you lim kopi soon. <<

Tell those cheebyes to come and get me lah. I have 2 of my bros with me, one of them is a lawyer.

Virgo49 said...

Wah, one TaiKoh same ranking as Headdress Singh and another Chow Yuen Fatt Brotherhood your HK Mo Tak Ting Hong Fei Hong kinsmen.

Think these CBs will be too afraid to Blanca you kopi.

Even their kind got to taser an old lady before they dared arrest her.

Wonder what's their batons and long pricks are only just for show.

Now you can cross to JB all clear both checkpoints as their Immigration Officers are now on the ball with one of theit kind
Found guilty in Court with gian png sexual gratifications from China possies.

Name as Chin Peng Sum, chin Peng San liao. Shame had to wayang to look see look see and delight in torturing all those who had to cross both ends everyday.


Anonymous said...

Frog Outside Glass 5.26 made two pertinent points. Why not sue the source of the article and all others who cut and paste? Why only Leong Sze Hian?

From reading articles by Leong posted on TR Emertitus, among others, I expected something like this was going to happen. The establishment's comfort zone had obviously been disturbed by his point of view on various topics. Obviously they have been watching him closely, only thing is no one told him to take care, like they used to advise some brothers here, or else he will be called up to 'lim kopi' or to enjoy a bowl of 'soto mee'.

Interesting show coming up.

Anonymous said...

This Lim-Tean-owe-money-never-pay thingy has some reputational damage.

CONfuseSHEERS81 said...


By 孟晚舟

Anonymous said...

Oops ... Typo

"By 孟晚舟"

Should be

"By 孟子"

Stupid autocorrect ... :(

Anonymous said...

SG is actually rather dull.

With this "A sues B and B sues A" case, SG would be more interesting!

But it would be a very very "$iong" one!

Anonymous said...

Redbean, dont agree that LHL has top legal advice. Dont you think any honest top sharp legal adviser would have strongly advise him not to sue over such an unprecedented case of suing a blogger for forwarding an article without any comment & taken down on notice? Do you think it may be possible the legal advisers have other motives, like to earn more easy money n make a fool of someone?

Anonymous said...

@ Virgo49 December 28, 2018 6:29 pm
"Now you can cross to JB all clear both checkpoints ..."

Means what?

Poolitics like checkpoints?

Jam no cross no kaya peanut butter clear clear cross over to ManHATER, "curry" is the latest jump sapan?

2019 is the poolitics wayang cross over no cross over oso have many channels?

No need pay $11 tickets x 365 x 7 x 24 go sin泥嘛 see wayang?

2019 no bored no sian 365x7x24 free show so many channels on both side chek pt shiok shiok liao see until not sian no time to feel bored watch until fall asleep every nite ...?

Many free shows until TPL "dunno what to say" ...?

But this is real wayang DIErecter cannot shout CUT CUT NG NG ...?

Dunno what channel to watch liao ...?

Washington DC oso many drama coming up?

Soap opera oso not so spellbinding?

All over the world poolitics getting dramatic to outdo one another see who get more viewship???

Wah ...





Anonymous said...

Wow Lau A, lost some much money this yr whether shares or properties. Heng Ah got free entertainment to numb the pain of losses.

virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 8.02

Contary to LHL having the best Legal Advice, think in reverse Leong had the best advice from his associates and legal professionals associates.

Also, LHY's spouse is also a brillant lawyer.


Anonymous said...

Matilar, don't be over confident just because you have a lawyer with you. What is the big deal? U think Leong has no lawyer, sdp no lawyer and wp no lawyer? The diff is that they are all party men but u are alone just an old botak to open the mouth too big. So be careful lar. Not that I wanted to frighten u, your lawyer Friend may also Kena invited to lim Kopi with you at the same time.for all u know, u may both Kena detained and largi worst Kena sodomized by Tua Kee in your presence. Very embarrassing to be sodomized in front of your lawyer then see the lawyer who is suppose to protest you, Kena sodomized in front of u. Then your confidence all gone.😰😰😰

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Siao ting tong IMH escapee kena tall order tok pangsai old goat terminal incurable virus infection liao ownself talk to ownself ... the GREATEST GINOMOUS CLOWN in the UNIVERSE :)))))\_/():::

Anonymous said...

Virgo 8.42pm...so you think LSH has a very HIGH winning chance?


Anonymous said...



YEW understand the above quote???

Comfort will make ONE DIE, discomfort is the elixir to eternity ...

But ANON 8.53PM, YEW r a low calibre JIAKSAI material pragmatist.

Unlikely YEW anon 853 will understand?


Anonymous said...

AnonymousDecember 28, 2018 8:29 pm
Wow Lau A, lost some much money this yr whether shares or properties. Heng Ah got free entertainment to numb the pain of losses.


No nid fill any pain


TPL: DUNNO WHAT TO SAY, Hyena Richie: I JUST CALL TO SAY, I LAUGH YEW ...??? said...

Old Chinese phrase:

"亲者痛, 仇者快"


仇者(foes)快(HAPPY HAPPY), "亲者"(Thar, Shame, Singhhh) "own frens/ allies" 更HAPPY (laughing all the way @ 1HGK - One Hai Gong Kia)???

Anonymous said...

What one Dotard cannot achieve by making the mex pay for the wall now enacted in sinkingland peesai?

Make ownself PAY TONS $$$ ownself kena tall order old goat set trap viruses dig deep deep until reach darkness centre of earth core aka hell then ownself jump in?

Like that very jiaklat




"I just call to say, I laugh YEW"



"CONsPEEREEKsee" of 2019?

No horse run?

No ice sea?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This world 什么medication 都have but only dun have REGRET 药?

ChioSiLang said...

2019 got 很多 wayang 看 ALREADY???

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 748 the annelects and the dialogues --- Mencius and Socrates

Confucius was all about the rulers --- how fantastic a fantastic ruler and ruling class would be.

Mencius, however, covered HUMAN NATURE,and applied that to the politics.

...as did Socrates, and Plato in his “Republic”, which is actually many Socratic dialogues.

Mencius and Socrates (in Plato’s Republic) mde one point very clear:

When rulers no longer look after the people or were in political games for themselves behaving harshly to the people, it was OK for the people to remove or even KILL those asshole leaders.

Anonymous said...

Leong Sze Hian's Defence:

1. If the source of the article, the statestimesreview, has openly challenged the PM to sue, yet the PM did not sue, then it can be assumed that there must have some degrees of truth in that article in question.

2. If there is some degrees of truth in that article in question, then Leong Sze Hian (and all those who cut and paste that article in question in the Facebook) has no case to answer.

3. Until and unless falsehood has been established in the original article published by the statestimesreview, no defamation cases can be brought upon others who "republished" that article on Facebook or other social media.

I hope the learned judges and legal counsels are wise enough to follow the logical implications and legal ramifications.

My humble two cents opinion.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

My reply to 8:02pm, it is safer to talk about the boy PM in Canada. What do you think, before he arrested Meng Wanzhou, you think he did not have any legal advice?

Of course he had but he chose to listen to that girly FM, or maybe he thought he was untouchable because of his famous papa, and there was the Americans behind his back, so he stupidly did it. Now he is paying, or the Canadian people are paying for his stupidity.

Sinking 舟 Too 晚 and Too Little to 救 already? said...

What is common between Meng and Sinkingland?

Both are 舟 (Sanpan)?

Albeit the former is a night or late 舟?

And the latter a "千疮百孔" Sanpan?

一片"千疮百孔"的孤舟 surrounded by "maurauding sharks ready to ensnare the 船客" (into "a billion pieces") once water displaced the space?

Karma is a bitch?

Some die peacefully in their sleep?

Some die by a thousand cuts (or tearing apart by the "sharp teeth of sharks"?)?

The end may be near?

Too little too 晚 了?

Anonymous said...

@ Sinking 舟

Many MILLENIALS including many males born in 1988 in particular those take ko size are useless parasites especially some working as silver serpents small problems also dunno how to solve act like baby but skin thicker than German Leopard Tanks hand long long every month take taxpayers $$$?

Useless parasites.

Shameless spineless skillless JLBs.

Should dig a hole and jump right in.

How to live a dignified life if so useless, mo lan yong?

Many born in 1982 especially some take ko size sama sama useless serpents leeching on taxpayers $$$.

Should do the same too and know it is too shameful and shameless to live life like that and pretend to be working when many know they are useless and cmi.

Anonymous said...

When a person's life is nearing the end, many things go wrong for that person either consecutively, concurrently within the last three years of his/her life.

Many decisions which seem good turns bad.

Many wrong decisions made in the past surface unexpectedly or are ignited by new decisions similar to past decisions.

Every word that person says is no more taken at face value and vigorously challenged by others, though in the past that might have been taken as gospel truth and obeyed.

Every action that person takes becomes a questionable and complicated issue that very few people understand or would heartily support.

That is why people say: Karma is a BITCH! When you are down and soon to be out, life is very unkind to you; mainly because you have been very unkind to others in your past - your glorious days. It is pay-back time!

Anonymous said...

12.42am "Karma is a BITCH!"


It is not a bitch!

It is a nasty bitch!

Anonymous said...

One guy (silver serpent) born 1982 seconded to another agency scolded loudly many times in front of eveLEEboLEE one hulijin is a "bitch" with his teeth greeted tightly jaws bones moving below cheeks. And he got away with it and promoted and given a lot of bonus???

How to have respect when such thing happened on the ground?

Some more this 1982 silver serpent secondary sch from a SAP sch and jc from the most atas elitist get out of uncaring face?

His hatestyle like olden days mountain tortoise?

Some more trained in law worked under one shame minionstry shamelessly draw huge taxpayers $$$ eveLEE mth?

Less he not know many people behind his back curse and swear at this 1982 serpent JLB useless parasite!

No wonder sinking to the bottom le?

Anonymous said...

The other equally useless serpent born 1988 oso curse and swear at this 1982 serpent useless bastard in front of eveLEEboLEE during offcie owls in 2018 many many times

What can this useless 1982 JLB ah gua childless married 10 years parasite do?



And many pple behind tbis 1982 jlb back said his sperm bo seow kan. Thats why after married 10 years still childless and Darwin theory come true those cmi type evolution will discard them to the dust bin of history that is why this useless 1982 JLB serpent childless.

Anonymous said...

Matilar, you have a poisonous mouth lar cursing the dude kids. Has his kids did anything to u? He also never Attack your famous incest thingi with your Mom, sisters and daughters and based on old posts, u even pregnant your daughters. That is very disgusting lar. Be aware of Kama. With a poisonous mouth, I hope u Kena Tua Kee shaft their rods into your mouth. Then give u a CIM or facial. U know Tua Kee will overpower u so don't do silly thing like covering your mouth with your hands. It won't work so I suggest you practise deep throat first by shafting cucumber or banana into your mouth as Tua Kee one very Long leh.😀 He was merely try to caution you.

Anonymous said...

Matilar, knowing very famous lawyer or knowing a lot of people even VIP also won't save your ass Ass. U think the church guy did not know famous lawyer and VIP. It certainly did not get him out of the jail but his crime is a different type so he won't get sodomize . But for you, u day in day out jerking the sg politician around and making fun of them, u think people in high places can take it? They just probably monitor u to get enough stuff to bring u in. In your case, your treatment will be different. As you belittle them, they will humiliate u back. Don't take the lim Kopi thing lightly.

RB does not do personal Attack but u did. So even if u Kena invited and lagi worst Kena sodomize and deep threat, don't cry Father and Mother as you have been caution. Suggest you write like RB stick to the theme and avoid personal Attack. You are already old fart Liao but live like your are a stud or at least u claim to be. I don't know whether it's just ego boasting or what but at your age, u should be playing with your grand kids including those out of incest relationship as they are still your kids. Don't go around to deflower other people wives, sisters and daughters. May be the white women excluded since u mentioned they go for a small bitak like u which I also doubt.

God bless

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